WHAT WAS THAT? HELP PLEAAAASEE: I was trying... - Anxiety Support

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SxufferingSxoul profile image
15 Replies

I was trying to nap today and as I was napping I felt my heart stop for just a second, everything felt calm in a horrifying way, days ago I got news of some girl my age who died from a cardiac arrest so that added loads of anxiety to me despite already being anxious about the fact that my heart LITERALLY STOPPED FOR A SECOND! Now Im scared that my heart will stop in my sleep. I stopped propranolol days ago because it was making my anxiety of my heart stopping worse! Is this normal??? DID ANYONE EVER EXPERIENCE THAT WHAT THE HELL! I have been to cardiologists in the last couple of years ALOT, they all tell me my heart is fine, and that I am just “anxious” they also said that I am too young to get a heart attack or a disease as these type of things most commonly come after the age of 45 or something?? Is that true? I am freaking out right now, I feel like my heart will stop, have my phone ready to call the ambulance ugh. I am only 16😭😭

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15 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi SxufferingSxoul, let me assure you in that your cardiologists are right in that

anxiety is behind what you are feeling. Being 16 y.o. you have your life ahead of you.

What you experienced was a pause in your heart beat not that it was stopping. We can't

compare ourselves to others our age. This other girl may have had a congenital issue

or other physical problem that caused her heart attack. It is highly unusual for someone

your age to experience cardiac problems.

Your heart is not going to stop. You can put down the cell phone except to call a friend

and make some plans to have some fun. This is not unusual for anxiety to try and take

over our mind when we focus on an unexpected incident that we read about.

Remember, you are not that girl. You are quite safe and have a long life ahead of you.

Enjoy it. :) xx

SxufferingSxoul profile image
SxufferingSxoul in reply to Agora1

Thank you so much for your reply!😭 I honestly wish I had a friend in real life, I happen to live in a place full of people that don’t believe in mental health. I had a friend I trusted for a long time but when I told her about the anxiety disorder, why I sometimes act weird and why I take medication, she was like: “OMG YOU TAKE MEDS? Who takes meds for stuff like that” but whatever. I am sorry if this is a bit tmi. But thank you so much, right now I am messaging my online bestfriend and playing some games.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to SxufferingSxoul

Hi, I might not be in real life but know that I am real and do care.

Have fun playing some games. :) xx

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Agora1

Sure you are not a bot Agora? :) xx

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to SxufferingSxoul

Hi I agree with Agora. Did you stop to think that the reason you heard about this young girl is because it is so unusual? This shows that it is very uncommon and unless you have heart problems already it is not going to happen to you at the tender age of 16, trust me.

The vast majority of heart problems are caused after decades of eating the wrong foods, lack of exercise, smoking and so on. This is why it is very rare in someone young like you.

Please don't waste your life in thinking what if's. x

SxufferingSxoul profile image
SxufferingSxoul in reply to hypercat54

Thank you so much, I also always get breathing issues that worsen for a second or two once I stand up. They go away when I distract myself?? I have a vitamin b deficiency, it won’t kill me right? My mother always tells me scary stuff about deficiencies and how they can be deadly. Honestly when she said that, all symptoms came. I felt like I couldn’t stay lied down in the same posture, yet standing would make everything worse so I think I will get into respiratory arrest or something if I stand up. Eventually I just play a game that requires alot of focus and they sort of vanish. Please if you can help me with what that could be!

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to SxufferingSxoul

I think I would ask your mother not to scare you so much and wonder if she is the source of your health anxiety. She probably doesn't realise how much it is affecting you.

Are you getting treatment for your lack of vitamin B? Deficiences in this can certainly contribute towards anxiety too. And no - it won't kill you as long before then you will have other severe symptoms which a doctor would sort.

Try not to believe everything you read. One moment doctors say something is bad for you, then the next it is good. Everything in moderation is my motto.

The human body is very strong and resilient and will cope with smaller things without problems. It is made to last a lifetime after all! x

SxufferingSxoul profile image
SxufferingSxoul in reply to hypercat54

No I am not, because actually, I am not sure if I am still deficient, last time I got prescribed Vitamin B shots and pills was when I was in 4th grade, I did have breathing issues tho they are not as severe as they are now. They eventually went away and now came back. She blames vaping, but I used to smoke normal cigarettes and back then I didn’t have trouble breathing, I did but they were mild and tolerable. (Only smoked because I was peer pressured into doing it) That was when I switched to an electronic one, and she started lecturing me even more about how that electronic cigarette “kills vitamin B” I don’t think vaping is the reason behind my breathing issues as it does not contain as much toxic chemicals as tobacco smoke.

Thank you so much

SxufferingSxoul profile image
SxufferingSxoul in reply to hypercat54

And by the way, yeah I did think about how unusual and upsetting it is for a girl my age to die from such thing :( what scared me even more, is that doctors blamed common drinks that have preservatives, for her cardiac arrest. It was a cardiac arrest not heart attack sorry. My mom of course, told me that those are the drinks I drink most of the time, but it’s just powdered latte! I hardly drink fizzy drinks.

Kkimm profile image
Kkimm in reply to Agora1

Great reply

You probably experienced palpitations. Feels like your heart skips a beat. I’ve suffered this for years. You’ll be fine. 💕

SxufferingSxoul profile image
SxufferingSxoul in reply to

Thank you❤️

stde profile image

Severe anxiety produces run away imagination with physiological reactions...

What you are suffering from is an overactive mind due to increased anxiety...

When you understand this you will discover ways to slow your mind down and hence these feelings will subside

Peggy76 profile image

Hi I’m sorry to hear of your problems ,I wore a heart o]monitor &my heart stopped 47 times during one night I nearly lost m mind, but was reassured by my cardiologist that was not unusual. But like you stress causes most of my angina attacks you are a young girl relax &enjoy your life be happy 😃 xx

jojokdz profile image

I feel that same feeling like my heart skipped a beat. I have had these skips since I was 18 yrs old. I am now 68. They are called PVC'S. had every test there is.. Dr. says they are benign.....

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