I'm so scared , I have seen a neurologist twice in two weeks, because of eye and finger twitch or quiver, but it dosent do it in the office, he says I'm fine but have serious health OCD. He told me to up my citalopram, but I don't like it at all, now last night I had internal shaking feeling also muscle pulses in arm and legs and left foot and toe twitching where my big toe moves slightly but then got a Charlie horse in it and rubbed it out. So now I want to call the neurologist back because of this, I have new things all the time , some go away and I notice new ones. So I'm afraid he's dismissing something because I didn't call him back on the new symptoms. Help!!
Different symptoms daily : I'm so scared , I... - Anxiety Support
Different symptoms daily
I started off with cardio symptoms always calling cardiologist now I'm the same as you. Muscle twitches , shakes and pins and needles . Convinced there's something wrong .
Dear Lord we are cut from the same cloth. I saw my neurologist yesterday to discuss a cervical spine MRI I had on Monday. I was so on edge waiting for the results I couldn't eat and was a wreck for days. Anyhow, bulging disk in the C6 causing numbness, tingling, weakness in left arm. I was thinking I had a spinal stenosis , tumour, or lesions. So this is good news! However, I still feel because of my cold numb toes, and a few other symptoms that he's missing (or not to concerned) something, does this ring a bell! Brain MRI, Cervical MRI, Nerve Conduction Test, blood work, comprehensive Eye exam, internal medicine specialist. We have sick anxious overused, worn out minds that need to be at rest.
There will always be something. There always be the 'next symptom'. And if you think you could get rid of all the symptoms you have ever experienced in your entire life, I guarantee, there would be another and another and another symptom that your mind would hook on. That's the nature of anxiety. We become so crazy self focused it cannot be any other way. More and more people become afflicted with anxiety as never before. And it happens in first world countries at an alarming rate where medicine us so 'highly' advanced. Do your research and compare rate of anxiety between first world countries and third world countries. You may be surprised. There may be many different factors as to the cause of anxiety. But ask yourself what has changed to highest degree in last 20 years? Environmental factors have change! Food and water have changed! Food tastes better with never ending variety but what has happened to its nutritional value? It has gone to hell! Ask any doctor that you know how many hours of nutrion he/she had in med school. 20? 10? 4? It's insane! Ask your grandparents or any grandparents if they even knew anybody! with Anxiety or depression. My grandmother went through WWII with 7 childre, had to feed them somehow and relocate to a place 400 miles where she lived. She and other people like her and actually every single person in Europe should all be afflicted with Anxiety and depression but it happened so rarely! Our food is so severely depleted of minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients we should ring the bells for alarm 20 or 30 years ago. Yet, all you hear it's silence. Change you diet. Stay on it for at least 3 months. Eat more quality vegetables and fruits. Less white flour or best is none. Take quality mineral abd vitamin supplements. Walk 30 min a day. Drink plenty of 'clean' water. Stop drinking if you do, smoking if you do and see what happens. Reduce your body inflammation by staying away from inflammatory foods. There is no quick fix! If there was, you and millions of other people would hear about it by now. Take total ownership of your body and of your life. Feel so good as never before in your life! Take action right now!