My name is Corbin, and for the last two years have been extremely unwell with a seemingly undiagnosible illness.
I am a fit, healthy 28 year old guy who has spontaneously developed servere high blood pressure, temporal pressure headaches, dizzy spells and blocked ears. The symptoms vary, with acute periods lasting a couple hours and occurring on a weekly basis. Generally an acute period is characterized by severe headaches, needing to lie down, blocked ears and extreme lethargy. and on the odd anxious feeling.
I have had CT’s and MRI’s of the brain and cervical spine, PET scans, ECHO’s, a multitude of blood tests and various other tests with no abnormalities.
I gym 4 times a week, eat healthy and work as a hairdresser, so my lifestyle is pretty healthy overall.
This condition is starting to limit my lifestyle and with two years of no answers I am putting it out there for someone to recognize or provide advice about what could potentially be going on!
Any feedback, even small, would be very much appreciated! Corbin@live.com.au