Don't know why: Well today I wake up and I'm... - Anxiety Support

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Don't know why

12 Replies

Well today I wake up and I'm dizzy and keep feeling like I can't breath right. My stomach is going crazy and of course I think something is wrong. I am so sick of this life that I live.. I don't know what to do anymore. I have had enough. I take my medication. I have had every test done for my health. I go and talk to someone once a week and things aren't getting better. They are getting worse. I feel so lost and so stranded. I am so sick of it. I seriously cannot stand another mintute of it. I am ready to break down and cry. I'm on the verge of a nervous break down

12 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Talk to us Rissa.....

I just can't do this anymore. I am driving myself crazy

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to

Believe when I say we all come to that point. Feeling like it's hopeless, there will never be end to all this fear. Your physical symptoms are being caused by your mind which is being manipulated by your meds. You are on automatic pilot, you are not in control of your feelings or emotions. The meds make you a walking zombie, Feeling lost and feeling as if you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown is a signal that something has got to change. Meds, doctors, therapist can only do so much. The answer is within ourselves. As Beevee has said many times, we need to change our way of thinking, we need to accept this is anxiety caused. It is not harmful if we don't allow it to be. Claim back your life. You start slowly in getting control again. Find different methods to deal with your anxiety. After a while therapy becomes like a broken record and you need to change courses. You are stuck right now and you need to break the circle of fear and unexplained symptoms. It's all anxiety caused but we don't realize it or accept it and so it goes on and on driving us to the brink. I hope this makes some sense.

I'm sure others will weigh in with their ideas. Pick and choose what works best for you and you alone. I hope you get started soon, this is no way to live Rissa. My best dear.

Thank you. I hope I find it in myself soon to pull myself together.

Mloanddb profile image

I felt like that last night, was sound asleep woke up I felt odd couldn't breathe & I was laying down but I felt like I was going to pass out if that makes sense. And I got dizzy. Needless to say I slept horrible last night luckily I was off from work today because I was exhausted from not sleeping well. I'm honestly starting to think I have a stomach ulcer. I did my research and my symptoms add up to that. I've been to every doctor to & ive been told I have anxiety, sure I know I have that now because of the scary symptoms. I have an appointment dec 22nd with the Gastroenterologist I can't wait because I'm also on the verge of a nervous breakdown myself.

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply to Mloanddb

Hi, I wonder about your symptoms, and Rissa's too--may I ask, before your symptoms started, did you take any kind of antibiotic? I did, that was the culprit for me and the fluoroquinoline class of antibiotics can cause delayed symptoms, of all kinds, (thus my name Dizzy Kitty) and we don't necessarily put the symptoms together. This class also causes/makes worse symptoms of anxiety. If you did take an antibiotic, even many months prior, let me know. I can steer you in the right direction for help. I wish you well. I'll post this for Rissa too.

Yeah I have a lot of pains in my body. Stomach. Head. Chest. Back. Everything. You name it I have probably had it. Doctors always say it's your anxiety. I have had many test done and do have problems with my gallbladder and a lot of acid in my stomach. Also have a cyst on my left ovary that needs to be removed. But still. Living in pain everyday makes life hard and scary

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply to

Hi Rissa, I posted this above, too, but before your symptoms started, did you take any kind of antibiotic? I did, that was the culprit for me and the fluoroquinoline class of antibiotics can cause delayed symptoms, of all kinds, (thus my name Dizzy Kitty) and we don't necessarily put the symptoms together. This class also causes/makes worse symptoms of anxiety. If you did take an antibiotic, even many months prior, let me know. I can steer you in the right direction for help. I wish you well.

Mloanddb profile image

Oh trust me I know this week I'm worrying about having a heart attack because I have been getting chest pains off & on. I'm always thinking about death & it scares me because I know we all have to die one day but I don't want to be constantly reminded of these symptoms that are terrifying. When you have anxiety your mind is your worst enemy.

in reply to Mloanddb

It is. I actually had a stress test done because of the chest pains and stuff. And everything came back normal. They said my heart is fine

sunnyg profile image

I'm right there with you. I feel so sick and awful and hate not being happy. I simply want to be in bed! Scary!

Mloanddb profile image

Hi everyone well today is another day I hope everyone is doing ok 😊

I have had EKG done also not a stress test done but they said my heart was normal well it don't feel normal.

I know it sounds crazy but when I go to my appointment December 22nd I hope they find a stomach ulcer it may give me some kind of peace. Because I know my body & something isn't right.

I did not take any antibiotics, this all started a year ago & really hasn't gone anywhere since around this time last year I experienced my first panic attack. I have good days & bad days I'm trying to stay positive but it had when you are always feeling ill & get scary symptoms.

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