Soo my chest really hurts right it was like a shooting pain and felt my feet tingling like something was going to happen idk but this really scary me like seriously now i been tothe heart docter made me do a stress test and had a monitor he said everything is fine with my heart but still my chest really hurts and evry time i feel these pains i feel like its something really bad just dont wanna die for real am only 20 years old i felt a little dizzy just now aswell
chest pains right now Wth dont want to hav... - Anxiety Support
chest pains right now Wth dont want to have a heart attack

I'm sorry you felt this way.. are you feeling better now

Yeah i feel much better now i just get these pains on my chest it comes then goes or like a pressure on it
Could it be acid reflux? Gerd?

feel like gas in my stomach alot
I feel like that too and get chest pains all the time. It could be gerd related chest pain, try some anti acids..tums.. or even Prilosec, you can get it over the counter

What kind of med is that for?
Acid reflux/heart burn. Feeling like there is pressure in the middle of your chest is what it feels like for me

yeah soo what do you drink for it does get rid of the pain abd pressure?
Yes it helps with the pain and pressure for me. The tums are chewable and actually pretty good 😉 Prilosec is a small pill...
I'm in USA though.. I'm not sure about the U.K.

am in the usa aswell
Oh okay. Yes you should be able to go to the grocery store... or Walmart and pick it up. I think its definitely worth a try, they can't hurt you
I had this problem during the Summer, pressure and pain in my chest. After EKGs with good results, the physician in the ER did like an ultrasound of my stomach and chest lining, they found gas and that's it. I was prescribed some liquid but never took it. Once I knew it was gas I started drinking warm water whenever I would feel the pressure.
You are probably carrying a lot of tension unfortunately it usually affects the back neck shoulders and chest creating a feeling of crushing heaviness sometimes - if you are anxious about some things and cannot stop your thoughts - thentriggers the Fight or Flight response in your body which then responds by producing adrenalin the classic auto FIGHT OR FLIGHT response which is basically your body getting ready to protect itself against danger /harm or perceived threat research Breathing techniques such as box breathing for exmaple this is taught to Armed forces who are often in situations which are scary/dangerous hope this helps it takes some practice to learn breathing techniques but if u can stick with it really helps