So I keep getting really depressed. Is this the anxiety or do I have depression from starting the Fluoxetine?
Depression? Or Anxiety?: So I keep getting... - Anxiety Support
Depression? Or Anxiety?

teemarie, I think right now you are having mixed emotions. The anxiety is getting the best of you because you took a med that was suppose to help but made you feel worse. I can see how that could depress you. But like I said before, it could be the chemicals in the pill that are having that affect on you. As the doctor said it will be out of your system in 48-72 hours. There will be no harmful after effects. I'm glad you spoke out to your doctor, after all we know our bodies response more than anyone else. Sometimes we have to be our own advocate. You did the right thing. xx
I just dont feel safe being alone idk Im not usually like this. This isnt me. I just dont feel right at all. I feel like I have no emotions.
Having no emotions is what antidepressants can sometimes do. But in your case having stopped the medication it should be gone in a few days. There is no way those pills could put you into a long term state of depression. I really believe teemarie, that it is temporary. I wish I could calm you down, I can sense your agitation building through your posts. When you say you don't feel safe what does that really mean? You are not thinking of harming yourself are you?
No I just feel so unemotional and just tired. I feel nothing. I had a dose yesterday and today. I know its in my head but I am so scared. I also feel like Im having an anxiety attack plus Im tired as hell but cant sleep. I wish I never started the damn pills. I dont want them to put me away or lose my kids over this.
You won't lose your children over this. Whether it's in your head doesn't matter now, you need to start feeling better physically so that emotionally you will be able to handle this shock to your system. I know you are very angry now and you have every right to be. Pills are handed out like candy now a days without patients being told the side effects. You're tired both physically and emotionally and you do need to get some sleep or at least rest. I don't think you will be able to meditate or deep breath on your own because you are so worked up. But if you have a tape of some relaxation/imagery it might not be a bad idea to listen to it in bed. Hopefully it may calm your mind down so you can get some much needed sleep. Try to think that it's over now, you are off the pills and you learned a lesson. Tomorrow is a new day and I will be waiting to hear from you in the morning to see how you are doing. Sending you a hug xx
prob cors with the anxiety get gets you down and bit depressed cors of it it would do a
Fluoxetine is Spose to help you not feel depressed I know lots people in it and they say it's a really good one and I'm hoping to start it very soon too I can't wait to feel happy again x
teemarie, how are you feeling today? Any better at all? I'm keeping you in my thoughts. xx