Does anyone get muscle spasms in your abdominal muscles? I am freaking out as of late because I can't determine if the pain I occasionally feel is internal (visceral organ pain) or just a muscle pain. It's affecting the right quadrant of my abdomen, below my right rib cage but above my navel. It's like a tightness, with some pain that comes and goes. I feel it more when I am sitting on laying on my right side, but it seems to not be a problem when I am standing. I have also been getting side stitch pain under my right rib cage when I go walking/exercise, but it stops after a while. I am overweight but I have recently lost almost 15lbs from exercise, and I am trying to stick with my new routine but these new pains have thrown me off track All that I have described is real and is not in my head, but I'm scared it's my stomach/colon/liver/gallbladder or something. I had an ultrasound back in April and it was completely normal, and some recent blood work from August showed my organs are functioning normally and nothing out of the ordinary is wrong. So, is my anxiety causing muscle spasms that are making me feel like something internal is going on? I've tried to massage my stomach but I can't tell if I'm helping or hurting matters more, lol! Ibuprofen seems to help. I should probably also take a half of Klonopin to calm down but I don't like taking anxiety/depression medicine. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
Internal Pain or just Muscle Cramp? - Anxiety Support
Internal Pain or just Muscle Cramp?

Yes , I had that for like three months ... Bad stomach spasms . It will pass like all other symptoms . Try not too worry . The ultrasound would have showed something
It will be anxiety it does nightmare things to your body trust me. Don't go down the path I went down. Get yourself on a good diet no gulten one, stay positive no matter how bad you feel. And exercise daily. Drink loads of fresh water stick to all of these u will get better!!!!!
Thanks - I'm doing my best to stay on my exercise routine, and so far it's been paying off. I just let any little pain or twitch turn into some horrible "thing" and then before I know it my mind is off on some negative trip. Which then just makes me feel worse... and the cycle continues.
I'll have to look into cutting back on gluten, but not going to lie, that will be difficult, lol! (Pizza and pasta get me every time)