I am 55 ill health and only lately found a passion which I know would of helped with my mental health. I love learning to play Guitar and all those days I drank alcohol mainly because I was insanely bored. I feel I missed out on so much life I could of enjoyed. I cracked up lost it completely and hurt so many people lost face with friends and family. I could control my anger but I was severely bullied mainly by my Father and because I was having nervous breakdowns I was bullied further by idiots that could see I had absolutely no confidence and it shows hugely. Life is short and you young ones do not let people get to you or let them difine who you are . Get help asap . What ever you do not bottle things up because it will come out in ugly ways it will fester and pop.
Feel I've missed out on so much: I am 55 ill... - Anxiety Support
Feel I've missed out on so much

Hi, good advise for everyone here about not letting things fester and to get help.
Can I also say that 55 is not really that old. You have found a hobby that you love and it sounds like you are finding that it helps. You are still young enough to go out and try new things. Look after yourself and who knows what you can achieve.
Life is short, but you still have a lot that you can achieve, set your goals and go for it.
Take care.

Thanks 20voices your right of course. Hope to here more off you.
Thanks Dodo,
I am still playing the same 3 chords on the guitar that I have been practising for the past 5 years, so you are doing great.
Apparently learning new things keeps the brain active, helps with anxiety and depression and also keeps you young. So keep practising and trying new things.
Hi Dodo, the state of our health, combined with our anxiety can make us feel older than we are. The past has provided you with a learning ability to become the man you are today. (Kind, caring and giving) I'm glad you joined the forum, you are a welcome member.
Thanks Agora. People die young where I live but must admit poverty has been eradicated and alcohol and hard drugs are not a big issue anymore.
I just wish I got how life worked at a much younger age . My sister got it but she didn't feel the wrath of my father's bullying angry stressed lashing out bitterness on a daily basis.
I just notice all my finger nails have a rippling effect I wonder what that can be ?
Dodo, finger nails do tell the doctors a lot about our health.
Hello Dodo
I to can feel I have missed out when I look back but I try not to look back but look forward and it is never to late even when we are in our 50's
For the generations after there is more support now and like you I hope they ask and take that support which was not available when we were younger
I hope you are having a nice day , very hot here a bit to hot , but that is us Brits for you famous we are for moaning about the weather
Take Care x
Thank you Bounce I do feel better after reading encouraging comments. I been cutting down on sugar these past few days AGAIN and I guess it affects my mood and confidence. Again thanks for replying. : ).
That is something I should do cut down on sugar , well done I fail every time with that one x

Even when I was as young as 4 my mother said I used to eat sugar raw hiding bags of sugar behind the toilet. Even when I was a teenager i would sneak down stairs and have several spoonfuls at night and go back to bed. Lol but it made me feel nice. I also stole 2 penny's back in 1965 and bought a small kitkat . So my addiction started very young lol.
O Dodo that made me laugh back in 1965 you stole 2 pennies and bought a small kitkat x