So I'm laying here in bed, just burnt out exhausted, Christmas was such a great great day and night, I am so sick of anxiety, wore out from it, drained from it. I hear daily on not giving up hope but it's hard when every day you wake up it's always dark and the only break you get is when you lay in bed at night...... Now I know this isn't how I'm suppose to think or see things but it is anymore. I hold on to the hope that one day I'll wake up and bam this will all be gone, I hold out the hope that I'll find someone to love and to love me back and to start a family with, but at 31 Its looking unlikely.... I lay in bed and pray that God wake me Up from the dream, that I've learned my lesson that life when its good is sacred and shouldn't be taken for granted, I at times wish this was a dream and that I was a kid still and that this is a warning of what could happen if I don't do things right. I know it's not a dream tho and I'm letting my life slip by being like this.
I seen my doctor today, he hugged me, he said brother, you been thru the ringer this past year and I pray it gets better for you, Youre my only patient out of 1200 that is not on any med what so ever battling multiple anxiety disorders.... I looked at him and I said doc it's taking a toll on me honestly, and I'm about to fall. I tried... I tried so so hard. I'm sick of worrying about tomorrow or if I'll wake up after I go to sleep, I'm sick of having to reassure my self on everything, I'm sick of checking and rechecking my pulse and Blood pressure because their almost always high, I'm sick of doctors looking at me like I'm crazy or my family looking at me like I'm crazy.... I'm sick of not having anyone to really talk to around me. I'm sick of missing my dad and friends that died in the military, I'm sick of pain, I am sick of missing my ex's daughter who I helped raise from being a baby and was the closest I ever had to having my own daughter...... I'm sick of finishing last because my brain is wired wrong....... I'm sick of feeling sorry for my self, I just want my life back..... That's all. I'll help more people if I can. I miss everyone, I miss my family, I miss being happy.......
I love all you all, I know you all worry about me and I started on here trying to be helpful and optimistic but it's beaten me down, I am on the ground now being kicked around and I can't get up. Keep going everyone, I may not be able to because I'm exhausted, I just can't keep fighting, I tried, people don't understand me and people just judge. Hold the little things close people, I don't have children and I'm alone at 31, at least you have something to be happy about. I don't blame God or my family, or anyone or anything for getting me to this point. I got my self here, I just want to get out whatever way possible.
Take care you all, going to lay down.