Does anyone else experience not wanting to go to bed at night even if ur tired?! x
Sleep and not wanting to sleep!? - Anxiety Support
Sleep and not wanting to sleep!?

How did you know? That's me. As tired as I may get, I just want to stay up because
I feel so much better at night. I enjoy the calmness I feel when getting tired. Strange
isn't it. I hate knowing that the morning will bring the anxiety back as soon as I wake up. x
Me too.... My dr always asks if it's irritability or restlessness but it's neither! It's the calmness u describe!. I have 9month old baby, 5yr old daughter, uni so lots of work to do plus pt job and hsewk, hospital appts etc etc and I know I need 6hrs sleep to function but the calmness by staying awake is so freeing that I stay awake anyway! Almost feels boring going to bed at 11pm now😜 x
Oh gosh yes! X
I feel the same way. I did not understand it. Now I know I am not alone.
I find it so strange that by evening I start to relax. I hate going to bed because I know the anxiety will start when I get up.Doesnt make sense
yes i do have try almost anything from Melaotin Dr. give me zolort it donr do any good. i have sleep apean you think i would fall alseeo mya sleep he or two than im up again
yes, I was anixous about having nightmares and also sometimes my min wouldn't switch off.
I am using essential oils now which are helping. I use then in a diffuser and also to massage on my feet.
I also set up a nighttime routine that I use which helps. Still get some sleepless nights , but not as many as I used to have.
Yeah same, nice to know I'm not alone here!! Sometimes if i know i'm really tired and know i really need sleep (like i can tell i'm starting to drift off, but just not going to sleep) I'd just lie in bed for hours... bit annoying!
I attended a stress control course and they covered getting into a good sleep routine. So you need to look at what you are drinking and eating in the evening. So you don't want to be drink caffeine from about mid afternoon onwards and you don't want to be eating a large meal late in the evening. Also it recommended that if you weren't asleep within 15 minutes, get up and go do something relaxing like reading a book or listening to music. When you feel tired go back to bed and continue like this until you go to sleep. It also suggested removing all electronics, computer games and TV from the bedroom. Making sure the room is tidy and somewhere that you feel relaxed and comfortable.
Don't know if you've seen information like that, but it could help you.
I found the more I tried to force myself to go to sleep the less likely I would get any sleep. I've gone about 3 days with no sleep and then slept so soundly that I've not heard my alarm clock or the phone of the door bell.
There are good tips on the internet about setting up a night time routine. If you can't find anything let me know and I'll get a link for you.
Take care and happy dreams.
Really thanks i'll be sure to take a look...
Yes. I feel like that every night. Anxiety and Depression always much better evening time.