Mysterious 24/7 head pressure, head pain, ... - Anxiety Support

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Mysterious 24/7 head pressure, head pain, dizziness, headrushes, hungover feeling, fatigue, brain fog, pins and needles, ear fullness.

Thera profile image
359 Replies

Hello, I am 27, female and have the same stuff going on for the past 2 1/2 years. I am very active, very healthy, and happy aside this happening. I have had every text, scan, MRI, lumbar puncture, Ec. All turning up normal. I have 24/7 head pressure, fog, dizziness, and pain. I get shooting and stabbing pains randomly in head. My ears feel full on and off. I get pressure behind eyes and ears. My sinuses and ears are in perfect condition according to multiple ENTs. Whenever I stand up I get dizzy, lightheaded, headrushes and almost blurred vision. This is all worse when I wake up and stand up but it is constant. Sometimes it's not as strong as other times but it is always there. I feel hungover every day with no alcohol consumption. I get tingling sensations on my head too. And sometimes it will just be a dull pain. Sometimes there is no pain and just pressure. Today has been a bad day. Constant head pressure at a level 10. Really strong dizzyness when standing. I'm sitting in a chair still and feel like my brain is floating in my head. There is a fuzzy almost styrofoam feeling in my head. Well enough about me. I am happy to have found a recent message board. Hopefully together we can find some answers. Please keep posting anything and everything. I have a few doctor appointments next week. I will keep yall updated. Best wishes.

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Thera profile image
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359 Replies
John12 profile image

Ye I get this feel like my ears are about to pop also sometimes as if brain could blow up freaky but it passes try changeling diet w.g lots of water and fruit

Kirsty456 profile image

Hi yes had same symptoms I av had a constant headache for 8 weeks now possible longer shooting pains n a sense of burning I'm waiting on an appt w neroligist

Also ears feel full like they need to pop

Yesterday I put sum hot water in a bowl w sum Vicks vapour and inhaled it for 10 min with a towel over head seemed to ease sum head pain

Done it again this morning n it's not worked as good but keeps my Sirius from blocking up

U are not alone n the head pressure isn't nice at all it's pretty freaky !!!

Aazz profile image

Does your heart also race upon standing? You may have pots syndrome or orthostatic hypotension I say this because your symptoms happen upon standing maybe bring this up at your appointments next week.

Thera profile image


Thank you all for the replies. POTS and Orthostatic Hypertension definitely sound like what I am experiencing upon standing. I will mention this at my appointment next week. It just worries me because it's not just upon standing. I have the constant pressure and head pain all day everyday. With bonus dizzy spells upon waking and standing. I feel like these are all clues to something the docs have been missing for 2 1/2 years. I have tried a ton of different diets. I am currently mostly paleo with high vegetable and fruit intake and a healthy portion of protine. I eliminated all processed foods and sugars from my diet. Also no caffeine or alcohol except on special occasion and very minimal. As good as I feel about my diet changes they didn't help with any of my symptoms. I exercise 4xs a week even tho it's very hard with my head. I try to stay in good health as to rule out any diet or lifestyle things. I have also had my sinuses opened with balloon sinuplasty. The ENT said they were perfect but we did the procedure anyways just to 100% rule out the sinuses causing anything. Also had my ears worked on, had steroid injections in them, was on diuretics, with no change. They also look perfect but feel terrible. I am looking forward to my appointment next week and will keep you all posted. Since my lightheadedness has been severely worse I will make this a big highlight at the appointment. Wish me luck. And good luck to you all. I am sorry to hear others are suffering with these symptoms too. Hopefully we can figure this out. If anyone needs advice or some support feel free to reply.

paseo37 profile image
paseo37 in reply toThera

I m feeling somethink the head is dizzy and sometimes i feel someone is oressing on my head.the Dr told me that it s sinus first than he told me that it could be tension headache.he gave me dianxit for a week now but still the same.tomorrow I am going to see E.N.T may be is the balance

Thera profile image
Thera in reply topaseo37

Keep us posted. Good luck at ENT!

Prija profile image
Prija in reply toThera

Hey, Thera

I'm 24 year old male, I have been living with this issue for 2 monhts now, It's kinda hard.

My symptomes are:

Constant 24/7 head pressure for the past 2 months, It started out of nowhere, I hade my teeth done by the dentist, and next morning the head pressure started, altought It does not have anything to do with my teeth, I tok It out, and the head pressure Is still there, also I have neck stiffnes, it started 3-4 days after I got head pressure, sleeping on left side I found out is better then on the right side, also my next symtoms are dizzines, sometimes I feel really dizzy, and sometimes I don't. But more of the time I do feel dizzy, a couple of weeks ago, my ears started buzzing, and the were buzzing for about 5-6 days, and after that I just feel pressure in my ears, also at times, it feels like my breath is taken away.

I have been to neurologist and done next tests:

Blood test:

everything normal, tough I hade some leukocitys 4-10 normal range my range (11.1) CRP normal range 0-10 my range (10) triglicerydes normal range 0.45 - 2.00 my range (2.02)

CT Scan

Came back normal, will try to do CT scan or MRI with contracst to se my blood vessels in my head, maybe It's aneruysm, i don't now, will try in the next couple of weeks.

For neck stiffnes I use Deep relief and exercise my neck, it does not help,

This week I have also done Visual and Audio evoked potentials, the results will be in 7 days, I will keep you informed, I just hope this is nothing too seriuos

Also pain medications are not helping..

Sorry for my bad english, Prija.

AmandaJoan profile image
AmandaJoan in reply toPrija

We all seem to have the same story. For me, it all started in cheerleading, as a flyer I was dropped from the top of a pyramid and started having neck pain and back spasms. Soon later, I started to feel a dizziness ad pressure and black out (14 yrs old). I was diagnosed with adolescent syncope. I later grew out of losing consciousness but started having the severe pains- for me its my left ear/jaw/temple (18 yrs old)- I can only compare it to the way your ears used to feel as a child on a plane... At 20 they diagnosed me with cluster headaches. At 23 they dismissed the cluster headaches and are focusing largely on rare forms of trigeminal neuralgia.

I am now 25 years old, more than 10 yrs without relief. I have had everything from my ears to my heart checked. I've tried just about every category of treatment; exercise, bizarre diets, heart medications, anti-consultants, pain meds, steroids, nerve blocks... nothing takes the pain away- I will say nerve blocks provide some relief temporally, ask your dr about these if you haven't tried them yet.

What I found really interesting is some people on here mentioning POTS... I'd love to hear what your most recent diagnosis is Prija!

Lexifernandez profile image
Lexifernandez in reply toAmandaJoan

Wow! Idk if you are still on this message board but your story is exactly mine!! I did competitive cheer for 10 years and got dropped a lot. I am autoimmune and have a thyroid condition. However I received the hpv vaccine around age 14 and that's immediately when my symptoms started. I have been diagnosed with pots and it's actually linked with the vaccine and autoimmunity on

sapfire123 profile image
sapfire123 in reply toPrija


I have the similar problem . Is to much air in my ear. I buy ear wax candles. And the air comes out. Then I feel so much better almost immediately. I feel dizzy pressure on my head and eyes. It causes my blood pressure to get to high. Every since I have been using the ear wax candles I HAVE felt better.Hope this helps

rajesh_pn3000 profile image
rajesh_pn3000 in reply toPrija

Check for ear infection, and get a thyroid test done

Engineer0424 profile image
Engineer0424 in reply toPrija

I have similar symptoms have you found out a solution yet?

jenny1971 profile image
jenny1971 in reply toPrija

Were you able to figure out what you have? My daughter had her wisdom teeth removed two years ago and two days later the squeezing head pain began. She has it 24/7. I'm on the never-ending quest to find out what is causing the pain. All the doctors we have seen have been worthless.

Amyk34 profile image
Amyk34 in reply topaseo37

Paseo37 let me know what the dr says o feel the same and have had many texts done even an MRI of my brain all normal I also feel someone is pressing down on my head while I am sitting walking whatever! It's such bad pressure I can't stand it anymore!

beans000 profile image
beans000 in reply topaseo37

Try a cervical pillow or cervical roll. It helped alleviate my tension headaches and other symptoms.

Jami34lyn profile image
Jami34lyn in reply toThera

I'm so glad I found this. I'm freaking out! I have had this pressure on the top of my head with a burning and tingling. I went to the emergency room, they gave me a bunch of sinus medicine. No X-ray's or any scans. I don't feel like this is sinus related. Sometimes it's just the pressure without the burning and tingling, sometimes all at once but it never really goes away. I haven't slept in 3 days thing I'm having a brain aneurysm or I have a tumor. Ugh! I feel a million times better after reading these post. I pray it's nothing serious! 😩

jjsrule2 profile image
jjsrule2 in reply toJami34lyn

Hi Jami from another Jami I noticed you posted recently I can relate somewhat. I'm also having a tingle feeling, no burning though on left side of head, dizziness, foggyness, fatigue, pressure above left eye. This happened out of the blue last week. Its causing me extreme anxiety. I have a doc appointment Mon. I to pray its nothing serious I just want this to go away :(

Scollins33547 profile image
Scollins33547 in reply tojjsrule2

Same here it worries me a little 

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply toScollins33547 into it if you have stuff still. I'm trying to reply to everyone because I found out what my troubles were caused by, and it is this. Antibiotic poisoning, essentially. There is stuff that can be done to help tho. If you've taken Cipro or Avelox or any of the Fluorquinolones, it could be your culprit. Hope you are feeling better tho.

brookel78 profile image
brookel78 in reply toDizzykitty

Hi can you tell me how to remedy this? I have these same symptoms and feel it's antibiotic poisoning!

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply tobrookel78

I"m very sorry to not have seen this sooner, I hope you have found to be helpful if you still have symptoms.

justSne profile image
justSne in reply toDizzykitty

thanks a ton...i am going to check all the antibiotica my aunt takes as she tells me same thing everyday even after meeting best nuerologist in the city and everything.she is 58 and taking diabetics medicines from ages...i hope it helps..thanks for this post..i am sure it defnetitely helps evryone to check their medicines for the ingredients..will keep posted on my findings

mamipa12 profile image
mamipa12 in reply toDizzykitty

Hi - I am also going crazy suffering with these awful symptoms and I did have Cipro a while back before these symptoms started. What is the antidote for cipro poisoning?

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply tomamipa12

Hi Mamipa,

I'm very sorry you got floxed, that's the word for it, and I'm so sorry. While there is no antitdote, there are things that help. First off, the web site called is full of good information. Most importantly, never take a Fluoroquinolone again, Cipro or the others (you can look them up for the full list) avoid NSAIDS (ibuprofen, etc) avoid steroids, and in general, all Rx drugs and over the counter drugs too, as they can worsen the toxicity. I've been helped by a daily magnesium supplement, I find magnesium malate to be easy on the tummy and helpful, I take 1000 mgs of Vitamin C, I cut out sugar and eat very cleanly including organic vegetables. Avoid non organic meat, since beef cows are dosed with Cipro antibiotics. Drink lots of water without fluoride in it. These are things that won't hurt you to do at all. Floxiehope has much more. Time is the best healer, and be prepared to be patient because it takes a while. Please feel free to write to me again, but look at, and you can write to Lisa Bloomquist, its founder too, and she will write you back.

Jami34lyn profile image
Jami34lyn in reply tojjsrule2

I'm having extream anxiety also, afraid to fall asleep at night, afraid to leave the house and sometimes I'm afraid to be alone.  My family Dr ordered a CT scan for next week and started me on amitriptyline 25mg. 

I'm always on the ferge of a headache,  tonight the pressure on the top of my head and tingle has been going almost all day.  I'm nauseated, lightheaded and just laying down.  Ugh!  I pray this ends, so I can feel normal again

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toJami34lyn

any relief?

jjsrule2 profile image
jjsrule2 in reply toJami34lyn

I'm still dealing with head pressure and other symptoms at first I wasn't getting any pain now I've been getting headaches and neck aches. Doc sent me to a ENT and I've done a ct scan of sinus and vng testing to look at inner ear. I find out results Fri. He said if everything is good there he will send me to a Neurotologists headach specialist. I've read about vestibular migraines and I think maybe it could be that. Antidepressants Like Amitriptyline help with it and diet change. I just dont like the dizziness and weird state I feel I just want that gone. I've been having bad anxiety with this to but for me all I want to do is keep myself busy by getting out of the house but I dont have many places to go or people to visit. I hate dealing with this alone.

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply tojjsrule2

I have all this, and with me it turned out to be fluoroquinolone antibiotic toxicity. If you still have all this, there is a good web site with info called There are things to be done, if it is that, but I do hope you are feeling better by now. But please don't take any fluoroquinolone antibiotics, no matter what, if you have in the past. They call it being 'floxed.' The FDA has just issued a new warning about the drugs, and they are so commonly prescribed. Wishing you the best. (I also did the ENT, MRIs, etc, it's no fun having this, but I'm very glad to know what it is so that I can take measures to heal.)

qwerty43 profile image
qwerty43 in reply toJami34lyn

Hi all iv been like this for 8 yrs now last yr was the only time I got a mri scan where they found a aneurysm and within the last 6 month iv had it coiled and stent but symptoms still here been to ent a thousand times with no luck they seem to keep passing the buck now they referring me for inner ear ct and to see a neck and spine doctor I'm at my white end so any help would be most welcome x

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toqwerty43

Hi qwerty43, I am sorry your symptoms are still here. But know that you are blessed in that they found the aneurysm in time.

