For about a week I've been having chest pain and tightness of my chest I'm constantly worrying everyday that something is wrong with me.. For the past two days I'm scared I'm gonna have a heart attack or stroke I'm searching the web on any new symptoms I experience. I've had heartburn and feeling unfocused feeling the need to burp & yawn to catch my breath. Constantly putting my hand by my heart to make sure it's beating I'm so scared I'm gonna have an attack
Hello, I'm new to this site.. I've been ha... - Anxiety Support
Hello, I'm new to this site.. I've been having anxiety for about 5 yrs now I'm 30 years old.

Hi Terry
Not a nice feeling...have you been to gp?Or A&E?At least you could exclude the worst case scenario (irregularity in your heart,for example)but ...if your heart is fine and you re not at risk of stroke it might be anxiety..burp and yawning could be symptoms that your ne breathing in the correct way just because you re anxious and uptight xxxx
Keep us posted and take care

Thank you for your concern.. I've been on A&E but I still feel like I need more info. I feel very tired but scared to go to sleep cause I'm having what I think is anxiety. I feel so scared it's more then anxiety
If A&e said your heart it s fine..then it s anxiety.
I went though the same think in my 20's.My first panicky attacks were just at night time in my sleep.So I can relate to you.Medication it s what I would suggest cause it s fastest solution,I hope you get better soon and find the right solution to go through it.

Yes anxiety is an AWEFUL feeling.. Thank you for your advice.
HI Terri
I doubt very much if you are going to have a heart attack. It sounds like you are having a panic attack and are worried about having a heart attack. I think while you are in a state of worry that you should stop looking online for an explanation of your symptoms as this will just make you worry even more and feed the anxiety. I am telling you this because I have spent so much time doing the same as what you are doing now. Make an appointment to see your GP about your chest pains even if to give you peace of mind that you are not haviong a heart attack. If you find yourself continuing to worry excessively about it again you might benefit from some therapy. Ask your GP he will be able to advise you. But it certainly sounds like you are panicking. If you listen to any advice please stop reading about symptoms otherwise you will drive yourself mad with worry.
All the best to you.

I appreciate your reply.. Yes sometimes I stop & think I'm just feeding my anxiety but it's hard for me to stop.. So I'm constantly worrying. I've always been a worrier I have my days but for the past wk I've had different feelings and freak out.
Hi Terri. It is hard to stop feeding the anxiety and when the anxiety lessens, the worry still continues, which in turn feeds it again so it is like a vicious circle....... I find it useful to do some mindful meditation when I worry too much. If you are not familiar with it, find out about it, it really can help with anxiety disorder and can help you control how you respond to your worrying thoughts and anxiety. Also try and distract yourself with something else you enjoy such as gardening etc, this just helps reinforce that the brain is able to respond to worry by doing orther things rather than just responding with anxiety. Good luck

Hi Dimitri, very helpful information I appreciate it.. I was doing yoga but then stopped cause for a while I was feeling much better then stopped taking lexapro and 3 months later I'm having anxiety again this time it's bad and it's doesn't help that it all started when my husbands grandma past away last wk that's when I felt it trigger but I feel like now it's something happening to me well thank you again for your wonderful advice
take care!
HI Terri
I am glad to hear that the Yoga helped you but again I would suggest specifically doing a mindfulness course if you can and if not, use some of the resources that are available online for mindfulness. The reason why I recommend the mindfulness meditation is because it is highly recommended for anxiety sufferers. You can also start taking up yoga again as I know that will help also.
I am sorry to hear about your husbands Grandma, shocks like this in the family can trigger off anxiety and can make you worry about death, health etc...these are all symptoms caused by the anxiety. I have been a very severe anxiety sufferer for nearly 2 years now and I know how disabling it can be, I can honestly say that after therapy and using mindfulness techniques my anxiety is becoming much less frequent and I feel like I am gaining control back over my life again. I no longer use medication and I am getting longer periods of not even worrying about it anymore.
I am telling you this so you know that it can be dealt with and that there are treatments out there that really help. I am talking from experience as a sufferer who used to visit A & E daily and sometimes twice a day dying from one ailment or another only to be told everytime that there is nothing wrong with me. I used to insist that they carry out this check and that check and worry if they didnt check me properly, I mean I was proper. I havent been to the A & E for about six months now so you can imagine the improvement there.. The help is out there go and get it : )

Hi Dimitri! Wow you're right on point.. My anxiety comes & goes but when it's triggered I can't help but think it's more them just anxiety thank you so much for your kind words & thoughts. I will definitely look up mindfulness techniques sounds beneficial. Glad to hear you're doing better
I'm trying my best to overcome my horrible feelings/anxiety. Thankful I'm given a new day
Having a pain right in the middle of my stomach & worrying this is a symptom of a heart attack..I woke up today and boom I started feeding my negative thoughts that I'm having a heart attack. It's the next day and I'm still worried it's going to happen. Feeling tired and have No energy to do anything..
Welcome to the site.
Hey were exactly same feeling hmmmm. Im worrying to much and thinking about breathing. Like on and off that shortness of breath.. Im happy that i have a same feeling right now. Maybe its the anxiety. Or else or the acid reflux.. Too much thinking can cause shortness of breath and something stuck like choking huhuhu.. Try to relax. And u know i feel shortness of breath everyday and choking... Heavy head.. Im totaly scared i dont have a money for check up and the other like ent ecg xray medicine because were poor. . Goodluck to us
Hello Terri!!
Wow that sounds like me!
I've been ruled out of anything heart related.
So I know it's anxiety.
It causes acid reflux flare up that causes the pain in the center of my stomach
Chest tightness and weird odd jittery feeling
I tend to yawn a lot when I'm nervous.
Burping could be from the heartburn.
Get yourself checked so you can have that to calm you down.
I look at yourself and tell your self that you are fine. Over and over tell you believe it I did this today and had an anxiety free day
it's been a while, don't get me wrong I felt short of breath, dizzy, pains but I ignored told myself I'm healthy and carried on.
Hope you feel better
Hi yaz, thank you so much for your advice.. It's been more then a wk with different symptoms everyday. I have a hot sensation and very jitter feeling like I want to throw up I can't sleep I'm scared I'm gonna die from a heart attack a hot sensation comes over my entire body I'm so scared
Hi Terri
That's interesting as I do the burp and yawn thing too.....??? I really feel your pain x been told to google mindfulness, have a look!