so to cut a long story short had my last period on 1st march until the 5th march, on the 8th march i went into hospital to have an upper and lower endoscopy under GA. i was due my period on the 3rd april but it has not started? i am definately not pregnant!!!!! unless someone sneeked in through the window in the night! its making me feel real rough and my emotions feel all over the place. ive had all the symptoms of cramps, headache, sore body , higher anxiety but no blood. apart from being worried it feels awful. im woundering it it has anything to do with the endoscopy????? ladies please any advise would be greatfully received as i feel exhuasted now............
ladies help me please:(........: so to cut a... - Anxiety Support
ladies help me please:(........

Don't know if this will help but my lady times have been all over the place the last few months and mine are usually spot on every month. I wouldn't worry at this stage x
I doubt if it will be the endoscopy
Stress can cause periods to be late , & that is a fact honestly
Also not sure what age you are sorry , bet you have said some where , but that can cause imbalances as well , the older we get , it really is nothing to worry about its not un common , when you stop thinking about it , it will happen
Hi there,
I think it's more likely to be strees and worry causing this. My irregularity is down to my age I think, I hope, roll on the menopause, I can't bloody wait lol.xxxx
I think it's due to stress too. I'm on birth control to control my periods (and of course, don't want to end up pregnant) and it's no longer controlling them properly (I'll be due on the Monday, but come on the next Friday and only last for about 3/4 days). I think it's due to stress.. though I may go doctors anyway. But I do think it's stress xxx
I think it depends on exactly where the endoscopy went, but whatever the cause of the missed date try not to worry because all sorts of hiccups affect periods. I had dodgy ones all my life.(God is NOT a woman) And Cookie - yep, menopause brings much relief!!
I went through a tough time two years back whilst having re-started to take the pill, regardless of being on the pill it still came when it woudl have and then i had my weeks break, so i was going for nearly two and a half weeks! The pill was no good for me and when i discussed things with the Dr she mentioned the stress+the pill may have led me to have a phantom pregnancy!? Now any reserach ive done on this just makes me think the woman was insane/ completely wrong, but my point its your mind effects your body, strange things can happen. I lost a lot of weight last year and went without one for three months! Strange things happen but i think you should ring NHS Direct just for peace of mind if you're worried x