Soo i been having muscle spasms today on my left side of my chest then different parts of my body like my stomach aswell arms ,neck twiches real bad and the heart just beats really fast if its not fast is hard i get headaches my neck gets tite and feel pressure in my head and neck When it happens with the irruglar heart rythm all thise sympthoms happens when the heart stuff happens i get nervous rushes up and down my body that have to breath to try to relax but it comes and goes everyday every minute of the day its chronic.
Muscle spasms and irrgular heart beat - Anxiety Support
Muscle spasms and irrgular heart beat

Maybe it's time to go back to the doctor for another check up. Hope your night gets better.
I dont need what exactly to tell the docter because dont want to sound like im crazy and every time i go is because my heart and chest pain i dont really exactly explain all the sympthoms because it might sound to much at once you know aswell.
No one can help you unless you're completely and totally honest with them. They're there to help you, but if they don't know everything that's bothering you and all the symptoms, they can't treat you.
Just save some of your posts and replies and print them for your doctor. Then just hand them to your doctor to read. He/she will be able to read rather quickly what's going on with you...much faster than you trying to explain orally. So there will be time for the doctor to think and talk with you about ways to help. Sound like a plan to you???
yeahh even though i saw cardiologist regular docters emergency room alot of times about 5 or 6 months ago and they said nothing was wrong with me i just anxiegy disorder but i feel like the sympthoms are getting worst but i just fight everday to relax myself and not think about it.
But Johnnie, are you seeing a doctor for your anxiety? Think you have a doctor for that and you need to make an appointment for a checkup. That's the doctor I mean. Print out your posts and the replies and take them with you to the doctor to read some of them. You deserve some help, but you seem to keep doing the same thing, feeling the same way.....and it's not going to stop without some help from your anxiety doctor....which means you probably will be RX meds like me and you need to take them, just like me and you won't like that, just like me, but the chemistry in your body needs help with the meds, just like me..
Is is a plan? Stop doing the same thing, worrying about the same thing. You have to do something different if you want a different life. That means seeing your doctor about your anxiety.
Yeahh have to do something diiferent i just hate pills but i thibk i need them for my nerves to just relax and my body but i just wanna make sure its for real anxiety because the sympthoms is real is real phsycally sympthoms everyday you know.
Johnnie, you are making excuses for not going to the anxiety doctor. I care about you, but I am losing patience with you not just going to your doctor for anxiety. No more excuses because I won; 't reply anymore tonight. I'm tired. I have physical pain. I gave you my best input that I have. I need to rest.
I feel a hindrance and has more to deal with me. Already on antidepressants also been for therapy it’s me
Question for yourself. What do you hate the most? Anxiety and the way it makes your body go crazy or pills (which you have never taken so you don't know how they make you feel - just that you hate them) that will make you feel normal. Make a choice. Get your life back. All you do is stress about how you feel and never DO anything about it.
If you feel like it’s anxiety, maybe take a look at my Anxiety and Depression post on my page. It explains a lot of things that can cause anxiety, and how things that can help.
I encourage you to keep going the medical field though. I know I’m always told it’s anxiety each time I go to the hospital. Yesterday I went in with a 130 pulse that stayed like that for 5 hours. I was exhausted and my blood pressure was falling and rising quickly. They told me it was just anxiety. But my heart was in fact out of rhythm. When I got home, my heart did a flutter then a large thump, and went back to my 80 pulse. Just confirming it was stuck in an odd rhythm. It happens after I eat, and if I eat too heavy near my monthly.
So I recommend going to your doctor again, or switching to get a second even a third opinion if needed. I’m on my third cardiologist, and my second neurologist. I finally had to push like hell to get a back MRI and it explained so much what’s wrong with me, and it wasn’t anxiety. So just keep pushing and try to be patient. I hope you get some good results~
so what exactly was it if it wasnt anxiety you say ?
I’m not sure I understand what you mean? Are you talking about what it was for me? Or what it could be for you?
both ?