That could have been life threatening. You have been through a lot and I hope you get some results soon. I wish you well.

amo41 profile image
amo41 in reply toqwerty43

Hello!  I have had the same thing since December!  I was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm on my carotid artery, cavernous section.  However, my neuro here and the specialist I am seeing next week said it would not be from the aneurysm because mine is small at 3.4 mm.  Where was your aneurysm?

Jami34lyn profile image
Jami34lyn in reply toamo41

Can I ask what symptoms you were having in your head.  

My family Dr finally ordered a CT Scan but without contrast, shouldn't I be getting one with contrast to rule out an aneurysm? 

I've been dealing with this pressure on the top of my head, sometimes it burns and sometimes I gets shooting pain.  Tonight I started with a headache, I'm lightheaded and have severe nausea, not so much pain, just extream pressure on the top of my head, kind of feels like a static electricity weird feeling.  Most nights I'm afraid to fall asleep.  My Dr ordered a CT Scan next week.  I'm freaking out! Most days afraid to leave my house.  😢

qwerty43 profile image
qwerty43 in reply toJami34lyn

so sorry for late reply how did u get on

Niyaaa profile image
Niyaaa in reply toJami34lyn

That's Exactly how I've been feeling I've had this problem for over a year but when this gets worse for me it runs down to my neck and jaw, it's horrible & stays for days!! Maybe it's part of my depression I don't know.. The brain fog is constantly there it makes me so confused!!! And frustrated I'm only 22 but feel like a 90 year old :'( my doctors don't seem to take it seriously since I've had depression for 5 years

qwerty43 profile image
qwerty43 in reply toamo41

hi sorry for late reply mine is left para-ophthalmic internal carotid artery wide neck 9mm 7mm

amo41 profile image
amo41 in reply toqwerty43

Interesting. The cavernous section (where mine is) of the internal carotid artery is below the opthalmalic. I am having an angiogram July 7th so they can get a better look at it. Been to ENT, my family doc and my specialist all say it is highly unlikely to be from my aneurysm. They all think it is anxiety, which I would be completely fine with, sounds better than any other alternative. However, the only symptoms I have are ear pressure, head pressure, a pulsating as if I feel my heartbeat in my head and sensitivity to noise. I go about everything as normal, no panic, just dealing with it. My symptoms came before knowing about the aneurysm. In my research I have found people can suffer symptoms from an aneurysm on the ICA, but everyone just acts like it is "all in my head". No pun intended! lol. How was your surgery? Did they do angiogram first before deciding surgery?

ConcernedBES profile image
ConcernedBES in reply toamo41

I feel the exact symptoms you described, especially the heartbeat throbbing in my ear....I'm very concerned because I currently have no insurance and feel like I should be concerned that you were diagnosed with an aneurysm....even if Drs are saying that it is unlikely symptoms from that.

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply toqwerty43

It could be fluoroquinolone toxicity syndrome. It's caused by common antibiotics, and people are just starting to become aware. A good web site with info is

Matski66 profile image
Matski66 in reply toqwerty43

Does any of you guys been tested for vbi vertebro basilar insufficiency.

valachia-t profile image
valachia-t in reply toMatski66

Hi. Could you tell me a little about VBI, please ?

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toJami34lyn

Did they check your neck?  I have some bulging discs that my doctor says put pressure on nerves to cause all these sensations, but  It feels like so much more 😒

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply toJami34lyn

Please look into Fluoroquinolone toxicity, it could be that, and if so, there are things that can be done to help. is a good site for it. It happened to me. Antibiotic toxicity.

Amyk34 profile image
Amyk34 in reply toJami34lyn

Just so u know I have had the same thing for 10 months straight now I also swore I had a tumor or aneurysm but I had a brain MRI and came back normal so did my cr scan and I feel the same way u do so many different symptoms on different says my neurologist said tension headaches and random migraines because I am "so stressed" about what's wrong that I am making it all worse? No I can't take that answer the burning tingling scalp and head pressure is taking over my life!!

Soxford profile image
Soxford in reply toJami34lyn

Me too. I haven't gone to the doctor yet. Did yours start with a headache lasting about 4 days?

Hawkhouse profile image
Hawkhouse in reply toThera

I have every single symptom you have. Have you found any answers yet?

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toThera

I did a tilt table test to evaluate for POTS & because it was normal, my cardiologist said its psychosomatic.  Then, my ENT has identified vestibular dysfunction, so I know it's not just mental.  Because tests have not identified any structural abnormalities the treatment is PT to learn to compensate.  Not fun, but reassuring to know its not as dangerous as it feels.

Ledhalia profile image
Ledhalia in reply toThera

Hey Thera! we are having almost identical symptoms... wondering if you were having low blood pressure as well? My blood pressure was 76/20 according to my Dr. he had to use a Doppler to get the blood pressure because it was so faint through the stethoscope. I noticed you posted this a year ago...have you gotten any answers yet? I have been searching in vain because all my results seem to come back normal with my extremely low bp being the only thing that keeps my Dr. digging further. I am so grateful for him and that after all this time I have found a Dr. willing to put in an effort to helping me find out what has been happening with me! I

ConcernedBES profile image
ConcernedBES in reply toLedhalia

Do any of you happen to work out regularly, because my symptoms began when I started working out often at a gym

Lapa21 profile image
Lapa21 in reply toConcernedBES

Yes..I started to have it once I decided to go to gym

in reply toThera

I know this is an old post. But have you found an answer? I'm going through the EXACT same thing. Thank you

Amyk34 profile image
Amyk34 in reply toThera

Omg Thera! I know this was a year ago so I am hoping u have gotten an answer now that u can help me with I am desperate! Literally EVERYTHING u wrote is exactly to a T what I am dealing with I almost just can't deal anymore it's been a year straight and it's only worse....I also had all these blood tests, (for everything) went to a neurologist had an MRI of my brain was normal, had a CT of my sinuses came up clear and my ears came out "fine" the ENT said that. I am so frustrated I literally can't do anything without rushing through it I am so worried what is wrong I need help badly please tell me your dr gave u a diagnosis?

Sandra4286 profile image
Sandra4286 in reply toThera

Hi im suffering with the exact symptoms did you ever find any relief ?

CARMELA_06 profile image

I have suffered from this exact same thing for almost 4 years now. I started off with just the odd rather scary dizzy spell whilst out in shops on buses e.t.c eventually it caused me to panic as I was convinced I was going to pass out whilst out and about. My anxiety about the dizzy spells got so bad that I was housebound for a whole year terrified to leave my house for fear of fainting in public. I stopped eating whilst alone incase I passed out and choked to death lost three stone in a matter of months. Eventually I got so fed up I started researching anxiety properly and found out it can cause very extreme symptoms that are always mistaken for life threatening illnesses due to them feeling so real. I had a private full medical health check that cost nearly a thousand pounds, kinesiology, cat therapy, psychotherapy, cbt, self help books and videos, antidepressants, beta blockers, diazepam, herbal medicine and teas even so called soothing music. Although I am no longer completely housebound and my anxiety has reduced a bit the dizziness is worse than ever and now it randomly comes not when I'm out or walking around but especially when I'm sitting down which is even more scary because I'm relaxed it's so extreme that I literally can't see everything is blurry I feel like I'm having a stroke everything goes numb and is spinning around and it feels like something is squeezing my head from both sides. It's very frightening I've been on the verge of calling 999 several times because I'm convinced I'm dying. After these attacks I'm so wiped out for the next few days I feel like a zombie, almost like I've mixed very strong antibiotics with a litre of vodka lol. It's getting ridiculous now I feel like my life is over I've been to doctors more times than a gp himself and they are convinced it's all in my head. So depressing to think I could have these problems forever. :-(

Thera profile image
Thera in reply toCARMELA_06

I am so sorry to hear you have been dealing with this for 4 years. I am going on three years now and I am too worried that I will be like this forever. I just try to think back to when I didn't feel like this and sometimes it is hard to remember but I try. I tell myself I will feel like that again. This is something that can be treated. Anxiety or a different diagnosis. It just has to be curable. I have almost given up. I spend every extra dollar I have on doctors and test. I am in a ton of debt due to this. I almost gave up, I told myself this is the new me, this is how I am going to feel from now on, this is what I am going to have to deal and live with for the rest of my life. I told myself I wasn't going to spend any more money on it. I wasn't going to see any more doctors. But this past week I felt so bad I realized I cannot live the rest of my life like this. I realized this is my life, figuring out how to cure myself of these ailments. This is going to be all I do. I will not give up. If I have to go to medical school to treat myself so be it, then that's what I'll do. Money is renewable, our time is not. We need to take back our lives. I will be posting everything I try from here on out. I have already had most test and scans and medications, but there are still things to try, new doctors to see. Hang in there. I am determined to find relief and will share when I do. If anyone has any stories or ideas, remedies, medications, doctors, etc that they'd like to suggest, please feel free. Best wishes -Thera

rickygee53 profile image
rickygee53 in reply toThera

Please call Dr. Al Sears at 1-866-792-1035

And/or go to

He has some amazing products that will help you. Ask for his newsletters. You will find what you are looking for.

Let me know how it goes. Rick 509-306-0796

NotBill profile image
NotBill in reply toThera

I have all the same issues everyone is talking about. I have had pain mainly in the back right side of my skull for 11 years. I had random Palpitations for 6 years until I had a cardiac ablation. I have been getting worse with time however. I am U.S. Military and these doctors have been kicking the can down the road my whole career. For the last 3 years I’ve started getting dizzy all the time my head randomly feels like it's going to pop. this last week I’ve started feeling like I am having a heart attack randomly nearly all day every day. The E.R. has sent me home 3 times. They are telling me I have a panic disorder. I am now being referred to a neurologist, a psychiatrist and a cardiologist. However, I have to wait over a month for anyone to actually see me. I feel like I am going to die almost the entire time I am awake but they tell me I am fine.

Lala1211 profile image
Lala1211 in reply toThera

I am going through this hell right now for 2 months pls tell me u were cured by now and how

eerre profile image
eerre in reply toCARMELA_06

I experienced all yours symptoms for a year now. Ur not alone. Posible we have mdds

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toCARMELA_06

Have you found any relief?

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toCARMELA_06

any relief?

KlKlvt profile image
KlKlvt in reply toCARMELA_06

I taught my 4 year old how to dial 911 because I have the same thing!

Likeabadstorm profile image
Likeabadstorm in reply toKlKlvt

I did the same thing too

Ashley1256 profile image

I've also had head/temple pressure in my head most of the day. It seems like it never goes away. My neck seems to also hurt. It's been going on for over a month. I also get dizzy sometimes with the pressure. My chest also hurts sometimes. I've went and seen the dr. once a week about this. So they know me by name!! He's given me different types of medicine, but nothing helps. I've also went to a chiropractor, but still nothing is helping!! This morning I woke up with a headache so I called the dr. He made me appointment to get an MRI.... So I should know something tomorrow. A little bit about myself, I'm a 29 year old married female. I have two wonderful sons. I've been married for 10 years. I have anxiety and I take 20 mg of Prozac. I also get panic attacks from time to time. I worry about everything.

Thera profile image
Thera in reply toAshley1256

We all seem to have anxiety of some sort and level in common. Weather we had symptoms prior to anxiety and anxiety exasterbating the symptoms. Or anxiety being the cause. That I do not know. I do know it's an avenue I have not explored yet. I started on Nortriptyline today hoping it will ease some of my symptoms. Ashley1256 let us know how your MRI goes. We pray for nothing serious. I have had three over the past couple years. All normal. I'm going to the doc next week for dizziness. Will see what he thinks.

ConcernedBES profile image
ConcernedBES in reply toThera

My symptoms are definitely not is clearly physical

Peter123679 profile image
Peter123679 in reply toAshley1256

Try looking up the side effects of Prozac. It can have some strange effects as I found out, it made me quite ill over time.

Ashley1256 profile image

Thanks, Thera. I will let you all know today. I just wish I didn't feel like this. I hope the Nortripyline will help you... Is it to help with you being dizzy?

Thera profile image

Best wishes for your MRI today Ashley. The Nortriptyline is for anxiety and headaches. So if the dizzyness is caused by my anxiety then it should help with that. I figure after a week or two of taking it I should know if it's helping or not. Will keep ya updated. Again good luck today. MRIs can be scary but they are painless and will help ease your mind knowing the results.

