Hey you all, ties in to yesterday's post, was sitting watching tv and my bp dropped in to 91 over 52 and panic set in, I sat up and stood up walked around for a second and took it standing and it was 140 over 60..... I jumped in my car and rushed up to the ER and right now it's back to normal, I haven't gone in but I'm just sitting here debating it. Just sucks.... I just need to accept this but can't seem to accept it. I felt dizzy and fell over when I stood, why this freaks me out, I've always have had pre hypertension and now it's bottoming out in this last week..... Don't want to go in the ER because I feel like I let anxiety win if I do but if I don't I'm worried something is wrong.
Hey you all..... Sitting here in a parkin... - Anxiety Support
Hey you all..... Sitting here in a parking lot....

You NEED to get a check-over by a GP. Blood-pressure fluctuations can be controlled by meds. The longer you leave this, the more anxious you're going to become AND the more your your BP will fluctuate. Once your BP is under control, you should start to feel better.
Best wishes.
All these bp readings are within normal limits. Standing willl make your bp drop and explains your dizziness.
I believe you have had lots of doctors assessments, but your main problem is introspection and worrying.
What has your BP been in the past? 91/52 can be normal for a young fit person when sat down and resting eggs watching TV. Getting dizzy occasionally when you stand up very quickly is relatively common and within 'normal'. And 140/60 is normal too - the change was because you were more anxious and alert than you were previously and had stood up. What do you think is normal?
Hi Armyguy, how are you doing today? How long did you sit in the ER parking lot? Did you ever go in or call your doctor? You know numbers don't lie with our blood pressure. It is what it is. Can't blame anxiety on everything. The numbers represent what is going on whether high numbers from stress or low numbers from relaxing. They all mean something but only a doctor can diagnosis. Don't feel defeated or as if you are giving in if you do have this checked out but once again. There is a normal range the b/p should fluctuate between lying down, sitting and standing. I hope they figure this out for you. I was in the same position as you and with patience and time, it was figured out. The right medication will make all the difference in the world. When your b/p problem is under control, so will your anxiety. My best.
It's not the fact that it flucuates like that but the fact that it keeps going really low when it hasn't ever in the past. I been debating about smoking again because this is miserable. Atleast it will raise My bp and pulse......
Well Armyguy, you know all too well that smoking to counteract the low pressure isn't the healthy answer. I know how it feels what you are going through. Gee, I use to carry that b/p kit everywhere with me. Checking when sitting, when standing as well as lying down. Like you I would think well if I could have an anxiety attack when my b/p is down then my pressure should reach just about normal. Or what if I would drink a cup of real coffee, then my pressure would stabilize. The only problem with caffeine or smoking is that it will also effect your pressure when it is already high. The doctor has got to make the decision in how to address it. I know how it fed into my anxiety. You will be okay once it's figured out.
I hope so, I'm getting worn down
I hear you. It is very wearing both mentally and physically.
I've just always been in the 130s and 120s over 80s and dropped to 70s at night but now I'm plummeting and I don't know why. Its scary. Doctors don't know why either and I'm so down I don't wanna do anything. I hate high BP and low BP, why can't it just stay normal? I am not asking for much..... Or just an answer. It only happens when I lay down, bam 90 over 50 almost instantly.
Armyguy, didn't you say you have POTS also known as Dysautonomia? There is a hospital in Birmingham, AL that does studies on this. They use the tilting table that you are strapped into which allows them to take you b/p in different positions. There are medications that can be used to help control the fluctuations. I hope you get some answers as well. Living with this is just making your anxiety worse. Take care.
Do you feel unwell when it is s 90/60 when you are lying down? Are you sure that this isn't just a not a normal healthy effect on your blood pressure of stopping smoking? There isn't a blood pressure that you have mentioned that I wouldn't consider normal range for a healthy chap of your age.
Read your other posts and agree pots is quite a possibility. But it isn't serious and the symptoms can be treated. Your b.p. might be healthily lower from stopping smoking as well. And you're anxious on top of that. I would seriously stop checking your blood pressure and pulse - I know it is hard, I've been there. I don't think there is anything seriously wrong with you and all you are doing is making your anxiety worse.