Hey you all,
I'm writing this to let you know your not alone, I'm a 10 year combat vet, had ptsd and that turned in to Panic which turned in to GAD, so it's been a battle for me. I lost my dad in 2009 after coming home from Iraq to cancer, I lost friends in combat and one to a training exercise and have always been stalked by death in a way, I got with my ex of 5 years and she had a beautiful baby girl and her dad had nothing to do with her so I became dad and my world lit up, I never had kids of my own so I was excited. When my ex and I broke up, she didn't let me see her anymore because they moved states and she got a new guy. That was the final straw that my doc believes pushed me in to this. I can't bring the people from my past back so I'm lost. I was suppose to be at college right now but I'm laying in bed feeling down. My girlfriend now can't handle the anxiety and I don't expect her to and I don't see her being around here soon. I'll be alone again. My heart is constantly racing over 100 beats a min and my blood pressure is elevated all the time. I feel like I'm being punished for something I did but I'm not sure what that is. Yesterday I woke up and wished I didn't wake up. I am sick of CBT and therapy and I like my doctor but I don't think this is helping at all. Just to the point of giving up. I give, anxiety you win, sick of everything and I'm done fighting. I've fought all of my life and I'm wore out........ But that's not me, I am getting out of this bed and I'm not feeling sorry for my self, I am not letting anxiety win, this is my Damn life not anxiety. My blood pressure and heart rate may be up but it takes years to do damage and its causing me to drop weight, I was 100 pounds over weight this time last year and now I'm 30 pounds away from my weight area, I had this in February and March and remember it tried telling me how bad or sick I was but in april I was going to Cincinnati Reds games and felt like a million bucks in the summer. This cycle isn't as bad as my last cycle it's actually easier and I have more on my plate now then I did back then. I'm already getting knocked around and beaten into the ground so I mise well gain something from it and get up!!!! FUCK YOU ANXIETY, This is my life. Get the fuck out of the way.
God bless and take care!!!!
Love you all