Light-headed non stop every single damn day...... Feel as though in going to tip over just sitting still. Feel faint 99% of the time off balance when walking ... If I'm driving I feel somewhat decent but the moment I have to stop at a stop light I feel faint and giddy it's the worst feeling anyone can go through... Blood test ekgs ents and they all say your perfectly fine. NO THE HELL I'm not you see anxiety and panic disorder on my fucking chart and just go with that....... Four years suffering everyday with this bullshit I'm so sick of it.... I know acceptance is what will heal me but I have accepted it.... I can't ignore me feeling like I'm going to black out how do you ignore that.... Please someone tell me because I don't know anymore..... If it wasn't for my son year old son and my faith in God I would just give up
I'm sooooo sick of this feeling: Light... - Anxiety Support
I'm sooooo sick of this feeling

I so know how you feel. I'm always lightheaded jittery Restless I feel like my body's going to collapse I feel like my arms and legs don't work uncoordinated but like you say they see anxiety and don't do any further testing other than your basic that all come back normal
I know exactly how you feel, I go though the same thing every day. I too have had all the test done and they blame it on my anxiety/panic disorder. It’s just so hard to deal with at times trying to do all the daily activities that we have to do all the while feeling like you are walking on a boat and you could pass out at any moment. I have been dealing with this for five years and I feel like giving up on a daily basis and then I think about my son and he keeps me going.
you're not alone, i have had this aftr having panic attacks 6months ago.i thought i was sick,but all my med test went normal.until inrealized that it's just anxiety.u need to accept it,dont fight it.just try to calm yourself.tell that it's just anxiety.i know it's hard.some days are better than others.make yourself busy and dont focus on the symptoms
Thank you
But even i accepted that it's anxiety.sometimes i still think- what if im really sick?is this really anxiety or something serious? specially when u feel the symptoms.u can't stop thinking negative thoughts..
Excatly... I seen where u wrote about your neck..... I'm thinking mine is the same.. I had X-rays and my neck has pinched nerves wonder how we fix it
For me i feel the light headed feeling when i think about my health i notice that i breath slowly (hypoventilation)or when i walk alone in a large places like shopping malls, terminals, sidewalks i feel off balance..
Hang in there girly I’m in the same boat literally!
I also have a baby it seems like a lot of mothers end up with postpartum after the birth of their child. I didn’t start feeling anxiety or depression until after I had my baby. I always think I’m gonna die or have a heart attack but there’s nothing wrong with me... or so the doctors say... anxiety is so physically disabling. I really do think if it wasn’t for my baby girl I would be done.
Have you heard of Mal de Debarquememt syndrome? The symptoms are very close to what you describe and the characteristic that tends to lead to a diagnosis is feeling better when driving. It usually starts after a boat, car or plane trip, but can occur spontaneously too sometimes during or after a stressful period. I had this for nearly a year several years ago after a very stressful time in my life. It slowly resolved and I only have brief encounters with it occasionally which quickly resolve but your symptoms sound a lot like mine did! If you are interested, check out Good luck!
Thank you I have heard of it.. but I ruled it out because I've never been on a boat or a plane .. how did you make it go away
I wasn’t on a boat or a plane either; mine was spontaneous as is a lot of people’s. Mine was definitely made worse by anxiety and depression and I worked through that with a therapist. I believe that helped immensely to relieve the symptoms and gradually they subsided. The fact that you feel better when moving in a car is a red flag for mdds - I believe there are no other disorders that have that as a feature. It was certainly true for me - I felt great when the car was moving but come to a stop sign and the horrible feeling come flooding back only to disappear when I started moving again. Anyway, good luck - I hope that you feel better soon. I know how awful it can be to feel like you do and I hope you finds some answers!
I have the same feeling 24/7 . It gets really old . I'm scared to even drive any more . I read that the less active and stagnant you are , the worse it gets . I hope you get to feeling better , I'm here to talk . Keep your head up , and pray hard . I know the doctors are irritating sometimes , like they don't even hear you . I get them all the time .