Please don't be a blood clot?!: So for the... - Anxiety Support

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Please don't be a blood clot?!

Sbishop12 profile image
21 Replies

So for the past few days I've been having pain in my right wrist. It's a little swollen too. It's underneath my arm on the left side. I'm having a panic attack because I keep thinking it's a blood clot and now I'm worrying alot and the attack is getting worse!

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Sbishop12 profile image
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21 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi Sbishop12, did you strain your wrist? The more you worry dear, the worse the attack will get. Just start calming down. Take a deep breath and blow it out slowly. Try not to focus on your wrist. It's going to be okay. Nothing bad will happen to you. Let us know how you are doing right now. Is someone with you?

Sbishop12 profile image
Sbishop12 in reply to Agora1

Yeah my mom is beside me right now and ok I'm breathing. Thank you for being here for me.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Sbishop12

That's good dear. x

Sbishop12 profile image
Sbishop12 in reply to Agora1

She's not really helping me though she's just saying you don't have a blood clot in your wrist

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Sbishop12

I'm sure your mom has checked your wrist. If she feels you will be okay, you have to believe her. After all moms have a lot of life experience. We're here whenever you need to talk...Feel better soon. Sending a hug x

Sbishop12 profile image
Sbishop12 in reply to Agora1

Thank you

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Sbishop12

You're welcome. Hope you'll be okay.

Leelaa profile image

You say you have had pain for a few days in your wrist? Well by now it would have moved if it was a blood clot. Usually blood clots start in the back of legs. When you have anxiety your brain what's to protect what u think is wrong so everything becomes worse then what it is.. your ok it's probably a bruise or a over used muscle in your wrist. But by all means if the pain don't go away maybe go see the dr.

Sbishop12 profile image
Sbishop12 in reply to Leelaa

Now I have pain in the back of my legs but it's going away like I don't have it all the time and I swear I just saw my leg move by itself so maybe it's a muscle cramp or something. But it could also be from my lower back pain.

Leelaa profile image
Leelaa in reply to Sbishop12

Sometimes anxiety will let our mind think things what a normal pain to some is something we think the worst of because we have a fear . And you have to figure out what your fear is and why you have it and then work on that . Your anxiety will get better if you find out what is causing it . Believe it or not anxiety is a symptom of depression it is not a diagnostic in itself . Good luck .strengthen your mind with educating yourself about anxiety . There is a workbook for it you can find it at bookstores.

Goldfish_ profile image

Your previous post mentions 5 recent hospital visits and cardiologists telling you that you have no physical problem. A blood clot in the arm at your age would be exceptionally rare, and now your symptoms have changed, so come on surely you can see that this is your health anxiety.

So why not accept you are a worrier, but have had lots of checks to assure you of good physical health

Sbishop12 profile image
Sbishop12 in reply to Goldfish_

Yeah I see that that's what it is but it's just so hard to get rid of it without medicine for me thoughts are constantly running through my mind all day

Goldfish_ profile image
Goldfish_ in reply to Sbishop12

They are just thoughts with no real basis though. Try and treat them as such and let them pass. Turn your attention to something else. Distract yourself

Leelaa profile image
Leelaa in reply to Sbishop12

One thing you have to know is you are NOT dieing with anxiety in fact it's the opposite u have to have positive thinking to talk yourself down. It will pass as quick as it came on don't fight it just breath

LaneyDay profile image

It's not a blood clot - I have never heard of a blood clot there - your anxiety is what is much more worrying - I would work on that

JackMcG profile image

Hi Sbishop12,

I think it unlikely to be a blood clot. Have you had your arm in a cast recently or immobilised by a sling? The reason I ask is because clots usually form as a result of immobility or injury.

The pain in your wrist must be quite bad or maybe just relentless for you to think you have a blood clot. The only person that can tell you for sure you don't have one is a doctor. So it might be worth seeing one.

