Keep having like a pain in my Jew I know it's not a heart attack but of course it's the first thing I think of I can't sleep because I'm scared I'm gonna have a a heart attack and I'm beyond tired so has anyone with aniexty felt jaw pains on and off before or is it just me
Help : Keep having like a pain in my Jew I... - Anxiety Support

Yes I certainly have, and I have thought the same exact thing But it eventually, for me, goes away and reassures me the next time that it's my anxiety. Once I dwell on it it gets worse. The nerves make me subconsciously tighten my jaw causing more jaw pain!! So annoying! It's crazy to me how many symptoms anxiety can bring on.
On the contrary, in women, jaw pain can indeed be a sign of heart problems. Get yourself checked out as soon as possible. x
Hi, I do to, I also have tight neck, shoulder and back its all linked to my anxiety.
I suffer with chronic anxiety and I have had pain in my jaw before which only served to make my anxiety sky rocket. I was quite sure I had some kind of serious cardiac problem. I went to see my doctor who actually sent me to a cardiologist who did an echo on my heart and told me there were no problems. This didn't help. I just kept thinking that there was something he must have missed.
It wasn't until I spoke to my sister a week or so after seeing the cardiologist that she made two suggestions. She said that as I suffer from anxiety it could be that I was grinding my teeth in the night which could be giving me jaw pain. She is a personal trainer and she also suggested it might be referred pain from a strain in my neck or shoulders. I gave it some thought and sure enough I remembered throwing a block off concrete onto a trailer a few weeks ago and that it really hurt my shoulder and neck. The pain seemed to go away though. Her advice calmed me down a little and I also bought a mouth gaurd to stop me grinding my teeth at night just in case that was the cause. I never actually did find out what the cause was but I suspect it was me grinding my teeth at night as I haven't had the same pain since I got the mouth gaurd.
So it could be and most likely is something other than your heart.
How old are you? Is there a family history of heart disease? Do you smoke and/or drink alcohol? Do you take stimulant drugs such as amphetamines or cocaine.? Do you drink a lot of coffee?
If you are young and the answer to these questions is no, then it is very highly unlikely to have anything to do with your heart.
If it is causing you significant distress and it sounds as if it is then please see your GP.
I hope this unpleasant symptom goes away very soon and you can get back to a less anxious state of mind.
Wishing you all the best
I'm am 25 and no I don't have heart problems in my family I don't do drugs and I drink once in a blue moon. I don't drink nothing with caffeine only because it makes my aniexty worse. So no coffee. Once I get one sign of aniexty acting out again I start to get really down like I don't even feel like I'm in my own body iv had aniexty for almost all my life but it recently got back after I lost my child due to a miscarriage and after that I been having the worse aniexty ever I seen doctors for it they put me on meds but I don't like to take meds so I don't take them