Ashley1256 profile image
Ashley1256 in reply toThera

Got the results back from my MRI, and everything looks good... Thank god. Dr wants to put me on Amitriptyline 10mg and take it at bedtime. He said its for headaches and anxiety. He said it used to be used just for anxiety, but in today's world they use it for Headaches. Most of the time, mine are either really sharp pains or a pressure like feeling in my temples. I wonder if Nortriptyline is in the same class as Amitriptyline. I would say they are. I haven't done much research or either one. How much of Nortriptyline are you taking and when do you take it? Does it give you any side effects? Hope to hear from you soon!!;)

Thera profile image
Thera in reply toAshley1256


Ashley I am so happy your MRI came back normal. What a relief. Yes, amirtiptyline and Nortriptyline are the same type of drug. I take 30mg at bedtime. Doc said we will increase dose if necessary. I have heard of people taking 80mg at bedtime. They are both supposed to be great for pain and anxiety/depression symptoms. fingers crossed they work.

Joyzzz profile image


I am not a doctor, but I do suffer from anxiety and have that experience Let us know how your appointments go and try to relax:)

Thera profile image


My doctors appointments got moved a little bit back. Will be in touch in a couple weeks. Thus far no change. Same head pressure, pain flares in head, sore neck, facial pressure, dizziness, head rushes, and ear pressure. Joy! Looking forward to these doctor appointments. Hope everyone is holding in there.

Brahmi profile image
Brahmi in reply toThera

That's exactly my symptoms. I saw an ENT and he said TMJ/TMD but I'm not convinced. I did see a family doc before ENT and said its anxiety. Yes I'm a very anxious person, yes I'm stressed a lot but I have hard time believing due to my teeth grinding or jaw clenching it's causing me to dizzy every day, sinus pressure, ringing in thr ears, fee like my ears have fluid even though ENT said no fluid. I'm desperate. It's been a month now and reading you've been dealing with this for 3yrs makes me want to check myself in to the hospital right now and get answers!!

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toBrahmi

Do you feel fluid sensation or actual wetness?  I often feel horrible pressure then my ear canals feel wet, like after a shower.  My ENT said he can't see what would cause that since everything looks normal.

ConcernedBES profile image
ConcernedBES in reply toBrahmi

I'm with you Brahmi but only happening occasionally and onle for about a month now...but scares me when it happens. I don't believe its anxiety like everyone else

Hidden25 profile image

I'm 25 female past couple weeks I have had headaches/pressure with sharp pains ear pressure and my eyes feel weird with tingling sensation in my armsand dizzy spells its a 24/7 a day thing they say it's anxiety but I'm not sure I don't have insurance I also have gerd and suffer from depression my whole life I just won't my life back

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toHidden25

my arms tingle & feel buzzy too, along with all the pressure & spasms in my head, face, jaw, and neck.  It's terrible!  

Sometimes heat or ice will help.

bellame15 profile image

Yup...I'm.going through the same thing and its's a horrible scary feeling... I've taken antidepressants but they only made me feel worse..anxiety is the devil...the only thing that work for me is xanax but its short term...I wish it was something that could just take it away

Jhops profile image

OMG, seems like you're going thru hell, are you taking any medications?

Thera profile image
Thera in reply toJhops

I have been on a lot of different medications. At least 10. I am currently taking Nortriptyline. It's the first Anti-depressant I have tried. I don't think it's the right tree to bark up tho. I think it's something else causing this. I have tried almost everything. I will give this it's best shot too. What are your symptoms? How long have you had them? What started them?

Jhops profile image
Jhops in reply toThera

My symptoms are mostly neck, shoulder,and head pressure and ear fullness, like needs to be popped. bit of brain fog when I'm tired at night. mine isn't as severe as yours. when the tightness gets really bad, I take xanax, and it seems to relax me for a day or so. I try not to take it too often. I'm so glad and thankful you replied when i posted mine a week ago. I had this for about 5 months. I was a poker dealer and I was taking too much shit from players and I couldn't vent any anger and frustration for about 3 years. It's just the way I'm built. I'm very sensitive and introverted. Most dealers seem fine and they take it well, but I couldn't so I quit like a year ago. About 2 years ago I passed out while dealing for about 5 sec. Ever since I was always tired at work, home and everywhere i went. I went to see a cardiologist, neurologist, too MRI , everything checked normal. About a year after I passed out at work, I went to a different GP and he said, I'm suffering from anxiety. All that shit took a year to find out.

Ever since I couldn't work there anymore, I 'm working at a less stressful environment now, but my I'm still having these problems. My doc says, my body is still acting up from the past. Well, i dont know how much longer i gotta deal with this but I am so glad I found so many similar problems here on this forum, knowing I am not the only one. And based on what YOU go thru, my problems seem mild. please keep in touch, and I wanna hear more from you. thank you so much thera.

Thera profile image
Thera in reply toJhops

Yours may be a little milder than mine but they sound so similar. I recently got an email group together with some other members who have similar symptoms to ours. Everyone is sharing their stories and we are doing to get these all reaserched. If your interested in joining PM me your email and I will add you. I'm so sick of feeling like this!

lindka profile image
lindka in reply toThera

I have a similar symptoms last 8 months. Its up and down, good days bad days.

does still exists any email group of people with same problems?


qwerty43 profile image
qwerty43 in reply tolindka

add me 2

Corbin28 profile image
Corbin28 in reply toThera

Please put me on the list also I too still have ongoing head pressure and dizzy spells and high blood pressure increases and blocked ears no doc knows what it is and I'm taking Bp meds still doesn't take the symptoms away! My email and contact is


Thank you I hope we find out soon 


yvetteh profile image
yvetteh in reply toCorbin28

your symptoms are the same as mine read my reply to

yvetteh profile image
yvetteh in reply toCorbin28

Sorry I meant to say Thera

dmh6187 profile image
dmh6187 in reply toThera

Please add me to the group.  I'm so tired of feeling like this! Its ruining my life!

Thequeenbee30 profile image
Thequeenbee30 in reply todmh6187

I'm also feelin the same way does the group still exist headaches ear fullness or earaches dizzyness foggy brain head pressure sometimes my eyes hurt its very scary as I have no clue I due to see a doctor jus recently had bloods done.i do suffer from anxiety

dakotax profile image
dakotax in reply toThequeenbee30

Hi..... what I do''

Yes, mine is similar. I wear a cervical collar when on the computer and it immediately gets rid of symptoms. Read warning on label. Try a scarf around your neck wrapped a few times...same effect of keeping your had steady. I use a scarf when I go out.

There is an email group somewhere on this thread...

dakotax profile image
dakotax in reply toThequeenbee30

See Thera for link..

yvetteh profile image
yvetteh in reply toThera

I would be interested in joining this group. i have these symptoms and feel this is not anxiety is too easy to pass the buck and blame anxiety. The most logical thing is something to do with the nerves between the head and the neck. My symptoms started four weeks ago and I'm not prepared to go 6mths or a year with this. Too many people have this head pressure without pain,your head feels clamped or tightened - full ears that need popping or though my ears do hurt occ throughout the day with a sharp stabbing pain, the brain fog feeling and spaced out is hell - lack of balance and nausea because of it, jumbling up words, vibration or flickering feeling in the head, some tingling in the face, this is not anxiety it sounds like trapped nerves or something - I want to push the nhs to investigate and not leave us all hanging, apparently there are 400 people on Facebook no-one is sure what it is, but we are not alone.- Llets get a petition going. Head pressure and a feeling of disassociation. I'm a film maker and would love to do a documentary about it.

in reply toyvetteh

I have the same things. Chiro and physical therapist said it could be strained neck muscles due to poor posture. So far it's helping a little, but I get dizzy still and have moments where I get super tired.

Gotti1990 profile image
Gotti1990 in reply toThera

Hey I know this post was 3 years ago but do you guys still have the email group?

Danny_Ocean profile image
Danny_Ocean in reply toThera

Please add me 2

miarose profile image
miarose in reply toThera

HiThera just came across your posts,and I am feeling the same.dizzy. headrush.blurry vision.just wondering how your doing now,as your post was 4 months ago.really need to talk to someone who has the same symptoms as me..If you could help me in any way,I would be Miarose xxx

KlKlvt profile image
KlKlvt in reply toThera

Hi There, I will say that 4 25mg Topomax did take away symptoms for about 6 months!! It just came back even though I'm on 6 a day. Something to consider everyone, I had 6 months of relief (had frequent migraines but not this crap).

I have constant head pressure/pulse, dizziness and squeezing (mostly right side) when standing to the point where I feel like I'm going to faint. I can't exercise because exertion makes head pain worse. Also worsens throughout the day. I don't have much for ear symptoms though. This started last July. I did have a head injury last April. Docs don't seem to care.

I've had CT scan and MRI and blood work/Lyme's tests, all fine.

KlKlvt profile image
KlKlvt in reply toKlKlvt

The neurologist is hesitant to increase topomax past 6/day and after EKG she found my pulse rate is low, too low for Nortriptyline. Trying Verapamil now.

I def have brain fog and fatigue too!

Cellbell profile image

Hi all

My husband has been suffering for the last 6 month. Head pressure, dizziness, nausea, eye pain, dry eyes, disturbance in his vision, headache and other symptoms. But it's constant! He is really depressed because of it! We have been down every route. Firstly we went to an eye specialist as we thought maybe it was due to staring into a compter most of the day for work he has eye scans and tests. All came back normal. Then a full health check which costed £500, everything 100%. The doctor who conducted to health exam referred him to a neurologist. My husband had a check up and an MRI which all came back normal. The neurologist prescribed him with Sertraline which is a form of antidepressant and anxiety medication. He took the first one last night, he was very hesitant to take it as he says he isn't anxious or depressed, but decided to take it as he is so desperate to try find a solution. Today he is feeling very sick and I think it's due to the new medication! Has anyone taken this meds? And has anyone else been prescribed antidepressants for these symptom. Perhaps he has anxiety but doesn't even know it. But the symptoms he has is constant and is this anxiety?

God I hope we find something soon, he even cried the other day as he said he can't cope with it anymore!

Thanx all.

Thera profile image
Thera in reply toCellbell

Check your messages I'm sending you a link.

Riptide profile image
Riptide in reply toThera

Could you send me this link too?

Tommy_1987 profile image
Tommy_1987 in reply toThera

Can you send me the link too please. Suffering the exact same thing.

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toThera

I would appreciate the link too, if possible.

in reply toThera

Me too please

in reply toCellbell

The symptoms you're describing in this post is exactly what I've been experiencing the past 3 weeks. I've never had head pressure that lasted this long. Plus im tired all day. I just had a baby 2 months ago and havn't felt normal since. My symptoms get worse at night and I'm always dizzy/off balance. I just want it to stop! Has there been any solution for your husband?

Gillscotland profile image
Gillscotland in reply toCellbell

Id come off all meds, if i was him ive not taken anything except painkillers for the headache, dont get depressed by this and dont let it beat me thats how ive got through the last 18 years

KlKlvt profile image
KlKlvt in reply toGillscotland

Do you think being off all meds has helped?

BobbyBoulder profile image
BobbyBoulder in reply toCellbell

Are you still using this forum, I would like to talk to you about your husband, my problem started when I upped my work hours staring at a computer screen all the time, I've had eye checks seen neurologists everything comes back fine, I am a 36 year old male with 4 children and I to have been in tears many times, it has lead me to a very dark place and I am now diagnosed with depression brought on by the pains, pressure and strange feelings in and around eyes etc. I would like to talk to your husband over email see if we have similar issue, I live in the UK but it's worth a shot talking to each other.

I can't use a computer anymore or look at computer screens, only thing I do.not get the problem with is a projector.

Tommy_1987 profile image
Tommy_1987 in reply toBobbyBoulder

Same issue. We can talk if your still on this forum.

Tilelady profile image
Tilelady in reply toBobbyBoulder

Hi if you can e-mail me or reply I would like to know what you have discovered about your situation. My Husband has had this same problem for over a year on and off his head feels like a bowling ball, his upper Neck hurts at base of skull his eyes get blurry and he feels hung over but does not drink or take any meds? His Chiro said his neck was crooked and he kept seeing him but no relief?

HIs eyes checked out 20/20 but they gave him glasses for the computer to help with the stress on his eyes still not relief any ideas?? Anyone??? He does use the computer a lot during the night but is very active all day with his work which can be physical.

Help I cannot stand to watch him suffer like this.

Kelly_M_R profile image
Kelly_M_R in reply toCellbell

Hi...just read your post. I have been dealing with chronic pain and crazy symptoms (chronic headaches, brain fog, chills, numbness, light sensitivity, really tight neck and shoulders) for over four years. I too went to many doctors who did not help and had MRIs which came back normal. What has helped me so much is going to an osteopath. It has changed my life for the better. It turned out my body was very out of alignment (right shoulder was raised) which can then cause havoc on your body plus your nervous system is over active when dealing with chronic pain. I noticed a difference after two sessions. I also see a massage therapist who is very experienced in trigger points. Trigger points can also cause crazy symptoms . My chronic headache was a result of trigger points and I am now headache free. I am still dealing with neck and shoulder discomfort and trigger points but my symptoms are much less severe and every week I get better.

beans000 profile image
beans000 in reply toKelly_M_R

have you tried a cervical pillow or cervical roll? They will alleviate your neck and shoulder pain.

dakotax profile image
dakotax in reply tobeans000

Yes, mine is similar. I wear a cervical collar when on the computer and it immediately gets rid of symptoms. Read warning on label. Try a scarf around your neck wrapped a few times...same effect of keeping your had steady. I use a scarf when I go out.

