i have been having headaches for almost everyday mostly on the side of my temples and behind my head, I went to my GP and i have the most rubbish GP she was totally patronising. my headache was bad last night i felt dizzy and panicked and went into A&E hoping they would do a brain scan to rule out anything bad, but all they done was a neurological exam. is that even good enough to rule out anything bad? i mean i expected at least a blood test or something. has anyone else been going through the same thing? I've had a headache for almost a week now.
please someone help me. : i have been having... - Anxiety Support
please someone help me.

Yes this sounds very much like a tension headache... Very common, the more you're stressing the more tension and pain ... Right so you went to A and E... Look at it this way if they had the slightest doubt they would carry out more examinations..it's more than their jobs worth .. They're seeing stuff every day , they know the signs.. Stop try to relax and with a bit of look the tension will ease over the next few days .
Yeah deep down i know your right but its so hard to accept it every time i get the pain i always think about it being something else
Yes I've been having this same thoughts and issue yesterday and the day before. It was honestly not that bad of a headache that I couldn't function but it was just the fact that I felt that them and I would dwell on it whole day. They kept coming from out of nowhere. It would strike at my temple, middle of my head, and few different areas. Maybe I was stressed a bit maybe I was dehydrated or whatever but every time I felt it I would think the worse and that's how I felt because of it. Now today I'm dealing with slight dizziness, vision a bit unfocused, and I'm still somewhat worried and thinking about my headaches from yesterday hoping they don't come back. But trust I know how you feel.
Dizziness and headaches are a hugely common symptom of health anxiety.
You won't get a brain scan unless you have symptoms of increased pressure in the brain, neurological deficits or the symptoms have been going on for several weeks.
Headaches are common
hello, i was just wondering if you knew anything about this. I'm feeling like the person who made this post, except for the dizziness, and ive been having weird head sensations for 2 months now. But not every second of every day, like it depends if I'm thinking about a brain tumour or not. Some days i might be mine. But if i do start thinking about it i start to freak out and may feel small pains in the head, or no pain and just pressure? im not even sure if it's pressure but maybe tightness? I dont know, i dont have any other symptoms other than this but i am worrying myself sick!
This all sounds like classic health anxiety.
Headaches due to tumours are usually worse at night and on straining. Better daytime. Associated with neurologist signs e.g. Problems with coordination, vision, Limb weakness.
Every day there is someone on here with a similar post to this. Worrying will make it worse.
Work on relaxation techniques mindfulness yoga distractions and avoid writing about your symptoms googling and ruminating