Johnny dont go there! This lady has a HISTORY of her pulse going irregular,she states near her period it happens a d after heavy foid intake around that time.These things do not happen to you.Asking for details so that you can in turn convince yourself that this could be whats wrong with you is not what you need to be doing.You have seen multiple specialists JOHNNY AT LEADT 6 includibg your own g.p you have anxiety.Anxiety will give physical symptoms ,symptoms that in you have bern triple triple checked! Concentrate on deep breathing ,think of anything other than your heartrste pulse. Or blood pressure .you know urself when you are not thinking about these things on a loop your symptoms improve.You must accept your diagnosis ,its the right one multiple doctors have confirmed it.You have bern precribed meds to help, yet you refuse to take them , this is a repeat of a conversation i had with you 5/6 months ago and yet you are still stuck in exactly the same routines of checking ,bp , pulse etc.... whilst anxious and panicking when these readings are hi and they are not hyperyensive high just a bit higher than normal when you are in full flight panic mode.Johnny please try your meds .doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different reaction or result is just madness. Nothing will change until you change the behaviours that feed your anxiety a d false illness beliefs,Your heart is fine, uour bp reading are fibe ,reading fluctuate throughout the day anyway bp is not fixed.. take steps to reduce the checking, resist the urdge to appropriate other peoples diagnosis ' ,do some relaxation,see a movie whatever gives you pleasure and take your meds,Things will completely improve ,but you must climb out of groundhog day mode. good luck ,
It's chronic....It's Anxiety
You are caught up in the cycle of fear now. It's got to be broken, somehow, someway Johnnie
i keep thinking something is wrog because i just keep getting the physiclaly sympthoms and headaches stressed out i just wanna relax and know what it is really wrong dont wanna die or soemthing off this
Johnnie you won't die from anxiety it will just feel like you are every single day. That's how it wears you down. We either retreat and try to hide from it or we accept that it is not going to harm us. It's playing a game with our mind. There is no magic pill, there is no test that can prove it's anxiety, we just have to believe the good doctors in what they say when all else is ruled out. You wouldn't really want them to find something else believe me.
yeah butthe sympthoms are chronic and also really strong that i can even feel my body tierd plus another this is im not thinking about it just happens physically
I know it is happening physically and that is why you need medication at this time. That's the only thing that is going to break that cycle of fear. I don't see it happening by yourself and that's okay. We all need a crutch at certain times of our lives. I did and it helped me until I could handle it on my own 2 feet.
I was no different than you Johnnie. My symptoms were off the wall every single day. I was very afraid, didn't know why or what was happening to me. It wore me out physically and mentally to the point that I then developed Fibromyalgia. A chronic muscle pain syndrome. It came from constantly being in stress, not sleeping properly and not dealing with anxiety. What happened is that the muscles were so tightly wound and couldn't relax anymore on their own. So as I used my arms, hands or legs doing normal things the pain would get so bad leaving me in tears and worrying even more.
Headaches were a daily thing from tension. Also chronic chest wall syndrome known as costochondritis. The muscles in the chest and upper back caused pain that felt like a heart attack. With that came fast or irregular heart beats and flutters. I was a mess.
I fought taking medication for a long time but finally gave in. It not only gave me relief but I was not as worried or always thinking about myself. It opened up hope that I would get better. And I did. I came off the medication and learned and accepted these pains and symptoms weren't dangerous. They were all anxiety induced. I tried many different methods to help myself and choose meditation and deep breathing as the 2 that worked the best.
So see Johnnie, I was not any different than you or the many people on this forum. Actually I spent more time fearing anxiety than most because there was no forum, there was no support. I wrote this long response because I don't want you to give up. I don't want you to think you are different than others and mostly I don't want you to ever think you are alone because you're not. You know I care Johnnie, nothing would make me happier than to see you go on with your life enjoying it w/o anxiety tagging along.
thank you i swear everytime i read your post i always calm down its like you know exactly how i feel
and the pain sometimes i think im going crazy because docters say im fine so my mother looks at me you need to relax is your nerves if the docters doesnt find anything you need to relax a bit