I am not sure if this is seasonal depression or what it is because I know I have anxiety but it is literally during this time of year it takes a toll on me. It starts last week of september first week of october and I just find little things that bother me about people...especially my boyfriend. Then (if you have read my other posts) my anxiety peaks and I start to freak out something is wrong and then I think do I love him do I not because I am finding small things bother me more and my stomach gets in knots and I can't eat because my stomach hurts. I have no desire to do many things like I still make myself do them but I don't have the excitement anymore like I usually do. This happened like this the EXACT same time like on the DOT when I was with my ex and I tend to I guess let my anxiety latch onto my relationships too because my parents got divorced this time of year. But literally riding my horse is my life but I love doing it but I just don't get excited anymore I am like yeah ok I will go but it isn't that AHH so excited like I usualy get spring and summer time. I also am getting so annoyed with friends too and random shit. Like a dog barking this morning I wanted to rip its head off. And my friend yesterday was saying how she didn't want her horse in his stall for one day and how she had to be out there most of the day for him and I literally was thinking " who the f*** cares...its a d*** day get over it stop being so freakin sensitive it is ONE day it won't kill him seriously get over it" and when driving she would make small jokes which I found so annoying and so stupid I didn't even want to talk to her. It isn't like I want to end my friendship at all but it was just getting me sooo annoyed and I do it with my boyfriend too I am getting so peeved at stupid things I don't let him know because I am working through it but I am just like idc idc get over it sort of thing. But if I keep talking to him about it it will go away. Also I have been so tired lately literally sleeping for hours and then needing a nap later on too! Any ideas? Because summer and spring time I never have felt this and with my ex when the months march and april popped up I started getting better!