Tommy_1987 profile image
Tommy_1987 in reply toCellbell

Did you find any answers. I have the exact same situation as your husband. I too work on a computer all day, have all the same issues (vision/head pressure/imbalance/ect). Been to doc but all tests came back ok. I too have days where I have just cried because I can't take it. It's almost impossible to explain. It literally affects your whole life as you don't want to do anything. Not because you don't want to, just everything you do feels uncomfortable. I've gone from being very active, sports, ect, to feeling like I don't want to leave the house. I have suffered depression/stress/occasional anxiety for years, but generally I'm fairly happy go lucky. I'll post whatever helps me, I just wanted to know if you ever found a solution?

in reply toCellbell

Have you ever considered it could be a yeast infection fungal

Candida albicans worth a check

Josh_44 profile image

Hi Thera,

This is exactly what i have. I've tried everything. It's constant. I'm on Lexapro and doesn't seem to help with any physical symptoms. Be interested to see how you get on or find any answers.


Gillscotland profile image

Ive been this way for almost 18 years now it first happened when i got a migraine, i lost my site for a while that day and my speech was slurred, since then its exreme tiredness, pressure on my head and face, dizziness, headaches concentration problems, and memory loss, feeling like im in a dream like state hard to explain...not all days are bad but it never completly goes away, ive had some tests done,but nothing comes up

What i am conviced of is i had meningitis as a child i think its related to this but cant be totally sure.

Id love this to be gone its such a part of my life that no one knows about, as i dont talk about it i just get on with it..

jill1986 profile image
jill1986 in reply toGillscotland

All my symptoms started happening after a "migraine with aura". It's been a month. I'm dizzy, 24/7 brain fog, tingling in my face and right side, pressure headaches, memory disruption. Doctor thinks it is anxiety and depression. I'm notb100% convinced and it is MAKING me even more anxious.

Thera profile image

Hey guys,

Sorry I've been away for a bit. I am in school and work and it's all kicking my butt with these symptoms. I am still dealing with it all. Exactly the same. I finally let my doctor try anti anxiety meds because I do now get anxiety from not knowing what is wrong with my head. It hasn't made the head pressure go away but it helps alittle and it definetly helped with the anxiety. I have tried Citalopram and Nortriptilyn. Both helped make my symptoms a bit more manageable. Just had my routine yearly MRI which has stayed consitantly normal the last 3 years. I am continuing to research this and seeing doctors a few times a month trying different things. Message with any questions or stories and keep trying to find what is doing this. Best wishes -Thera

ThomasC profile image
ThomasC in reply toThera

Hi Thera my email is

Many thanks


eXpertiz profile image

Hey Thera!

I've had 24/7 head pressure for 2 years now. Besides that also ear fullness and random headaches (which worsens things). Standing up I sometimes get dizziness and disorientation. When I walk a long distance I get really tired. I also have fatigue, I'm tired all the time and I can't get a rest, not even with a nice 8-hour sleep. I haven't woke up rested for 2 years. It's frustrating and it's killing my daily routines. It's really annoying to have to live like that.

Other than that, life is good. I have a great girlfriend with full of support, great parents and graet friends. Financially, my status could be better, but I'm still a student, master's student to be exact. I help my mother with her job from time to time and she gives me lunch money, hehe.

I've been to several doctors, lately my psychiatrist said that I have a mild depression and anxiety problems. I would agree, but I don't think they are the cause of my "health" issue. I've been under a lot of stress for the past 3-5 years trying to achive my bachelor's degree. Now that that's done, I can finally relax.

I was thinking. I'm reading a lot about these things, trying to figure out what is wrong with me. There are a lot of people with similar if not the same simptoms across the internet. In my opinion, we should connect somehow and try to help one another. A facebook gropu would be perfect for that. Let me know, what do you think?

Oh, and I'm almost 26 years old, so there's that, we're almost the same age.

Cheers and hope you read this soon! :)

Thera profile image

Our symptoms sound exactly the same. I am still feeling this every day all day. I have a new CT scan next week but that is the only progress I've made lately. I had an MRI and CT scan within the last 3 months and both were normal. I'm getting a new one because I am having sinus issues still. I sent you a DM about an email group a few of us have started.

Serscal profile image
Serscal in reply toThera

Thera, please tell me you're still here. I've had the EXACT same problem since around May of 2014 progressively getting worse. I am an almost 20 year old female. Doctors and everyone else say there's nothing wrong but this is NOT normal. I can't even sleep anymore the fluid keeps me up all night, I think I've become immune to ibuprofen. PLEASE email me:

Maul36 profile image
Maul36 in reply toSerscal

May 2014 I went to er thought I had a stroke heart attack since than 

It feels like bad circulation my whole left side my left eye vision is off from my right lots of head pressure always tired 

I'm on 60mg VYVANSE to stay awake don't work anymore and was taking 150mg pristiq but they don't even make 100/50mg for stress and I don't feel stressed been taking 3 months now but only take 100mg 150mg made me feel worse

I had 2 mri they said was fine but my neurologist looked at images and  has me going back to get a hd tesla mri because she is the pa and her boss looked for over 20 min and she said he never spends that much time looking they did not tell me what they seen well I fail asleep like always but she said I may have to go to a neurosurgeon after next results  something odd they seen and they want to do another ms test also and They want a sleep study 

My whole left side is very messed up and they said (ms) but the Mri came back ok I'm 36 and it's getting progressively worse 

90% of time I feel very bad when I have a good day I try to do as much as I can always been an active person till now 

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toMaul36

Do you also have arm and leg pain?

Have you received results from your new exam?

wildsmithkj profile image
wildsmithkj in reply toThera

Hi Thera,

Just picked up on this thread, I too have exactly the same symptoms, for over a year now, awful, had every test going, plus new perfume, new glasses, new diet, MRI, ear dr, acupuncture, I have been told I have chronic migraine, the meds are not helping, most days I wake up feeling totally hungover without the alcohol, its ruining my life, message me: Thanks.

ThomasC profile image
ThomasC in reply toThera

Hi Thera

Could you send me details of the email group so that I can join?

I have all of you symptoms at the minute it started with me scratching my head a few months ago and hearing it sound different inside my ear as though something has changed inside my head on the left side!!

I have constant pressure in my ears mild headaches always, dizziness constantly! Sweating in bed at night cramp in my left arm,neck feels tight and aches, pins and needles when I'm lying down, pressure in sinuses and top of nose also behind eyes, feeling that there is something in my throats that I cannot swallow over forgetfulness, had some eye tests done just to make sure no pressure to optic nerves as a tumour would apparently do this and is a sign of a more serious condition also had camera up through my nose to check for polyps and other things seems ok, not sure where to go from here!

I just want to be healthy and happy for my little girl and boy and hate this stuff that's happening I have had the odd dizzy spell on and off for a couple of years but this last couple of weeks it has all turned up to maximum!

Godisable91 profile image
Godisable91 in reply toThomasC

Did you ever find out what was wrong? What it just anxiety

DizzyLo profile image

I'm 26 years old, female, non smoker, rarely drink, otherwise healthy and "normal" by test standards.... For SIX YEARS plus now.... I have been dizzy every... Single... Day... I'm at my wits end. I've pretended to be functional and able to do normal things any normal 26 year old can... But I just can't anymore. Im so depressed. Six years.... And counting... Almost seven... I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. I have had every test known to man done on me and I just get referred or told its in my head or that I need to see a psychologist. Head pressure, faintness, dizziness, numbness/difficulty moving my facial muscles and extremities, tremors, weakness, brain fog, trouble enunciating things, hot flashes, blurred vision, trouble walking/driving.... I wanted to be a police officer.... Obviously I can't... I am a 911, fire, and police dispatcher, and I am so drained by the end of the day after just SITTING for 8 hours.... I'm constantly fatigued, exhausted mentally and physically, and so close to throwing in the towel. I cannot live like this anymore. My current primary insists its benign positional vertigo but obviously the 8 Epley manauevers did jack.. So he referred me to yet ANOTHER neurologist to tack on to my list of primaries, neuros, cardiologists, gynecologists, allergists, ENTs, chiropractors, psychologists, psychiatrists, not to mention numerous ER staff. Who here has ever fainted? That rushing, unawareness that overcomes you along with the loss of reality and shock of losin control of your body right before you pass out.... Try living with that every single day and tell me I'm overreacting. I'm desperate for a cure. I have tried and been tested for EVERYTHING ANY doctor, nurse, friend, coworker, or even Google has to offer. Not the slightest change in my condition.... It's horrible. I am dizzy all the time no matter what I do or eat or how much I sleep or what meds or vitamins I take. I have a JAR full of hospital wristbands as my own little personal joke. I have to find some reason to smile anymore..... If I don't figure this out, I'm going to lose my job, my license, possibly my relationship, and any quality of life I have. I physically mentally and emotionally can't stand another minute of this. I'm in tears reading over everyone's stories because I know it so well. I will answer any questions and keep sharing tests I take etc. I guess if I can help someone else think of something to try that they haven't thought of yet, this post was worth something... I'm eager to hear if anything helps anyone.... I'm so desperate... Thanks. Good luck to everyone....

Thera profile image
Thera in reply toDizzyLo

Hey will you please personal message me with your email. We have an email group for suffers of this. I am 27 Female too and I've had this for 3 years. I am so happy to have met a progressive group and I know we can figure it out somehow.


pvh1977 profile image
pvh1977 in reply toThera

Hi please add me to this group. I have your exact symtoms that you have but I can fill you in on all I've tried.

Med77 profile image
Med77 in reply topvh1977

Please tell me what you've tried and anything that has helped! I'm on noratriptyline, immitrex and maxalt. Nothing has helped. I feel like I'm losing my mind! I've had this for 3 months now, have had blood work and mri done. Everything came back normal. My work and home life are suffering... I don't know how much longer I can deal with this!!!

REDHEADLPN35 profile image
REDHEADLPN35 in reply toDizzyLo

It feels like I was reading my own story when I read your post.All the things you described are what I deal with on a daily basis.I ,like you, don't know how much longer I can deal with this.Mine has been going on for two years now.

Med77 profile image
Med77 in reply toREDHEADLPN35

What have you done/tried? I'm in the same boat and feel like I'm losing my mind! It's an everyday thing and I'm at my wits end!

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply toMed77

Have you taken a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, like Cipro or Avelox? If so, that can cause all these things, and it can have a delayed start well after you stopped the drugs. That's what it was for me. There's a good site called, if you think that could be it. There are things to help.

r_s_g profile image
r_s_g in reply toDizzyLo

Hi Dizzylo,

How are you? it's been 5 months, did you get any better? what is your update? are you still in this forum?

As I have read your story  I can feel all suffering that you've been through, because I am also a sufferer. lately I am trying to find out different causes of the same symptoms who almost all member here are having, I came across with this website

If you have some time try to log-on and explore and don't forget to answer there online test to see if you are qualified to be diagnose with the miss alignment of your vision, we are all desperate of getting solution with our problem so every possibility is worth trying for.

By the way that eye center is located on united states of America in Michigan and as I explore they have some doctors which located in different state in US, since I am not from there It's very hard for me to try even though my result was been qualified to take the test.

Update all of us here if you try it.

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply tor_s_g

Have you taken any antibiotics in the past? I have this stuff and found that is the culprit. A good site for info is

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toDizzyLo

have you had a VNG exam to test your vestibular function? Mine showed weakness on one side & the doctor said that can cause the disequilibrium & dizzy, which can cause body ache, headache, and nausea. Physical Therapy helped some, but awareness of what is happening has been the most valuable. Sadly, they haven't figured out what caused it so I don't know how to heal completely.

JLou profile image

I have pretty much the exact same thing!! And have for nearly a year now :( I had a CT scan and seen a neurologist in March but am still convinced here is something seriously wrong with me. I'm 26 F and have gone from the life and soul of every party to not being able to go out hardly at all! It's ruining my life. My dizziness gets so bad that sometimes it will wake me up in the middles of the night! Does anybody else get that bad that head pressure or dizziness will wake them up?!?!

REDHEADLPN35 profile image
REDHEADLPN35 in reply toJLou

Yes mine is like that.I wake up dizzy, heart racing with that weird head pressure and tingling.

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply toREDHEADLPN35

I have this too, with me it's fluoroquinolone toxicity. has lots of info. It's not fun having it, but I am glad to know what it is so that I can heal. It takes a while, but it's important to know what to avoid to make it worse.

tdawgg123 profile image

how have you been feeling now that a few months have gone by? I am a 26 year old female but otherwise I would say this sounds exactly like a post I would write. I typically get one symptom at a time that will last a few days then it seems like something else will start up. its frustrating, exhausting and depressing to say the least. I find myself questioning for the first time if this really is all anxiety or is something else wrong with me.

