Hey. I have struggled with anxiety on and off my whole life. Recently I have been experiencing anxiety along with acid reflux. I had an endoscopy and it was clear. I take meds but am still having issues. It's really getting me down. I guess I am so focused on it that it won't completely go away. I feel crazy to keep going back to doctors. Anyone else had similar issues?
Sick of feeling this way. : Hey. I have... - Anxiety Support
Sick of feeling this way.

Hi Toniarenee2, I'm glad your Endoscopy test was good. I do know that anxiety and stress do produce more acidic acid. But foods and drinks along with that can be the culprit. Coffee, even decaf, can give you acid reflux due to the oil in the beans. Did you doctor tell you what foods or drinks you are to have in moderation? Also snacking or eating before bedtime can play havoc as the undigested food pushes up the esophagus giving you that burning. Placing a couple pillows under your head or putting the head of you bed on blocks can help immensely. Don't put off pursuing more answers from your doctor. I wish you well. x
Thanks so much for your reply. My gastro doc just thinks I'm nuts and my gp just wants to put me on more meds. I do know that the foods/drinks have a lot to do with it and I am trying to watch what I eat. I shall keep trying. 😊
I can understand how frustrating it is for you Toniarenee2. I don't think the GI doctor thinks you're nuts, it probably feels as frustrated as you do in not being able to help. Your GP on the other hand wants you on more meds. It's a tug of wills at this point. More than watching what you eat (which I'm sure you are aware of) try other techniques in reducing your anxiety. Meditation, deep breathing are healthful in quietly the mind and body. Take afternoon breaks if possible for 10 min tuning into YouTube audio relaxation tapes. Try reducing your stress level which in turn will reduce the acid your stomach produces. A last suggestion a GI doctor once asked me, "How much gum do I chew a day?" When I told him, he suggested I stop chewing gum completely because I was not only swallowing air but producing more acidity. I wish you well dear. x
Anxiety most definitely does this ! But foods won't help with it its horrible feeling I have been there. Try eating slowly, chew your food into small pieces before slowing and watch what you eat in a daily basis maybe cut some fatty acidic foods ...I cut caffeine because of the adrenaline which doesn't go with my anxiety so now I drink decafe try also not eating late no heavy meals 3 hours before you go to bed and tilt your pillow up a little this helps too sorry spoke to much lool hope this helps at least x
Exactly what I get. Worse in the morning. I have health anxiety bad. On meds and have had CBT. I make mountains out of molehills always think negative thoughts and that makes me worse. Even routine medical stuff I think the worse all the time. Get nausea and tingling up my back to my head with panic. So your not alone