Does anyone ache? My back and body hurts. I am working on my anxiety and it seems as it leaves, my body starts acting up. Ick! I feel worn out and sooooo tired and weak. Of course, as soon as I feel pain, I feel anxiety again. Anyone?
Sick and Aches?: Does anyone ache? My back... - Anxiety Support
Sick and Aches?

Sounds like an accumulation of tense muscles from stress and anxiety. Yes I get this. Have you thought about getting a massage.
Don't worry about the symptoms. It's just that, symptoms from anxiety. They aren't fatal or dangerous, just scary.
When we react to our symptoms this causes more stress to an already stressed body. As difficult at it may seem acceptance is your best line of defense. Tell yourself that this is not harmful and it will pass. Take your mind off of focusing on your symptoms and become occupied with things you enjoy doing. Claire Weekes book as I believe has been mentioned earlier is a great read on how to deal with your anxiety symptoms. It changed my entire outlook towards this disorder and has me on the path to full recovery. You will get through this and become a stronger person for it!
Reading it right now. Great book! It's all about our thoughts. Fear releases adrenaline which creates more symptoms which creates more fear, etc etc.
Great! You might have to reread parts of this book as you continue your journey with this disorder. Its a simple concept to accept and ride out the feelings and symptoms you are experiencing but it will take some practice. DId you know intense exercise stresses the body too? And can actually make your anxiety worse. For me, I had to tone down my exercise until I started to notice symptom reductions. Medium paced walking for 30 minutes plus moderate weight lifting a few days a week replaced running and lifting to failure weight routines. Give your body a chance to recovery from being to stressed and over stimulated. Keep up the great work!
I had that last night
I was sitting weird and didn't realize it and my ribs were so sore I thought I got bit by something and started freaking
But I took your advice and stretching helped so I hope that does the trick for you
Along with telling yourself you'll be fine
Hi, it's really nothing.. And don't work on lappy or desktop it's really good thing to read books and don't think about the unnecessary stuff... I am from India if you are interested i will suggest you an book "Bhagavat Gita and Story of ramana maharshi" these two books this is not about the religion... really after reading bhagavat gita you will feel it. not the god.. how to control our mind...