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply totdawgg123

If you've taken any fluoroquinolone antibiotics, they could be the culprit. They've turned out to be that for me. A very good site for that is

Robertooo profile image

Try antiinflammatory meds for the head. It may take a lot to start. You may have an inflamation in the head and this is what

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply toRobertooo

If it is related to antibiotic toxicity, which it can be, ( it's important to avoid NSAIDS such as ibuprofen, actually, it makes the toxicity and symptoms worse. Look at if you've taken Cipro or Avelox or Levaquin in the past. The toxicity can have a delayed reaction, so we don't put it together with these symptoms.

Hi there, how are you feeling now? What is your update of your condition? Hoping to hear from you

Prija profile image

Hey, Thera

I'm 24 year old male, I have been living with this issue for 2 monhts now, It's kinda hard.

My symptomes are:

Constant 24/7 head pressure for the past 2 months, It started out of nowhere, I hade my teeth done by the dentist, and next morning the head pressure started, altought It does not have anything to do with my teeth, I tok It out, and the head pressure Is still there, also I have neck stiffnes, it started 3-4 days after I got head pressure, sleeping on left side I found out is better then on the right side, also my next symtoms are dizzines, sometimes I feel really dizzy, and sometimes I don't. But more of the time I do feel dizzy, a couple of weeks ago, my ears started buzzing, and the were buzzing for about 5-6 days, and after that I just feel pressure in my ears, also at times, it feels like my breath is taken away.

I have been to neurologist and done next tests:

Blood test:

everything normal, tough I hade some leukocitys 4-10 normal range my range (11.1) CRP normal range 0-10 my range (10) triglicerydes normal range 0.45 - 2.00 my range (2.02)

CT Scan

Came back normal, will try to do CT scan or MRI with contracst to se my blood vessels in my head, maybe It's aneruysm, i don't now, will try in the next couple of weeks.

For neck stiffnes I use Deep relief and exercise my neck, it does not help,

This week I have also done Visual and Audio evoked potentials, the results will be in 7 days, I will keep you informed, I just hope this is nothing too seriuos

Also pain medications are not helping..

Sorry for my bad english, Prija.

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply toPrija

If you still have trouble and haven't found an answer, if you've taken any fluoroquinolone antibiotics, they could be the culprit.

You can find info about it at

Tracyrob profile image

Hello, i'm experiencing the same things. I just came home from the ER last night and was told to seek an ENT for my problems. I an anxiety attack at the ER yesterday. The nausea was so bad. I felt like I was gonna pass out while they were performing my lumbar puncture. My vision has been blurry now on and off for three days. This is so scary. I'm not gonna give up. Please keep us informed of what worked for you. It just may help someone else.

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply toTracyrob

If you've taken any fluoroquinolone antibiotics, they may be the culprit.

You can find info at It's a good site. Hope you feel better, one way or another.

marekcarey profile image

Hello everyone,

It is unbelievable that there are more people suffering like this. For me it's been almost six months, I am so desperate. Now I cannot even fall asleep, so I am literally awake for two days then my body just collapse and I sleep like few hours constantly waking up because of those weird feelings in my head. Everyone makes me a psycho but my life is ruined. I am 26 and used to be one of the most active and healthy people ever and now, I don't even know whether it is worth living this kind of life. I read you had your own group of people like us and I would be more than happy to be a part of it so we can share our experience.

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply tomarekcarey

This really sounds like Fluoroquinolone antibiotic toxicity. I hope you feel better, but if you are still wondering about this, you can find info at

Dave1974 profile image

I feel the same evil rushes thru my body and brain.feel dizzy at times vision impaired.was all good hard working then I had a suspected mini stroke then was told it was severe anxiety. It has taken over my life.then about two months ago I had another suspected mini stroke.went to different hospital having lots of tests.also on medication to thin my blood also may have to take collestral tablets but waiting for results.I try to sleep then I get a rush of evil thru my body to my head.sometimes in the day.I will keep you all informed of progress good luck to you all.we will get thru this together.

Dizzykitty profile image
Dizzykitty in reply toDave1974

I hope you feel better, but if not, please look into Fluoroquinolone toxicity. You can look it up and there's a good site,

helly1 profile image

hi all I feel like this and it is anxiety I have really felt poorly to the doctor has given me sertraline it has helped :) x at one point I thought I was going crazy I was adivsed by my cbt worket to buy the book dare its absolutely fabulous it really do help u understand anxiety and panic every one of ur comments is in this book and how to deal with it best ever thing ive brought ;) xx

Hello and I am so glad I found this. I have all of the same symptoms and went searching online and think I might have found out what we all have..possibly. It's called Meniere's Disease. There is no cure but the main thing that considerably helps all of the symptoms a lot of the time is getting on a very low sodium diet. I encourage all of you to go look this up and see if it fits for you. I have NOT been diagnosed with Meniere's, this is my self-diagnosis and as I've JUST now discovered this, I am going to start on a very low sodium diet tomorrow and let you know if this does indeed help. If it does, I think I have my answer without all the doctor visits and costs. Thank you internet! Here is the Hydrops diet (for those with Meniere's) instructions:

Distribute your food and fluid intake evenly throughout the day and from day to day. Eat approximately the same amount of food at each meal and do not skip meals. If you eat snacks, have them at regular times.

Avoid eating foods or fluids which have a high salt content. High salt intake results in fluctuations in the inner ear fluid pressure and may increase your symptoms. Aim for a diet high in fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and low in canned, frozen or processed foods. A 2-gram sodium intake diet is usually what we recommend. One teaspoon of table salt has about 2 grams of sodium. Note that sodium (one of the two elements in table salt) is not exactly the same as sodium chloride (salt). A 2 gram "salt" diet is not what is intended. This web site:, has a diet diary program that can be configured to track sodium.

Drink adequate amounts of fluid daily. This should include water, milk and low-sugar fruit juices (for example, cranberry or cranapple). Try to anticipate fluid loss which will occur with exercise or heat, and replace these fluids before they are lost. Be cautious about the milk intake -- some individuals have food allergy and get symptoms from milk products.

Avoid caffeine-containing fluids and foods (such as coffee, tea and chocolate). Caffeine has stimulant properties that may make your symptoms worse. Caffeine also may make tinnitus louder. Large amounts of caffeine may trigger migraine (migraine can be difficult diagnostically to separate from Meniere's disease). Chocolate is also a migraine trigger.

Limit your alcohol intake to one glass of beer or wine each day. Alcohol may trigger migraine associated vertigo.

Avoid foods containing MSG (monosodium glutamate). This is often present in pre-packaged food products and in Chinese food. It may increase symptoms in some patients, possibly because of the link to migraine associated vertigo, and also because it contains sodium.

Drug Considerations

Avoid aspirin and medications that contain aspirin. Aspirin can cause tinnitus (abnormal noise in the ear). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as ibuprofen or naproxen should also be avoided when practical.

Avoid caffeine-containing medications. Caffeine can increase tinnitus as well as have the problems mentioned above under foods.

Pay attention to the content of all over-the-counter medications as well as drugs prescribed by other physicians. Some medications may increase your symptoms.

Ads4 profile image

Hi everyone. I haven't read this all through, but I've read enough to get the gist. I've had these symptoms for just over a week. I'm not a doctor, but I feel like this may help people. You should all rule out muscle and blood flow problems. I think I saw that everyone on here sufferes with anxiety (me too). I have always had problems with my back and neck, osteopath said this is partly down to my anxiety and how it makes me hold my shoulders. I will have my shoulders tensed and raised and won't even realise, it's just habit now I guess. I think if you see an osteopath, they may be able to help you. One way I ease the tension headache is linking my fingers behind my neck, and with my thumbs, see if there are any tender areas. Probably try just prodding about first before doing this sorry. This takes a little wile to get rite on it. When I find them, I just use use the finger lock as like a hinge for my thumbs (I think i've explained that rite). When I find the right spot and apply pressure, I can feel it exactly where my headaches are, which tells me it's alot, if not totaly down to a muscle/bloodflow problem (bought on by anxiety). I may be wrong, but I thought I would let everyone know incase it helps. the headache only goes for like 10 seconds, but if it goes for you maybe book ak osteo session to rule it out. Cheers

eerre profile image

What you guys experience is Mal De Debarquement Syndrome, also known as MSDS. Personally i think caffeine abuse is the cause, other i can think of is the fear of height. Went to my personally health practitioner he said i got a stiff neck that the arteries are blocked so that not enough blood is going to the brain so he have me practice inhaling deep, hold, turning your neck to the left and slowly breath out via your mouth. this breathing method is very important in qi gong practitioner. You do this same thing while your head turning to the right. Each time you do, you stretch your head a little bit more to the back as far as you can. I personally notice that if you do acupressure on your neck by pressing hard against a certain pressure points on your neck using my thumbs or index finger, the pain looks like it shift from the left hemisphere to the right hemisphere, and from back to the front. It definitely seems like this syndrome is dynamic to me, as if your brain is doing a total restructuring on its own. I have heard that acupuncture helps but i am short financially so i am sticking with the pain. but yes, massage hard your neck and your scalp by pressing the points where it hurts, even your temples, can help tremendously. However, you can't get rid of the symptom.

Gdm1990 profile image

Hi guys! I had the same head pressure symptoms come on over the past 3 weeks and had to go to hospital because I thought my head was going to explode. After not being able to shake it for a few weeks I went to see my osteopath who fixed my back a few years ago and she found that a lot of pressure was building up in my neck. She worked on it quite a bit to manipulate it and crack it back in to position as well as giving acupuncture and I haven't really felt any head pressure since! I'd say it's worth a shot.

Goingcrazy7 profile image

Hello Everyone,

Been reading a lot of other people with these same symptoms and wondering if there was ever any doctor confirmed answers on a diagnose?? I am a 28 year old female, use to be very active, very healthy, and happy aside from all of this happening. This has been going on for 7 years now! I have had every test, scan, MRI, an seen every kind specialist possible for these symptoms. All the answers coming back are turning up normal. I have 24/7 head pressure, foggy, dizziness, and pain. I get shooting and stabbing pains randomly throughout my head. My ears feel full on and off, also get ringing an buzzing in my ears from time to time! I get pressure behind eyes and ears as well. My sinuses and ears are in perfect condition according to multiple ENTs. I am so beyond fed-up with feeling like this. So hard to life a full an happy life as a Mom when you feel like this day in an day out! It's not depression or anxiety if anything all these symptoms with no answers are gonna make me have those things! Doctors think I'm crazy as so far all my test have come back normal, any suggestions or answers? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!! :'( :'(

MGTired profile image
MGTired in reply toGoingcrazy7

I am sorry that you are having all of these problems. You are right to say that your anxiety and depression came as a result of your symptoms with no answers and no help or understanding from docs. My husband has suffered from head pressure, blurred vision, dizziness, internal feeling of trembling, external visible hand trembling, and other odd symptoms for 22 years . Thankfully the symptoms so far are during the day, usually going away a few hours before bed. The lighting in the stores will trigger his symptoms and he has been to numerous specialists, and because of where we live, it has always involved driving anywhere from 5 hours to 14 hours to see a specialist. My husband even went to the great Mayo Clinic, and spent a week there. They told him to see a psychiatrist and learn to live with his problems. He has been on numerous anti depressants and some gave him terrible side effects and some helped somewhat for a while then stopped. Even when the antidepressants helped, he would still get headaches and would take a Xanax,which seemed to help. Recently we traveled out of state to see a Dr. about headaches and he had every kind of blood work done and also had a food sensitivity test and DNA and methylation check. He is now on natural supplements which at first seemed to be helping. Then he developed extreme tiredness and heart irregularities which I figured out( with help of the internet) that it was the pregnenolone and DHEA which they had increased twice. He stopped that and returned to normal in 48 hours. His tests had shown that his pregnenolone level and DHEA level were normal so he didn't need that though his headache did go away. The headaches retuned but lower doses of pregnenolone or DHEA are not an option as they cause irregular heart rates in some people. He is continuing on the other supplements and an increase in magnesium has made some improvements. But I think we went to the wrong Dr anway. If you look up methylation system, it is very interesting. There are some doctors on the net that give guidance on it. I learned that by taking the proper multivitamins (one with methylB12 not cyanide based B12 and folate not folic acid )as about 50 % of the population cannot tolerate the cyanidB12 and the folic acid, you will feel better. O.N.E multivitamin by Pure is a good one. Also, if you are super sensitive to folic acid, multivitamins with it will bother you. Jarrow makes a good multi B supplement with the proper b's. Also, folic acid is added to all wheat products, some people can't tolerate any of it. Folic acid blocks the receptors at the brain but can not cross into the brain, but the folate is also prevented from getting into the brain because the receptors are blocked. The brain needs folate. So, look up Dr.Amy Yasko and check doctors who do DNA test and treat based on your methylation. There is a lot of information on this and you need to find out your DNA Snps and how they affect your methylation cycle. Good luck.


