Well I'm laid in bed and my heart is beating quite fast, normally at this time of night my heart rate is about 75-80bpm but for about am hour it's been 90-100bpm and I'm not even moving it's worrying me as it's not a panic attack it's just my heart racing but now I'm scared it will get faster and will turn into an attack
Heart rate : Well I'm laid in bed and my... - Anxiety Support
Heart rate

I get those random fast heartbeats aswell especially by Nighttime. I hate hate hate it!! Especially when your not even doing anything but just laying there i really Hope you start to feel better Love. I will be praying for you much love xoxo Paulette

Do you? omg their scarey arnt they 😢 I freak out with them 😢 I hate them too and yes it's when you arnt even moving thank you I hope you feel better soon too sweetie love Maxine 😊 xoxo
Hello Twinkle
Hope you are feeling a lot better today and your heart as stopped racing , I think it can do this even when we are resting and not feeling anxious and I know you will be here today so shows it was not anything sinister
Take care x

Hi bounce ah I'm feeling so poorly I have a water infection and a fever hun my heart is racing because of that I think but I can't get to a&e with my agoraphobia ok hoping cranberry juice will do the trick because I feel so bad shivering and heart racing plus the pain it's days like today I wonder if it's all worth it because it's just one thing after another with me 😢
Take care too hun x
O you are going through it
You will start hating me in a bit because of what I keep saying but it is a fact that if you are lacking in vitamins you do pick infections up , a spray a day instead of an apple a day could help with all this ....bet you could do it , think what do you have to loose when you are feeling so ill
Hope the Cranberry helps x

Thank you bounce ahh no I could never hate you I know what's you're saying is in my best interest and you're definitely right about being deficient and infections I really wish It weeks ago I will try and take it at tea time though when my partner is home even though I'm still so very scared 😧 oh it's usually helps I'm praying it does this time 🙏 x
You can do it Twinkle , honestly it will not kill you but the opposite it will eventually help you to feel better ...we will all hold your hand all the way
Sorry I don't seem to have any smiley faces they won't show up so just pretend they are there because they are x

Ahh thank you hun I will try my very best to just do it i now at some point I have to otherwise I'll be stuck like this forever ah it's ok I know you're smiling and I'm smiling back 😊 x