I'm suffering from anxiety, lately I've been worrying about my throat, I feel like kinda sore. I've research about it so what is your experience on this guys?
Anxiety throats symptoms : I'm suffering... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety throats symptoms

Yes get throat issues with anxiety but do get it checked by a doctor just to pit your mind at ease.
Hi Itsmebandolero,
Suffering from anxiety already sucks enough to begin with. The last thing we need are other symptoms, like a sore throat, headaches, etc... to add even more stress on top of what we already have. Because wherever stress goes, anxiety is following closely behind it, right?
As far as a sore throat goes, its hard to tell . A sore throat can mean different things to different people. When I hear the term sore throat, I think of tonsillitis or strep throat. The type of sore throat that makes you feel like you've just consumed knives every time you swallow. Is this the type of pain your having? If so, I would recommend going to the doctor and ruling out other medical reasons before anxiety.
On the other hand, difficulty breathing, for me, is a huge symptom of anxiety. It stems from the back of my throat, making me feel like I can't get a breath. It will even feel weird when eating sometimes. I have been checked for other things, but it wound being related to anxiety.
If I were you I would ask myself this:
1. Do I have any other symptoms bothering me know? if yes, what? You might want to see a medical doctor if this is the case.
2. Does the sore throat seem to get worse with the more research you do or the more you think about it? _ If yes- it may be just related to stress. Try some deep breathing meditation and relaxation exercises to see if it gets better.
3. Do you only notice the sore throat when other symptoms of anxiety are present? - The same would apply to number 2. Find some goo meditation, relaxation, or even exercise can work wonders. After some practice, you can learn to out run the anxiety and leave it eating your dust! ha ha.
Good luck to you and keep us posted. Okay?
Yes it don't feel really sore it's more like it comes and goes and yes when I freak out i feel it the most. Also i have experience some sweat, I sleep face down and I've woken up sweating cold from my back. Have you experienced this, I usually have nightmares . Also I did blood test dr said everything was normal
I have woken up with cold sweats before and it is very uncomfortable. The symptoms you are having could be related to a lot of different things (which doesn't help, I know). Because of this, it is easier for doctors to rule out possibilities rather than try to guess it right the first time. It helps that you have kept good track and can link your feelings of anxiety to an increase in medical symptoms. Like I said, I am not a doctor and only going by personal experience, but when I was getting nightmares and waking up in a cold sweat, it was related to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). It surprised me that I had PTSD because I really thought that it was something only soldiers got after experiencing the trauma of battle. I now know, of course, that anyone can get PTSD and it doesn't have to be related to a singular incident. Like in my case, I went through a string of seriously detrimental life changing events in a relatively short time span that resulted in PTSD. Can you think of anything that might be relatable?
Take care of yourself and hang in there. You have support here.
Well yes in the past 3 months. I got into a car accident. My aunt was killed and I tought everybody out there was watching me. Also a friend of the family die from cancer. Also I gave up drinking cold turkey. So first my fear I couldn't sleep till it was 6am bc I was afraid of someone breaking into my house. Then I started feeling fatigue muscle tingling , and all other symptoms and I'm scared I'm sick. Although blood exams came all normal