Attacks are taking over, anxiety is out of control! Just wanting everything to turn off and it all to end 🙁
Wanting it to end: Attacks are taking over... - Anxiety Support
Wanting it to end

DancingMind94, you have the power to to recover from the bad feelings that are making your life a misery but you must take personal control of your plan to recover.
UNDERSTAND that all these 'attacks' are the way anybody's nervous system reacts when it has been subjected to stress, worry and fear for a long period of time. It becomes over sensitised and in that state it reacts in predictable ways firing off panic attacks, feelings of impending disaster and all kinds of symptoms that imitate real physical illnesses but are not. These feelings are fooling you because there is NOTHING to panic about, NO disaster is about to strike and you are NOT going to die or end up crazy. Over sensitised nerves don't have the power to do that and you don't have to put up with this intimidation any longer.
FACE the fact that you have anxiety disorder and it is not going to be overcome by distractions, trying to forget about it or thinking it will resolve on its own. Neither will you recover by fighting the feelings and constantly testing yourself. Fighting only causes more tension and stress - and that's the last thing your jangled nerves need right now.
ACCEPT the bad feelings as they come, accept them without generating even more fear. Accept even the panic attack, say to yourself 'O.K. so I'm having a panic attack, so what? It can't kill me, alright it's going to make me feel bad, but I've felt bad before. So I'll just accept it and get on with doing exactly the things I normally do but without adding fresh fear to the fire of my sensitised nerves!'
FLOAT through your day on a kind of automatic pilot whilst practicing acceptance all the time. Why be intimidated by something that's no more than a blip in your nervous system? Carry on with your life by just floating through going to work, mixing with friends and going out for a meal. But all the time keep practicing acceptance.
LET TIME PASS - you're not going to recover by this time tomorrow, sorry about that, but it's going take your nerves a while to recover. And recover they certainly will because you're no longer re-sensitising your nerves withfear every five minutes because you're practicing acceptance. And when your nervous system recovers, you recover too, and the anxiety just 'turns off' which is what you want because you have turned it off by Facing, Accepting, Floating and Letting time pass.
It's a remedy that's been curing people of anxiety disorder for 50 years so you won't be the first and certainly won't be the last. But you have to take back control and there's absolutely nothing to stop you doing it.
Awesome advice...thank you for it
Don't ever give up can and will get through it. You are not alone...we all have been there or are going through it aswell. We are here for you. I hope and pray you feel and get better. You can do it..we all can.