Hi everyone my name is Mel and I've just joined here. Now I've read a lot of posts that people have posted and I'm really glad that I have found something or someone to finally talk to about the symptoms that I have. I don't really have anyone to talk to so when I found this I was relieved.
I've always been abit quiet and to myself, I never use to be,I use be loud and out there,until one day I just started to feel down and I mean really down and didn't want to leave the house I was more then happy in my comfort zone sitting on my couch watch films or box sets etc (sad I know) but that was my comfort place. I've always felt anxious.
Recently I went out on a night out and since then I've been feeling on edge, panicky, anxious, constantly feeling light headed and dizzy not being able to focus straight.feeling like I'm here but I'm not, going hot and cold and sometimes even a burning sensation in the back left of my head if that makes sense. When I eat I feel sick but I'm not sure if I'm hungry or not. I have butterfly's in my stomach and just don't feel me at all. Tonight I've been sent home from work I'm so tired and just wanted to be on my own in my bed.
Tuesday night was a really bad night I just woke up n started panicking really really bad, my body was tingerling and not being able to control myself. I went really hot and stuck my head out of the window. I couldn't lie down as that made me worse, I was rocking backwards and forth not knowing what to do with myself it was horrible, I had to hold my husbands hand at one point to try calm me down, even tried to be sick, my mouth was so dry aswel.
I'm really sorry this is do long, but these are the symptoms I've been having and I'm not sure what to do, I'm scared I'm going to have this all the time now and not going to go away. As anybody or does anybody else feel like this? Xx