I know it's a symptom of anxiety and I try to keep that in mind, but does anyone else feel like they are coming down with flu everyday? It's getting really frustrating. It's been bad for the last few months and it's changed my life quite a bit. I don't exercise anymore and if I don't have to go outside I don't even get washed or dressed. I just feel too ill. Then when I do go outside the constantly fluy-ness scares me because I'm afraid to pass out. It never seems to go away!
It's becoming a real vicious circle because if I was getting out of bed and getting some exercise and getting to the shops to buy food instead of trying to live off the scraps that are lying around in my bare cupboards (mostly chocolate biscuits...) I know I could help myself feel better. But it's just so difficult to get myself out the door when I feel so weak and fragile.
Has anyone else had this? Did it take a long time to stop?