I have a lot of anxiety. I'm taking 21/2mg of klonopin and 50mg of pristiq. I till have really bad anxiety. i can't even rest or do relaxation because my son is recuperating from surgery and him and his dog are living with me and the dog is crazy. I need calm sometimes. My husband wants to leave me and won't let me drive a car. My kids are mean to me. Please help. The anxiety is so bad.
Help with anxiety: I have a lot of anxiety... - Anxiety Support
Help with anxiety
I know that Klonopin is good, although ive never taken it but it's a benzo and I find those very helpful. I'm not familiar with Pristiq. As for the rest I'm not so sure. How old is your son? Will he be well soon? Why won't your husband let you drive a car and where do you need to go? How old are your kids? I'm asking a lot of questions and of course only answer what you want to, I'm just trying to understand better so that maybe we can give some advice. Sounds like you have so much going on and if nothing else I can say that I'm sorry. I do know what it is to live amongst chaos.
Answering Kinikia will help us all help you. It sounds like you need to be respected and need some time alone to rest and have peace. Eat right, exercise, get out in the fresh air, sleep well, and pray. Read the book DARE if you can. Can you talk to a therapist?
I have a therapist but now I can't drive there. I can't drive a car won't let me. My kids tell my husband things about me. They tell me everything I do wrong. I can't take it anymore.
My son is 27 almost 28. He had back surgery and won't be leaving until after xnas. Because I'm on meds and yesterday I went to sit with a friend who is ill without my glasses which I'm ok driving without except at night. My kids are 29 27 and 21. My husband doesn't want me anymore. This stupid anxiety. I'm not upsetting them on purpose. But I'm being verbally abused.
They are yelling at me because I have anxiety bad and I'm taking medication. I cry a lot when they are badgering me. My husband says he can't take it anymore. And wants to leave.

Puppy im so sorry. I guess I imagined your children were a bit younger based on their behavior. It's often hard for families to deal with our issues but that's no excuse for the way they are treating you. It's not fair. I have to think that it's not that they don't want you, it's just that they are frustrated and don't know what to do. I'm glad to hear that you are going to the church so that maybe you can find a group of friends there too. Since you mentioned prayer have you checked out Joyce Meyer? She has a great bunch of sermons for people like us. Anxiety, depression, shame, I recently saw one of her sermons on feeling like you don't fit in. Since you seem to be of the Christian faith I would definitely recommend her if you haven't listened to her already. You can go to YouTube and search Battlefield of the Mind and it's all about the things we are going through.
Puppy, how are you doing?
Not good. My family doesn't want me anymore.
Hi puppy11 just wanted to let you know that you can get healed and cured instantly. I got healed through prayer believe me its true, i used to take all kinds of meds with no cure or relieve, my anxiety and panic attacks were so bad that couldn't hold a conversation let alone go to work. Please try out this amazing mobile app called pray with me. It will help you so much it doesn't matter what religion
Thank you I've been praying
Hello puppy, you are precious to God. Please keep your eyes on God for He is a miracle worker. Is there a church or prayer group in your area that you can get connected to? There you can talk to the pastor and other members who will offer guidance. I'm praying for you.
Yes I've been going to a bible church
Thank you
I can't stop crying. I want to be better. I'm so scared