I'm 45 and I have my own business and had stress issues about work started on citlapram 10 mg and everything went good but maybe 5 yrs ago I needed a stent put in and because I didn't take my meds a yr later another same place then I took all my meds except 1 and a yr later another stint same spot so now I'm religious with meds. And it's been about 2 yrs since but a few months ago my wife set off a bug bomb off in the room next to wear I was sleeping I awoke coughing and then my throats started closing completely and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't inhale for a few seconds which felt like mins called 911 went o hospital all was fine but then every cough my mind said it's gonna close again then started have panic attacks which make me fell I can't breath plus having a heart attack. Doc up my prescription to 20 mg but still have then once and a while got tired of worrying if every ache and pain was a precursor of heart attack so had every test done I could and heart and arteries are fine so I'm thinking ok no more panic attack but tonight I over exerted myself playing adult and found when finished I was gasping for me to catch my breath so a panic attack an ideas what I can do to stop this I'm so tired of being scared I'm gonna stop breathing and afraid the panic attack won't stop
Help: I'm 45 and I have my own business and... - Anxiety Support

Hey bud,
Reading that I would suggest you try Magnesium, not only will it calm you down but it relaxes your lungs and throat/airways so it's nice wide and open. Your wife needs a good shaking !!!
But Magnesium glycinate Dr's Best brand is the best one around and it will help you out BIG TIME! .

Would I take that daily or just when needed
Daily. You start low as deficiency is common. You then build up your dose and you'll end up not needing anti depressants or anxiety tablets. It is a natural mineral. Start at a half tablet's a day. You'll soon notice the difference, I've taken it for a few years now and I'm a 49 yr old male, best thing I've ever done.

Thanks for the advise I'm going to buy some today. You think I should do like muti vitamins that have magn in them or just mag
This is what you want. You could buy a multi vitamin tablet but take them 3 hours after Magnesium or before as some vitamins/minerals stop Magnesium glycinate being taken up by the body. Best buy itself.