I'll get right to it. Does it work? I've been to therapists before and honestly it didn't help much and cbt seems to be the opposite of Claire Weekes acceptance model but claims of 80% cure rate make it tempting to find a good cbt practitioner..but quite frankly many people of these forums do cbt and none of us would be on forums if we were truly cured. This why I'm not in a hurry to run back to a therapists or get on meds cuz results seem inconsistent. Tell me your experience y'all.
CBT question.: I'll get right to it. Does it... - Anxiety Support
CBT question.

Did you go to a therapist for cbt or just get self help info?
I had CBT around a year and half ago as I need help processing my past experiences. We did a lot of ground work and techniques which really help me when I'm struggling to remind me of who I am now and where I am now and not get drawn in to past memories, or even current worries.
It definitely helped me to acknowledge my strengths and weakness and it relieved a lot of tension being able to tell someone non biased what had happened, why I was the way I was.
My nana noticed an increase in confidence and self esteem, and had CBT herself. She didn't come away from it quite as motivated as I did or with as many improvements but it did the same in that she is aware of what thoughts are wrong and how to deal with them.
If you remain sceptical it won't work. You have to believe it's going to al least relieve some tension and teach you new ways to cope.

I'm glad it's worked for you. I guess I could say I'm coping just fine compared to many people but I still have 2 or 3 bad days a week. I have no illusions of feeling good all the time but man when I have a bad day it's pretty rough. Just wondering if cbt could help me get over the humb you know.
I still have bad moments which you've seen me share in my post; but I know that the moments and thoughts im having are wrong too.
That's what cbt taught me the most - how to identify a thought that was rational or irrational and hopefully how to change it. But when I get stuck in how to change it I do try and reach out to friends, and as you can see most recently joined this forum.
I think CBT makes you more proactive and aware
I guess it's fair to say there are no guarantees on therapy just as there is no guarantee of medications. Just as GPs often have to try different medications and dosege before we get what works for us, we may just have to expect to try different therapeutic intervention before we find what works for us. Peace!
Ultimately in looking for a guarantee when none exist. That's anxiety in a nutshell nonstop reassurance seeking. Considering I'm high functioning and progressing I may as well stop trying to "end it now." Just because I'm close. It will just bring it all back.
Awesome best of luck to you and your patrons.