Jsnuggs profile image
Jsnuggs in reply toMGTired

This is very interesting. I have been my rounds with medical specialists and was perscribed 25mg Nortypoline for vestibular migraines. It took a month to tell it was doing something and it did take my dizzyness away (which was great) but i had and occationally still do have random flushing and mini anxiety attacks. In reading about symptoms and relating my last 2+ years of stress(alot to do with feeling this way and the unknown), i have now resulted in myself diagnosis of having burned out or stressed adrenal glands. When i stopped the Nortyptoline the dizzyness came back full force. I stopped it to try and address a problem instead of trying to betablock it. I have been taking the Jarrow supplements for adrenal dysfunction a long with a healthier diet in hopes I can repair this. I understand it's hard to do, but cureable. I'm 97% sure this is my problem. Thank you for your post.

Jflo2430 profile image
Jflo2430 in reply toJsnuggs

How did you get diagnosed with vestibular headaches? 

sajohn21 profile image
sajohn21 in reply toMGTired

This is very interesting to me, does your husband have MTHFR mutation? I was diagnosed but I have not followed up with a geneticist yet. I have been wondering if these symptoms could be connected and if this is a disorder or syndrome caused by mthfr mutation. .....

Brahmi profile image
Brahmi in reply toGoingcrazy7

I feel the exact the same. ;(

pvh1977 profile image
pvh1977 in reply toGoingcrazy7

Hi have you had any relief from your pain. I've had this 14 yrs and it's so hard to live a normal life with .I feel for you

Dank profile image

I am a 56 year old male. I have had very similar symptoms to many of you. Next month it will be 13 years since this started for me. My whole adult life I have always exercised and maintained a fairly healthy lifestyle. I have always called this a headache, but in reality, it is really internal head pressure. Like my brain wants to burst through the top of my head. I can't do anything which requires too much head movement. Over the years I have tried to adapt, but it is really ruling and ruining my life. The head pressure has never gone away. My vision bounces if I run. I don't get spinning dizzy, but I get light headed. When I exercise, it makes it worse. If I am in big areas with lots of activity it throws my balance off. I used to have difficulty at the super market. When I looked at the items on the shelves directly, it would throw my vision and balance off. I walk with my head down to lessen the vision bounce. I have been to many doctors and specialists over the years but nothing has worked. I just recently told my primary care doctor we need to be very aggressive to find a solution. I really am at the point I will try anything.

I will let you know if we find anything that works.

emaynard52 profile image
emaynard52 in reply toDank

I am very interested if you find out anything. I have had the exact same issues for 3 years. It came on all of the sudden. Amitriptyline helped a little but not lately.

Dank profile image

I've been on Amitriptyline for over a year. My doctor raised it from 50mg to 75mg about three weeks ago. All it does for me is it makes me sleepy. I will be calling my doctor this week to see what our next option will be.

maidenmoon1361 profile image

i have dealt with this for a year nuroligist could not figure it out my spine was outta wack i started going to a ciropractor, massage therapist every week and acupunture every month i would take a medro pack ( a strong steroid) pack once a month and do my therpy i take lots of b vitimins it helps cotes the nerve and heal them naturaly exspecaly b 12 it has a antiflitory property in it i am only 33 this has been the worst year of my life the pain is so bad when the neck is out it can cause nerves c1 and c2 to become slightly pintched then you get the eye pressure and pain also by the ears it mimicks migrians and is often mis dignoised i have the hole brain floating thing happen several times this happens when i am due for a round of steroids and out riding my horses this all happned last year when i fell in my drive way on ice and knock my self out took a bad blow to the back of my neck and head i have healed my self not my doctors they have not helped me at all hope this helps

Dank profile image
Dank in reply tomaidenmoon1361

I have been to a couple Chiropractors, physical therapists and an Osteopath.

Each one has said they know what the problem is, yet none of them have been able to help me.

I also slipped on ice and took a blow to the back of my head. I wasn't knocked out but I was very woozy. Maybe there is some kind of connection with that.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toDank

Dank, just a thought, have you been checked for hydrocephalus?

My father was an amateur boxer in his younger day with repeated blows to the head as well as some falls. The symptoms were pressure in his head and a feeling like he was being pulled to one side. The doctor said it was old age creeping up on him (he was 58y.o.) It wasn't

until after his death that the autopsy showed hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain) which could have been controlled by inserting a shunt.

Worse case scenario but never the less just a thought.

Dank profile image
Dank in reply toAgora1

Hi Agora1. I just had an MRI this week. Everything came back fine. I will be seeing another neurologist in the next few weeks. I will mention that to him. Is there a test they can do to check that? Thanks for your suggestion.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toDank

You know I'm not sure. I think it's done with an MRI or CT

scan. I hope I didn't make you upset. I'm glad you will be seeing another neurologist. Had my dad seen a neurologist instead of only a GP, it may have been discovered. Wishing you well. Keep us updated.

Nathan1993 profile image

I've had these symptoms for nearly a year after having the flu, I've had problems with anxiety for 5 years now and never had a problem like this before it's seriously affected my memory I suspect sinusitis because when I awake in the mornings my eyes feel sticky and i'm almost always congested in my nose, seeing an ENT in a couple of weeks and will tell him that when all this started I was diagnosed with having sinusitis but wasn't treated for it and being a smoker may have made it worsen and prolonged the recovery however I do feel better now then what I used to but still not 100% but if it from my anxiety then I don't know what started it off as I was working at the time and had a great social life, was some stress from the job but after leaving that job for 10 months now surely the stress would have passed by now.

Brahmi profile image

Thera, what's the latest?

Jayde_96 profile image

You have described it perfectly! I'm so desperate to find out what it is :( I'm 19 and according to the GP I'm healthy

UCBooties profile image

I just found this thread after struggling for a few weeks to make sense of what was going on in my head. I have been taking an allergy medication to attempt to counteract the issue but it hasn't been working. I had a sinus/ear infection and when that went away I had an awful cold. While I was working through that I had a hope that the rest of the symptoms would pass. During the past couple days I even had a few times where I felt mostly normal except for the runny nose and sore throat.

Unfortunately, today as my cold symptoms have finally disappeared the rest of the symptoms are back. Reading through this thread I guess I need to prepare myself for the long haul. I will try a few more allergy medications to see if anything helps but I will need to start making plans to deal with anxiety as that seems to be a likely culprit. This has been discouraging but it is helpful to know that other people deal with this and are able to make do.

Kwazycanuck profile image

Thera, you describe the sensations and symptoms so precisely that I feel as though it is my own description of me (except for the 27 yr. old female part)!! I am 55 year old male who has been stricken with this horrendous dizziness, head pressure, brain fog, etc., etc., for too many years to count. I've had anxiety all of my life and am convinced that it plays a very significant role in my physical symptoms. As I read all these replies, I feel so bad that there are so many of us afflicted with similar concerns. I only hope that there are some real, practical solutions out there for all of us.

amsimon profile image
amsimon in reply toKwazycanuck

I am glad to have found this group. There is certainly something wrong that has not yet been diagnosed in our situations. I don't want to give up on having a normal life and need a group like this to keep me positive and I want to be there for others as well.

amsimon profile image

Thera, this is exactly what I have been experiencing for at least 6 straight months now. I am a 36 year old female, nonsmoker, nondrinker, mother of 2 young sons ages 7 and 4, overweight since the delivery of my second child, suffered from stress and anxiety all of my life but intensely now with 2 children. I have a great husband who I feel is now definitely feeling the negative effects of my symptoms since I have been on edge and easily agitated and the effects on my children of my being this way breaks my heart. Have you found any help? I am in desperate need of getting healthy. This is taking a toll on my life that I don't feel anyone but you and this group will understand. Please help me.

Serscal profile image

I wanted to leave my story here as well. I cannot sleep and I'm so scared I'm at the point of tears I am so glad I found this thread. Female, will be 20 this may. This has been an ongoing problem since late may of 2014, I thought it was allergies at first. One day my ears filled up and I can't even remember what unfilled ears felt like anymore. I tried lots of home remedies at first, still the same fullness the clogged feeling liquid sloshing back and forth it was mild then. Doctors prescribed me allergy meds and antibiotics... no relief. Symptoms progressed to good days and bad days. Headaches so severe I didn't even want to move I was so foggy, dizziness, blurred vision. Ent oh an ear infection has progressed so bad it's infected your tonsils! They're coming out. So after months of slightly horrid experiences with useless random antibiotics my tonsils are now at stage 3 because of some prolonged ear infection no one noticed? Cool okay, tonsils came out 4-20-15. After two weeks of absolute hell and no food I still had the same problem in my head only worsened. I was just living with it at this point, most days were tolerable and on the bad days.... They are terrible. I kept trying to see doctors and got diagnosed with more random sicknesses such as vertigo and that's when I realized that they're doing the same exact thing I'm doing. Plugging in symptoms into their computers giving me some random drug and sending me on out. I gave up started dosing myself with ibuprofen on the bad days.... Nothing really helps since I became addicted to the ibuprofen. I don't take it as often anymore so i just deal with the extreme pain. It'll migrate from side to side and it's effecting my entire body. Sharp pains, numbness, constant clicking trying to relieve something anything for just one second. The last time I talked to my doctor about it her and the nurses told me to grovel to the hospital so my Medicaid would pay for a ct scan on my head. I haven't done it, I'm starting to unravel on the bad days. Something's wrong and it's really scaring me. I feel like the pressure could just collapse my brain at any moment because that's honestly what it feels like. My ears are ringing now, both ears filled, I'm foggy, slightly dizzy with numb tingles and sharp pains in my body. Nobody believes me so I've just stopped talking about it. When everyone around you is telling you it's nothing but you know, you KNOW it's something. What do you do? Oh look on the bright side I'm also very sure I'm slowly losing my ability to hear. I feel as though science and health care has let me down. And why tell me why they can't just drain my fluid??? I'm almost tempted to burst my own ear drum to get someone to do something. I don't want to be like this forever, I want to have normal ears again.

amsimon profile image
amsimon in reply toSerscal

You are not alone.

Kathyissickofthis profile image
Kathyissickofthis in reply toSerscal

I so no how you feel. I too have the exact same problem and my eyes are getting as bad as my ears. It never goes away anymore it just ranges from a 3 to 11. My neurologist is jist sending me rheumatologist now my retinas are thinning too now so scared. The bloody doctors told me for 5 years it anxiety and stress. They are rheumatiod arthritis of the brain as i have it in my body. And it does not show up in bloodtes half the times guys

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toSerscal

Have you found any relief?

Jenk profile image

Hi I am the mother of a 26 year old girl who has been having all the same symptons. In fact I googled her symptoms headache, brain fog, tired, ear pain and chest pain and this health unlocked site came up. All come and go sometimes gets better or worse. She first started with these symptons back in the Summer after a bad migraine(her first) which followed a virus she had for 3 weeks. My daughter has been to countless doctors appointments and nothing has been found. She is on amitryptiline I believe for anxiety. I think her anxiety of not knowing what's wrong is exasperating all her symptons. She's making an appointment with a neurologist but has already had an MRI which was fine. All blood tests came back fine. I am encouraging her to drink a lot of water and try Braggs apple cider vinegar which helps with various ailments. It's crazy that everyone on here has very similar symptons. I do wonder if my daughters virus then her migraine was the trigger for this. There has to be a way to get rid of it. I am worried about her and feel badly for all of you dealing with this.

Lala1211 profile image
Lala1211 in reply toJenk

How is she feeling now??

Serscal profile image

Mine started with a "cold" during the summer and never went away as well. I feel as though I'm in random discomfort all the time 

Serscal profile image

I am wondering, did anything considerably 'traumatic' happen to anyone before the symptoms started? I've been thinking maybe not anxiety but PTSD related... 

George3012 profile image
George3012 in reply toSerscal

In CBT I described my head pressures and horrible pain that I experienced 24 7 for 3 years. It happened a handful of times and was agony and I thought I was about to drop dead but went away. One day it was excruciating and I was sure I was seconds from death and it had never been so bad and from that day it has never left. My therapist told me I may be suffering from ptsd because I'm so traumatised by the experience that it now never leaves, also partly because my mind thinks that it never will.

I have recently started a course called 'thrive' and I and my therapist have huge faith that by changing the process of my thoughts and most importantly understanding how it all works will help me reprogrammed my mind into a healthy, positive thinking one.

