Hi everyone im new to this site and have been denying the fact i have an anxiety problem for 3 months and that it must be medical. I think i have turned a corner and am now accepting the fact it is anxiety that's causing many/all of my symptoms let me tell you a little about myself. Im an IT professional that was always working an 80 hour week for years i have 3 children and happily married.
My Story starts Just before Christmas 2015 where i have a nasty sinus infection so i go to the doctors and while i was there my blood pressure was way to high so i got treated for that also so the doctor started me on blood pressure medication and off i went home and had a great Christmas any way new years eve comes and as a family we did some fireworks at midnight and we had a good evening and we all went to bed as normal when i suddenly get woken up at 2pm heart racing feeling really hot sweaty out of breath i think this is strange so i come downstairs and stand out side to cool down this doesn't help my lips start getting pins and needles so do my arms im really panicking now i shout my wife and call an ambulance as I think im having a heart attack the ambulance crew get to me which was lighting fast and promptly do an ECG my heart was fine and they assured me it could just been one of those things.
Im still feeling awful so when the doctors surgery reopens i book an appointment and they recommend some time of work and refer me to a cardiologist as a just in case since this time i have been to A&E 12 times and am in constant pain with my chest feel dizzy and feel sick i also get weird numbness in my feet and the worst of them all is i feel so disconnected from myself like its not me actually walking around almost like a dream just with my ears ringing.
I have had my cardiologists report which i thought how dare he say i have anxiety that is for people that just feel scared about life im not like that ( he says before actually knowing what anxiety is) so i even pay for a private cardiologist report same thing. They have found some eptopic beats on my heart but nothing sinister im now at a point to accept the fact it must be anxiety and i need some help with it instead of trying to find a cardio medical reason sorry for the long post but its been such a struggle i haven't worked since January and it nearly separated me from my wife whom i love but this ugly monster called anxiety was masking that and the feelings i have towards her and my children i dont feel like im ever going to get better and everyday im in pain with no energy and its really getting me down thanks for reading any advice would be greatly appreciated