So yesterday my right ear was burning then I felt terrible so I ran out of my office and my head started thumping then legs went to jelly and my heart rate went mental too! Then I had a weird headache which assumed naturally was a brain aneurism or something. Had to go docs. I can't keep doing this. She said my eyesight was fine and no reason to suggest for anything worse. Dunno how much longer I can keep working myself up about these things! 😫 it's breaking me. I was in a training session all day so my mind was wandering a lot and I was worried about my fatigue and itching all over (both can be anxiety symptoms) then at about 3.30 (the same time I always used to have panic attacks) BANG! I had this one - welll I think/hope it was a panic attack. Now my mum has had a go at me because she thinks I'm being silly for not wanting to go to work she doesn't understand how scary all of this stuff it!! Can anyone relate?!?!
I thought these days were over... - Anxiety Support
I thought these days were over...

Yes Sandy, it can be very overwhelming and the more we focus on it , the more it happens , but if you can try and let your self know , this is just a panic attack and do some slow deep breathing you may be able to relax yourself. It is easier said then done. I have health anxiety very bad snd I make myself crazy over it.
I have health anxiety bad now and it's truly terrifying. I don't know what to do anymore
I know, I've been waiting 3 days in a breast MRI . I had a mammogram and it showed a shadow so I had two ultrasounds and shoes nothing so then a breast MRI and they are calling this morning and in a wreck. The doc didn't seem to worried but I am. Have you been to the docs? What are you worrying about? Maybe they can give you peace of mind . In the meantime, Turn on your tv to a funny sitcom and it may help you sleep . Let me know how you do .
Psh man I feel you on this for sure
Drank some almond milk and freaked out and called the ambulance on myself because I thought I was gonna have a serious allergic reaction.
Hell right now I'm freaking myself out because I'm having like pain on the left side of my head and idk why, so I'm coming up with every possible negative reason in my head why it's happening when I know in reality it's probably not even that serious,
Just remember, it's okay to not feel okay because that just means you are a human being. It is a battle but we will overcome this, you seem like a strong person so keep your head up and try to do some stretching or deep breathing and talking to someone positive whenever you feel a panic coming on.
Seems like you have health anxiety I just figured out I had that, pretty much you're healthy but when something feels wrong you obsess over what the issue could be causing yourself to feel terrible
I am getting the same head tingling that freaked me out yesterday and I haven't even got to work yet. I've also found out that I can be influenced by others. One of my staff called in sick the other day because of chest pains - it set my chest pains off. Then he calls in sick yday because he had a brain scan - it set off my worry of a brain problem! And when I'm worrying about my brain I don't think about my heart. The docs yday said there is no reason I suggest anything wrong with brain as eyesight and reaction was fine. But I'm just so worried now! What are these tingling pains!