Jflo2430 profile image
Jflo2430 in reply toSerscal

I think all mine started from when I had my daughter 7 years ago. They hit my spinal fluid during my epidural placement and I have had 2 blood patched but I think all these symptoms are underlying issues from that trauma.  

stb811 profile image
stb811 in reply toSerscal

i think we may be on to something here. Aside from people who seemed to have experienced this after neck and/or head trauma, there are some of us where it came after bad experiences in general. Mine happened AFTER I went through severe depersonalization (anxiety), which was incredibly traumatic, but once it passed and I felt normal, I have since had this head pressure/foggy feeling and its just too much of a coincidence to me...And I'm wondering if it could be some form of PTSD which is also an anxiety disorder. Could these symptoms be produced from our subconscious thinking something is wrong? I notice when i live normally, ignore it etc, keep active, the symptoms seem to diminish a bit, and days that are the best are ones where I'm very active. however, they keep seeming to just creep back and not get better. (although I must mention that since this has started it has certainly gotten a LITTLE better since I started thinking more positively and just going on with my life anyway)

in reply toSerscal

I lost my 14 year old son's been two years. I think you nailed it...ptsd

tagldg profile image

Thanks for sharing your story. I'm dealing with similar symptoms and currently had to lie down in the middle of cooking dinner due to the dizziness and head fullness. In the past, I've been to ent specialists and in addition my chronic allergies and sinuses one speciialst pre-diagnosed me with meneiers disease. From what he explained, my symptoms are consistent but im5so miserable I'm thinking that may be a secondary condition. My quality of life has been very low leading me to depression. I will continue to pray for good health and the strength to press on.

WhatsUpYall19 profile image
WhatsUpYall19 in reply totagldg

It could be brain inflammation thats causing the depression, dizziness and other symptoms. Or multiple sclerosis.

Possibly eating foods high in antioxidants could help, or fighting the cause of inflammation (Infection etc).

mattsommers1 profile image

I have about the same symptoms as you.  The worse is the pressure in the head.  It is so extremely uncomfortable to swing or even nod my head.  Makes it hard to do a lot of things.  If somebody is talking to me, I cannot even acknowledge them by nodding.  Ive always told doctors and others the best way to describe how I feel is extremely hungover everyday.  I have had this for 9 years now.  We should see if we have a common link that may help a diagnosis.  I took a corticosteroid (inhaled prednisone) asthma inhaler everyday for 20 years.  I stopped taking it and this coincided with the problems.  I believe that the hormones in the inhaler have intoxicated my soft tissue.  Especially around the neck, face, scalp, and eyes, all of which are near my mouth where the drug was sprayed 4 times daily. Anybody else here who took corticosteroids or prednisone of any kind?

Postman profile image
Postman in reply tomattsommers1

Similar incident happened to me, one year ago I was given a corticosteroids for my severe allergies and that day my life changed. I had serious heart palpitations, blurry vision, and all symptoms from every one else on this forum. Maybe we have trapped fluid in our head creating migraine effect?? Or maybe neurotransmitters are out of whack?? This needs to be fixed and hope to hear more ideas, not just complaints. We have to figure this out, since medical community is no help!! 

Withbighope profile image

Hi guys, I am feeling the same way for 7 months now after having flu. Quit driving, work, social life as I am unable to function normally. Did all tests, doctors smile and say I am healthy as nothing shows.. Sometimes I wonder when doctors face headaches do there tests show abnormal signs??! I am so disappointed and exhausted not only to stand for finding the treatment, but proving to healthy people that there is something wrong with me.. I wonder if there is someone out there who got better, and hope there is the cure apart from AD which DONT help

mattsommers1 profile image
mattsommers1 in reply toWithbighope

Yes, doctors are so stupid especially where I am in Las Vegas.  I feel like it sets me back every time they tell me I'm healthy.  I quit my teaching job a few months ago and I'm getting super desperate because I literally do NOT want to live like this anymore.  I have had hundreds of blood tests as well as ct scans and mris.  My question is, and hopefully somebody will know, are there other tests besides blood tests that may find the problem?  My connective tissue is so screwed up.  Especially in my face where the muscles are all teeny tiny.   I feel like if the right doctor took a biopsy and looked at it under the microscope, he would see something wrong.  What kind of doctor would do a procedure like this?

GoWest profile image
GoWest in reply tomattsommers1

I am from Las Vegas also. Have had constant head pressure 24/7 for nine years. I also have blood work that shows increased inflammation and reactivated infections and viruses. No doctor in this city has a clue. I will be seeing a specialist at Stanford in a month and will try to remember how to post here, if he comes up with anything. My head pain started with what seemed to be meningitis causing face pain, eyes shaking, damaged balance. I have never fully recovered. I did have the veins leading out of my brain balloon angioplastied, as they were stenosed. The headache went away for 4 months, but I relapsed after that. I have an original diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome and Lyme disease, but was doing well prior to this meningitis-like onset. Again, I will try to post in a few weeks, IF I get any new information.

MigraineGirl profile image
MigraineGirl in reply toGoWest

Hi, can i ask if you notice swelling in the sides of your face/neck? this sound really similar to how my dads been for years with no answers from the doctors.

mattsommers1 profile image
mattsommers1 in reply toMigraineGirl

Actually, yes I have.  Its weird because I have always been a pretty thin guy around 150 pounds.  But I have noticed that my face and neck definitely have excess fat or skin of some kind (not really swelling, but kind of).  When I am standing, it is not very noticeable and I hadn't realized the swelling.  Then one day about a year ago, I was lying in bed and had a mirror because I wanted to look at something on my face.  I couldn't believe how fat my neck looked.  I took a picture laying down with my camera from the neck up.  You would look at that picture and think I was 400 pounds.  There is definitely something going on with the muscle and/or tissue on my face and neck.  Did your dad ever take prednisone or any corticosteroid (like an asthma inhaler) for an extended period?  I believe that prednisone and a withdrawal from it is what causes my symptoms.

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toGoWest

I had Lyme too... hard to believe that's s coincidence. Any luck at Stanford?

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply tomattsommers1

Do you get shooting pains in your face & jaw?

Stacey4answers profile image

Have you been tested for allergies?  After 4 long years of going through exactly what you all have described & having had every other test imaginable & everything coming back normal, I finally had an acupuncturist talk me into having my blood tested for food and drug allergies as well as sensitivities. Lo and behold I have sensitivities  to dairy, almonds and a full-blown sulfa allergy!   Removing these things from my diet has completely changed my life back around again.  The sad part is that I had been sent to an allergist early on but they only tested me for 16 basic things with a skin poke test. It was only the blood test that showed that my body was creating antibodies to certain foods. I had a lot of learning I have had to do as dairy and tree nuts are in everything. And then when I still wasn't fully getting better I discovered that there are many foods you should avoid with a sulfa allergy as well, such as eggs and garlic and raw onion. Sulfa or sulfite products are in almost every single processed food as a preservative.  This is baking soda/baking powder disguised as so many different things like sodium bicarbonate and so many other names  I don't have time to list them all.  

I thought all my symptoms were horrible migraines all that time.  Nope, allergies.  The severe anxiety, the visual disturbances, the dizziness, the head pressure, the sinus pressure,  the ear fullness, sometimes ringing in my ears, sometimes like a flutter of noise going in and out, and pins and needles on the right side of my body especially my right arm.   ALL OF THE SYMPTOMS WENT AWAY WHEN I stopped eating dairy, tree nuts, and anything processed. 

I was horrified to find out what was in the two most commonly used preservatives. (That are additionally added besides the sodium bicarbonate) BHT has a formaldehyde and a form of cyanide in it. EDTA is a Chemical that binds & holds on to minerals & metals such as chromium, iron, lead, mercury, copper, aluminum, zinc, cobalt, calcium, manganese, and magnesium, and doesn't allow the body to absorb them.  Now are you surprised that so many of us have become deficient in these essential minerals that our body needs for so many different functions?!  

I'm so frustrated with Western medicine because they do not consider these things at all.  I read through all the replies here and didn't see anyone being tested for allergies. And furthermore all the unnecessary testing that has been done to all of us and the unnecessary drugs that didn't work that we were given only further damaged our bodies. And the fact of the matter is there's so much crap in our processed foods that people feeling this way has become very common.  I highly recommend seeing an allergist who will do blood tests for IgE allergies and IgG sensitivities.  It could change your life SO much for the better! It did mine!

I wish you all the best & am hoping you will all get a chance to read this. I would love to hear back if you are able to find anything out with this. 


A Sister in Suffering 

mattsommers1 profile image
mattsommers1 in reply toStacey4answers

For me, I wanted to rule out allergies and Ive found that although I definitely suffer from allergies, my symptoms do not change when I go from Nevada to Michigan in the summer.  And I have also tried fasting to rule out any foods.  No matter where I am and what I eat does not change how I feel.  If it is allergies for me, it has got to be an allergy to something that is present everywhere.

Katie26021989 profile image

I had similar kind of problems and got all tests done and got detected with a pituitary macroadenoma in contrast MRI of brain,hypothalamus and pituitary. Then all hormonal tests done to rule out if it is a functioning of non functioning. It came out to be an non functional pituitary tumor (nfpt,my neurosurgeons call it). Its causing mass effect and hurting because of the pressure it creates due to its size, on surrounding structures. They say, surgery and removal is the  cure. I wish it's not the case with you, but please get yourself checked. But this is very rare. Most common causes could be sinus infection, stress and tension. Which I used to think for myself all through these years until I got to know its a more serious condition with me. But hopefully, I will be fine post surgery. 

mattsommers1 profile image
mattsommers1 in reply toKatie26021989

The macroadenoma has given you Cushing's disease, correct?  I have read all about it.  I believe that prednisone caused a similar effect on me has a tumor would.  It says on most websites that Cushing's can be caused by either a pituitary tumor, or from overuse of corticosteroid asthma inhalers.  Ill be curious to know if you feel better or worse post surgery.  I actually got much worse after I stopped using the inhaler, and I think that is because the damage to my body had already been done.  As my body tries to get back to normal, it causes me great discomfort similar to withdrawals from drugs.

Scollins33547 profile image

I am really glad I found this. I have the same symptoms for a while now and it's been getting worse.

joyep80 profile image

Be leave it or not this sounds as if you are in a environment that ur allergic to! I went through similar/same symptoms.BLACK MOLD was our problem it was in our central heating A/C unit and ductwork. We moved out about a year ago but i guess where we lived in it for 3yrs not knowing it has done some permanent damage. Now im allergic to perfumes, dust, all molds, ect. This stuff will break done ur immune system and give you more problems later on so my advice is go over ur home fine comb and make sure you don't have any old water leaks or any thi g that could pose a problem. And go get an allergy test done  you also sound like ur allergic to dust mites. Allergies are nothing to mess with they can make you very sick especially if you stay in them good luck!

George3012 profile image

I have been suffering from some similar symptoms. For three years I have had a constant feeling in my head that at times is excruciating. I have never been able to explain it, whether it's pressure or what but it feels like things are being pushed out and my brain is being stretched, like my head is about to explode. I've tried meds and various treatments with no major success. At times it focuses more in my chest and other parts, I have have so many other symptoms alongside those pains. I also have incredibly dark thoughts and images constantly, and think something awful is about to happen and always think I'm about to die, partly from the physical sensations in my body/head worsening and also because of my fear in my surroundings. I haven't really explained it all very well as I tried to make it brief but the long and short of it is that I have had a horrible feeling in my head that I haven't been able to shake off for a moment for 3 years.

Through counselling, doctors, accupuncture, cbt etc. Everyone has tried to convince me that ithe is all in my head, that it is anxiety, but I have struggled to fathom how something so extreme could be caused by worry. It doesn't help that my anxious mind also convinces me that there's something wrong with me, my head is just a complete mess and I think I just have to realise that I've just worked myself into such an anxious spiral that these extreme physical sensations are just a severe product of that.

I recently thought I'd try hypnotherapy, but the therapist told me it was not what I needed, she said I needed a course called 'THRIVE' and she is 100% sure she can cure me, in the initial session I believed her, one week in my minds trying to tell me that it can't fix me and that It's not anxiety, it's a physical disorder...but I will convince myself, I will throw my all into this course  (which has received incredible feedback from anxiety sufferers) and I do have some faith that I can reprogramme my mind to get it out of the bind that has allowed these pains and thoughts to overule my life. I have my second session next week, I can't wait, and if you want to know more, give me a message.

Bee3 profile image

I also experience these very same symptoms.  I prefer not to take meds but natural remedies. it's up to you to decide what works for you either conventional or alternative medicine.

Have you considered it's a parasite problem that's causing this?  Most people will not even consider this as a cause. Believe me we live with parasites in our body everyday.  When our immune system is compromised through excesses of one kind or another sugary food intake, drink, drugs or processed food stuffs. The parasites have a food frenzy and crawl and produce rampantly throughout your body. 

To rid your brain and body of these creepy little monsters, try a paracleanse remedy there are several on the Internet 

Essential oils Frankincense, Myrhh and Sandalwood, will help with the pain relief.

Rub a few drops of Franki onto the back of your neck, the Myrhh across your forehead. Mix a couple of drops of Sandalwood and Myrrhh to water, then place on a essential oil burner to release the oils into the air of your home.

I may sound like a crazy white witch, but I'm sure (unless you truly have a diagnosed medical condition), doing this will help you rid yourself of all those symptoms.

Best wishes

bee3 x

Aysha30 profile image

Hi, I've been suffering the same thing for almost two years already. I've tried all blood works, eeg, ecg and the likes all came back normal. Finally i tried the atlas orthogonal and it made me wonders although the tinnitus still didn't went away but im not losing hopes.  

