I keep getting this pain on my left side around my breast area. I also get this sensation around my chest and up in my throat. It feels like there's some kind of air bubble stuck. I've had ECG's and heart monitor and nothing has been found. Does anyone know what it could be. I'm really scared now. People also think I'm crazy
Pains in chest, feels like air bubbles tra... - Anxiety Support
Pains in chest, feels like air bubbles trapped.

Me too
Jayde_96 it could be just trapped gas. It will make u feel like that trust me I've had it there and in my back
I get it too... It's quite disconcerting, especially when it feels like blood bubbling or flowing upstream. I've been told it's probably spasms in the esophagus or chest muscles.
Hi thanks for the reply, it seems to come from the left side and tracked upwards toward throat. It feels tight more then painful. I've had ECG's ect. Still worried it could be my heart though
My cardiologist explained that it can start as something else then the response to pain or concern can trigger tachycardia or palpitations. We jokingly called it the "oh s**t, what's happening" phenomenon. He assured me it isn't dangerous & said to remind yourself EKG's are quite accurate plus you've lived through how many episodes.
I have the same thing happen to me. I feel like blood rush up while feeling like bubbles in my stomach come up to my throat. Sometimes I feel like bubbles in my chest. It's been happening for a few years now. It happens for a couple of seconds then goes away. I can still breath it's just harder to breath. I've seen a cardiologist and a gastroenterologist and they both said everything seems fine.
dear don't worry.i have same symptoms.i think its gas problem,i have upset stomach and going through anxiety as well.
I do the same thing and it is very uncomfortable I thought it was bad heartburn it seem like it goes from the front to the back sometimes it scares me I'd never heard this before until my cousin told me about it.
OMG! This happens to me too! is very scary! done heart exams nothing found, is very frustrating,scary not sure what to do anymore
My symptoms typically last for a few hours go away & then come back. How long does everyone else's symptoms last just curious? I also get shortness of breath here & there.
Mine can last a few seconds or be on and off for a few hours. It's so scary
I get the same thing but most of the time it happens at night when laying down
I always feel like crap a majority of the day. I think I have chest anxiety but I still want to verify that to make sure it's not something more serious.
It can be gastritis
Yes i have the same pain to a point where my hand is over my chest because of the feeling, can overweight be a problem cause im at 323lb? or also not drinking enough water everyday?
Hi..im going thru the same..it feels like bubbles going from up down around the heart...it last few seconds only but repeats. It is very scary. I was told it is probably reflux problem so now using pills for reflux and hope it will stop.
Hi Jade, I experience the same exact bubblelike pain except that mine is on the right side. Mine started off on my back and started moving up towards my right breast and shoulder when I started taking deep painful breaths to try to get rid of it. I have had it now for the last month on and off. I was at work a couple of weeks ago and took a deep breath to sneeze, big mistake the pain felt like it broke into small segments and some shoot up towards my chest. I was so scared, I called the ambulance,at the hospital the doctor did lots of tests and everything came back negative.Put me on painkillers and sent me home. Surprise surprise, the pain returned last night. It is so painful and annoying.
Im 15 and whats been happening with me is yesterday is that I was laughing hard for a while with my friend and then I got sudden sharp pains around my heart and middle of my chest area. It has happened before when Ive taken in deep breath's and coughed hard. Everytime I would breathe in it would go off and I feel coughem just getting stabbed over and over in the same spot. I have no clue whats going on with me but I dont thinkior hope its nothing serious.
Just started having that strange bubble pressure feeling too. Everybody's body and blood is different. Have to try different things to find what is needed or work for them. Some of can try Alka-Seltzer. Usually have 2 tablets in small package. Just take one with little water. About the "purple pills for the reflux, those are bad for your bones. Would try to avoid them if can... Need to try to avoid spicy and or acid foods. Works for some people... I'm gonna go to the Vitamin Store to ask for some useful Vitamins or Herbs that should help either the stomach or blood flowing. I have already got the CoQ-10 (30mg) Vitamins for the heart beat. Some Vitamin Shoppe stores have the "Hair Test" that you can have them cut a piece of your hair and they send it to the lab to get a report (within two weeks) on what your body is needing and also what your body is missing out on, in order to get back to Healthy again! It is worth it! The report tells you what you need to eat more and what to avoid or cut down on. I would encourage people to try to stay on organics as much as they can. To stay healthy and avoid going to the doctors more often... I did that hair test a year ago and needing to go do it again to update my health... another encouragement, check on the website called "Hallelujah Diet"... and read their testimonies about their health. You might find some help there? ... Sha
This is not something which is related to physical body, there is more to it, in order to tell you about that I want someore info
Hello, brand spanking new here , hopefully you see this cause you posted 3mths ago . Literally going through the same thing . Except the pressure extends down my left arm also . All tests came back negative . They noticed some changes in my ECG compared to previous ones but nothing alarming . Tryptophan enzyme wasn't present all 3 times they checked, so no heart concerns They treated me as if I have pericarditis even though i didnt just get over any viral infection. So I'm on nsaids for 2wks . But it really feels like air or gas is moving around . You said it wasn't physical . If you're talking spiritual I'm all ears ! Hopefully that was enough info .
Hey Pluto, I’ve got physical side of anxiety so whenever my body hurts or aches or constant sore I stress about it. I also have the gas feeling around the chest area and sometime stomach I’ve been taking reflux tablets seems to be settling everything down.
Also had a panic attach a couple weeks back went to hospital and they noticed different things on my ecg also but again nothing alaraming they did blood test all cane back negative.
I’m finding getting a massage helps a lot releases a lot of tension and pains but yeah the whole arm pain thing and heat isn’t the best.
Don’t worry! This is very normal. It happens to most people sometime in their life. It’s simply a form of bloating/indigestion that can be caused by chewing gum, carbonated drinks, and eating a lot. There are a few things that can help with this like walking around for a bit, drinking a ginger ale, having a tums or a pepto-bismol, and laying on your side with your head lifted slightly. However, if it has been happening often and for long periods of time, it could be something more serious. A few diseases exist that can cause this. Follow this link to learn more about the causes of this pain; healthline.com/health/bubbl...
I had it for the last month, had all rest done they say air bubble in chest plus thankly they found a mass around near there so waiti g for ct chest scan now, very painful everyday doesn't seem to go away, now I have no appetite
I know this was 4 years ago but I have the same thing. I feel like bubbles that are popping in my chest and going up to my throat. I thought they were heart palpitations...I went to emergency room 2 times. I then went to cardiologist and my heart is okay. I'm thinking about going to a gasto. doctor . I been having this feeling for 2 months now. I'm thinking it has to do with my stomach. I do have anxiety ..have been diagnosed with IBS. I have thyroid disease. Other then that I'm healthy. I have felt like a lump in my throat some days also. Its a scary feeling..hope everyone finds relief. If I can find relief I will sure come back and comment.
Hi! I know you made this years ago but I have been experiencing the same things that you did and they have lasted for the last 2 months. I have had an EKG and ECG and both were normal. I have been to the emergency room twice and they couldn’t find anything wrong with me. I’ve also had two chest X-rays and a CT scan of chest. Any advice would be helpful because it’s so scary. We’re you able to get over this? Did you take any medications?