It has been 8 months now that I am experiencing something horrible.. It's hard to describe but whenever I stand or walk, I feels like the floor is moving. It happens for like a second as if the ground is dropping under my feet or sometimes it feels like it is moving upwards.. in both way there is a weird feeling in my head and whole body as if it stops working for a sec.. It is hard to describe but it is kind of the same sensation you have when you are sleeping and suddenly wake up falling for a split seconds. I ended up thinking it was anxiety but it is weird because it happens all the time, even when I feel calm and at home. And also I can kind of force it to happen, I just stand up and push all my weight on one feet and then the other, or just stand up and do some small mouvements with my hips. Sometimes it is as if I find a spot and I can do some small mouvement around this spot and it happens everytime... it's an horrible sensation.. The things is after I got one of this sensation, it lets me dizzy and nauseous and I can't be myself it just takes me and I have to focus on not throwing up..
Does anyone have any idea what I could do ? I really need help, I lost almost all my friends, jobs.. But I am very willing to become healthy again and start all over again