My instinct tells me that this is a feature of your anxiety. Anxiety is a free floating "fight or flight" response, it's very normal for people experiencing anxiety to attach it to something physical to give it some meaning.

Have your wrist seen by a doctor for peace of mind. Then focus on breathing exercises etc.

I hope you feel better soon and that your pain goes away.

Sbishop12 profile image
Sbishop12 in reply to JackMcG


Aks00 profile image

It's not a blood clot. My step dad just was in the hospital for 4 blood clots. Praise Jesus his life was spared. He felt really weird, couldn't breathe, couldn't see, just one of those feelings that you're like "I better go to the hospital." The doctors said that he's lucky to be alive. So, pain in the wrist is probably a little inflammation or just one of those random pains that happen that are harmless.

Sbishop12 profile image
Sbishop12 in reply to Aks00

Ok thank you so much

Brumchick profile image

Ive had 2 very serious clots,your symptoms dont fit.There is usually huge swelling of the limb,my leg increased in girth 2 inches from ankle to top of thigh?It was purple and blanched at the same time.It was so definately a clot it could not be anything else if you know what i mean.The second clot was exactly the same. Textbook presentation.I think this is probably your anxiety.Deep brathing and lots of fun distraction,try bopping to your old fav. Hits.Impossible to be anxious when your dancing in your own home!i wish you all the bestanxiety can be very difficult to deal with.Im sure yu will find that your roving pain will lesson as you become more relaxed.You get a very strong feeling of needing the hospital when your body is in dire straights quite unlike any that you may have felt.Listen to your thinking brain ,not your fear brain and you will find that you be able to calm your irrational thoughts about minor fears with practise.Good luck .

thunderacer profile image

Hi s Bishop 12,

I hope your aching wrist, legs and back have eased from the pain... Our body is a complex machine with a control panel (brain) and has to send out many signals.... Sometimes these signals get misinterpreted or are not sent quick enough (my analogy is that it is similar to a laptop or tablet/phone that is very low on battery or memory space full)

It doesn't work as efficiently as possible, when you haven't shut down all the pages on your server too, it works very slowly and you have to wait for the information... To me it feels like that! The brain works by sending tiny charges through synaptic fluids eg. Serotonin and noradrenaline ones that are linked to mood also our body produces histamine (the one. That is like. Our bodies bouncer that instructs the body when there are intruders and it sends blood cells (can't remember which way around this is as I am no doctor 😷) either red or white, think it's white... anyway this takes appropriate action, isolates the area of infection or damage and sort of quarantines it. . ie. Makes you swell for brakes and strains, makes you sick if you have eaten something bad, makes you itch if you are allergic to something or have been stung..... Basically informing us that there is something wrong... Do something about it and I will keep you safe until you sort it....

When these fluids are to low, the signals don't get there as quick and can cause low mood to much (mania) cause you to be high and u want to do everything but can't keep your mind on one thing or stay focused and concentrate. (bi polar) if both happen!! But I also think that to many histamines being produced could effect our bodies too after ECT. About 2weeks after my treatment I get some strange side effects... I know my brain is working again but a few things happen to me that I have noticed every time (or at least since I have been writing things down every time it happens)

My body gets a rash all over, it is itchy as fcuk... My legs swell trim the knee down to my sock line (not a clot or thrombosis. But looks that way when it is purple and throbbing. My brain races to varying degrees of non concentration, my face goes numb a little and it as if my brain wants to do and say everything all at once but no fear or anxiety just very fast, talk fast lose track of what I was talking about and flit to a different topic completely, I am normally back at work by then and my work mates find it highly amusing 😂😂😂😂 to be fair so do I after... But from experience I know these things go away in 10-14days with me and on the bright side I have some great stories to tell that my mates tell me I have done!

Learn to laugh at yourself as well, anxiety doesn't like laughter... And try to think "what will be will be.

Be happy and treat yourself kindly


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