Any advice please. I suffer from general anxiety, often having bad panic or anxiety attacks. I have had anxiety since my early 20s, and it has often had a negative effect on my life. I manage it as best as I can, and it has gone in peaks and troughs over the years. My anxiety attacks started on a holiday to Australia, and the problem is that I often get very anxious before and during a holiday abroad, probably because of the original association with my first panic attack being so far away from home.
My problem is that I am going on holiday to the Canary Islands this Saturday for a week with my partner, and am already having visions of the plane crashing, or me becoming ill while I am there and being unable to return home to our 2 cats. It is ridiculous, as my anxiety levels are building up and up, imagining all sorts of problems. I can't seem to stop this negative train of thoughts, it just gets worse. I genuinely do want to go on holiday, but then the nearer it approaches, I half wish I hadn't booked it, which is crazy!! I have a lovely partner, but he does not understand anxiety, as do many people who have never had it, so I tend to keep my feelings to myself whilst I am away. However, I really want to enjoy my 7 days in the sun, so I wondered if anyone who has a similar problem could give me any tips or help. Many thanks.