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toAysha30

I've had a recommendation for atlas adjustment, but it scares me, how did it feel?

jess_keg0303 profile image

I have had symptoms that have included and started with vertigo, dizziness, fullness in my right ear, TMJ, headaches (sometimes migraine in quality), light sensitivity, fatigue, worse when I wake up, tendinitis, neck and shoulder stiffness and these have been going on since August 2013. I had my third child about two months before these symptoms began. More recently I am experiencing visual disturbance, and almost like I have to strain to see clearly which is leading me to schedule an eye exam. I have had blood work done, an MRI, saw an ENT who thought it was TMJ, saw the TMJ specialist who got me a prosthetic (mouth guard), and did physical therapy for TMJ. Nothing has really changed the symptoms. I had started researching a few years ago connections between these symptoms and dental work. I had never had headaches prior to having a root canal done. I am wondering how many that are posting on here have had dental work done like a root canal? Apparently, there may be a connection with this being done and long term health problems, degenerative symptoms... I'm still trying to follow up on this lead. Also, I am a mental health professional, and at least in my case am not experiencing the anxiety symptoms but feel like it is normal to be experiencing depressed mood and anxious symptoms at times when experiencing chronic health problems that seemingly have no answers or treatment. It leads to bit of a feeling of hopelessness. Let's not give up hope though! I'm so thankful that there are so many who are willing to share what they are going through. It's can be so frustrating!!

tdawgg123 profile image
tdawgg123 in reply tojess_keg0303

I have very similar symptoms to you but mine are all related to generalized anxiety disorder. They have all let up after some time or another until a new symptom returns. I've never had major dental work done or a root canal just regular fillings. 

Emmyjewel profile image
Emmyjewel in reply totdawgg123

Hi, your post interested me. I've always had a degree of anxiety in the past, and my symptoms r so physical, and will present with no anxiety. For example during sleep or relaxing.

But I also know anxiety can be a body thing and not always a mind thing. I've noticed also that when I get used to and don't worry about certain symptoms, they will morph into new ones.. Which makes me worry naturally. Is this what u get too?

stb811 profile image
stb811 in reply toEmmyjewel

hey, its interesting what you said. I have the same issues here and mine started after about a 3 week period of intense anxiety. As for me, once one symptom gets better, another presents itself..and I actually found this book called the divided mind which talks about mind body syndrome and how the subconscious can produce pain and symptoms. and theres a phenomena where once one symptom leaves, another will present itself because the brain is always EXPECTING something to be bad. I think with those of us who seem to experience this from anxiety need to find a way to reprogram our minds to rid ourselves of this pressure. mine has randomly just went away a few times, only to show right back up, but I have hope!

deara831 profile image

Been having the same issues for over a month. I am 35 very healthy and very active. I am far from an anxiety sufferer. I am extremely well balanced and calm in nature. Temple pain started during a hike and lasted a few minutes and faded away. The pain would come and go every few days up until about 3 weeks ago it became constant from morning until night. I get really dizzy and sometimes nauseous. I'm foggy and forget words as I'm saying them and have been messing up spelling for a month now. My left arm has been getting numbness and tingling and I sometimes get pain in the upper left side of my chest. Heat and humidity seems to make it worse. I've had blood work done and it was normal. I had an eye exam and it was normal. I had a CT scan and it was normal. I can't drive, can't pick up my 3 year old and walk across my house. Can't exercise with my 11 year old and cannot engage in any physical family activities. My doctor is probably going to send me to a neurologist but I requested another general appointment (which I have scheduled for tomorrow) and am requesting testing for mold illness and if nothing shows from that I will request testing for Lymes Disease. Just wanted to suggest looking up symptoms for Mold Illness and perhaps talking with your doctor about it. It is always possible, especially if symptoms persist for lengthy periods of time. 

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply todeara831

I wish you well with your next doctor appointment.  It doesn't sound like anxiety.  Take care. 

JayBanay profile image

I'm relieved to have found this page/feed. But I wish we all had a diagnosis. I feel pressure at the base of my head/neck toward the right side as well as behind my right eye & my right ear. It's very real. I have muffled hearing on the right side and occasionally right sided visual disturbances too. 

-But my hearing test came back with equal hearing loss to left & right and no fluid in the ears (but I seriously feel like I have water in my ear). I have frequent migraines+++ with:  nausea, dizzy spells, aphasia, light & sound sensitivity omg it's driving me crazy. All I can do Is drop into bed and pray it goes away, but I have kids who need me.    Lastly the extreme fatigue is relentless. 

- I will be following this in hopes of reading an eventual diagnosis. 

I'm trying to stay positive and I wish you all well J

CLM0407 profile image

I have never signed up on a message board but I am so frustrated, in tears just responding. I have the exact same symptoms!!!! It's so horrible. The ringing, light and sound sensitivity, pressure, blurred vision and on and on. The pain, while varying in degree NEVER STOPS. I was diagnosed with an epilepsy disorder a couple of years ago at the age of 40, with no trauma or explanation which is pretty rare. But, I haven't had a seizure since January 2016, and this new battle started two months later. Just want this to stop, just want my life back 😰

loglegmomma profile image

You just told my story!!!  Except the lumbar picture.

Are you feeling better?

Kelly_M_R profile image

Hi, I was just reading your post and many of your symptoms are similar to what I experienced. I too was dealing with chronic headaches, pins & needles in my hands, fingers going numb, frequent chills, light sensitivity, and awful brain fog. My shoulders and neck were also very stiff and sore and I felt absolutely terrible. I went to many doctors and had MRIs on both neck and head and everything came back normal. So I then tried physio and it turned out my body was very out of alignment which can cause so many problems. My right shoulder was elevated and all the muscles around my thoracic area and neck were also being affected. Physio helped but I wasn't getting lasting results so I tried Osteopathy which has changed everything. After only two sessions I noticed a huge difference especially because they are able to calm down the nervous system which is in overdrive when you are dealing with chronic pain. In addition to Osteo I then started seeing a massage therapist who has been able to work on the trigger points in my neck. It turns out my constant headache was a result of trigger points. My brain fog also seems to be a result of trigger points because as my trigger points improve so does my brain fog. I now have now been going to Osteo and massage for ten months and I am getting much better. I also see a kinesiologist to slowly build up strength which helps with recovery as well. This is a little long winded but my advice would be to find an experienced osteopath and see if you are dealing with any type of misalignment. A massage therapist with trigger point therapy would also be worth checking out.

tdawgg123 profile image
tdawgg123 in reply toKelly_M_R

I too am following this post and was glad to read your response. Everyone on here is here with one other thing in common..anxiety. I explained I had most of these symptoms at some point until I started getting regular massages. I get the odd symptom still but it generally goes away. That's just part of living with anxiety disorder

Ansayati profile image
Ansayati in reply totdawgg123

I'm with you

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toKelly_M_R

i had my first appointment yesterday & have high hopes!

Ansayati profile image
Ansayati in reply tologlegmomma

What's your results

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toAnsayati

osteopathic doctor is great, but relief is short-lived & she thinks I need to keep looking for medical answers.

stb811 profile image

Hey all! I made an account just for this thread because whats in the title are the EXACT symptoms i have and seems to be the active thread in here as well. Anyway, I've noticed a lot of things in common. Now before I start rambling, mine has gotten a little better each month and this is what I do, I stay as busy as possible, meditate to help cope with the pains and thoughts, I take fish oils, B Vitamin complex, Stress Teas, exercise 4-5 times a week, and most importantly SLEEP SCHEDULE. I don not take medications for this, as I've seen this is so mysterious to all doctors that it must be something with the nervous system, which is your brain and your spine, which are two INCREDIBLY important parts of your body, but also highly underestimated in their power. Anyway, This seemed to have started in everyone with some sort of "trigger" whether it was hitting the head, shifting the neck, taking medication/drugs, or anxiety. I have come up with a few theories myself. For those where it came after trauma, like myself, I seem to think its some form of emotional pain, anxiety disorder causing all of this. For those where the trigger was purely physical, I assume your body may be out of alignment, particularly your neck. However this all comes down to one thing it seems, which is inflammation and tension. BRAIN FOG, as doctors have found, is caused by inflammation in the body. Whether that be in the nervous system because of oxidized stressed, or possibly being overactive, or even the inner ear which can block the pathways/signals to the brain, thus causing dizziness/vertigo and even brain fog as well. The pressure in the head can also give the feeling that one is foggy I noticed. Sometimes I can "feel" normal, but the pressure in my head is what makes me feel foggy most the time. Now I have a theory that the pressure/fog is caused by extreme tension of the neck muscles, as myself, and I'm sure many of you have found that it will tighten up out of nowhere, sometimes even little face muscles. and typically, spasms like this happen when there is a lack of oxygen flow, which can be from two things, tight muscles, or brain signals. Now, I have also read about a condition called TMS/Mind body syndrome, where the brain can produce psychosomatic symptoms because of the neural pathways it has generated, and one thing that struck me is how when one symptom passes, another comes up, because again, like myself and I'm sure ALL of you experience this phenomena. Which leads me to the conclusion that in SOME cases we have CONDITIONED ourselves to always have pain (much like in anxiety disorders), and thus the brain is producing this tension, also because our minds are obsessed with this condition and this is potentially a learned behavior of the mind, EVEN if it started with just taking some medicine. Now all natural medicine and psychology aside, how do we BEAT THIS? Some I have read, say it just "goes away" which at this point I believe since it is so mysterious. What I have found myself that works is some CBT, exercise, and even just keeping distracted seems to alleviate symptoms...weird. I found doing neck stretching exercises help momentarily as well. I found being inside makes it worse, and when I;m outdoors and theres more around me, I don't feel as foggy..there were a few days this week i just felt loads better, my brain was working better, the pressure was way down and I was so happy, but of course it came back and I went back a few steps. But anyway, enough rambling, I just wanted to share my findings with you guys. I am thinking that mine could be purely psychological since I had no pre existing health conditions before this came on (which was triggered by some panic attacks/anxiety), in which case I am going to try my hardest to stay distracted and unlearn this weird bodily behavior, and more importantly I WILL NOT let this affect my life no matter how depressed i feel because of it. Stay strong my fellow sufferers and I will be checking up on this thread as we start to discover more and more

Ansayati profile image
Ansayati in reply tostb811

My anxiety problems and symptoms all directing me to only 1 disease. MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS

stb811 profile image
stb811 in reply toAnsayati

have you checked it? I know exactly where my symptoms came from so I highly doubt it can be that for me. but if you don't know the cause of yours you can always get tested on that for peace of mind :)

stb811 profile image

OH I also wanted to note a weird finding of mine. this may be TMI, but when I'm sexually active with someone, the pressure seems to go away almost completely...same with all the other symptoms. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with the mind being completely distracted...Call me crazy, but at this point, with no diagnoses for anyone, I am starting to think this is psychosomatic. at least for me, and some on here

Ansayati profile image
Ansayati in reply tostb811

What is TMI?

tdawgg123 profile image
tdawgg123 in reply toAnsayati

"Too much information"

BlondieLinda profile image
BlondieLinda in reply toAnsayati

Too much information

stb811 profile image

ALSO ANOTHER POSSIBLE SOLUTION, AND one more thing for everyone to look into, and I am going to myself. is CANDIDA. candida is an awful fungal infection that can produce blockage of the sinuses, and also leave, and I quote from another source, "the infected may feel they are in a state of dreaminess, and experience depression and anxiety as well". Candida will infect those with prior poor diets, or even take over a gut of someone who is overly stressed. candida is basically something you fight off with a specialized diet and anti-fungals. but yeah, something to look into as well. also look into treating health anxiety for those suffering. this condition obviously isn't harmful since many have had it for so long, its best to learn to cope as much as possible while we find answers, and who knows, that could cure it all together!

Ansayati profile image

All those symptoms I also have anxiety disorder. In and out opd patient since April 2015. Leftside head pressure, muscle stiffness, stressed out, feeling tired, all worn out without heavy work.

I only consume paracetamol just to relieve pain.

stb811 profile image

Hey guys I also wanted to share this forum with you all. For those of you who think this is anxiety related, please read this.

I know its old, but one user in there reported the exact same symptoms, was put on meds and the pressure and everything went. Not saying that meds is the answer, i would never touch them myself, but just to give you all some evidence here that other people who have had this have accepted its anxiety and its seems to get better. Anxiety is a very complex thing, and no its not just the shakes you get before a big presentation, its can be deep rooted emotional stuff. anyway, read that link, could help ease some of your minds! I went about a month myself with completely just accepting it, getting busy with life, etc, and towards the end I was feeling almost 90% normal some days. Of course I went backwards, but its all part of the healing process. HAVE FAITH PEOPLE

Agora1 profile image

I totally agree with you. Acceptance is the way to go. Now if I could get rid of the morning anxiety completely, I will be 99.9% healed.

stb811 profile image
stb811 in reply toAgora1

right. i actually had a moment today of feeling completely normal. didnt last long, but it came right after working out, i felt as if I just didnt care, and my fog diminished. its back now, but just more proof that i think this stuff is all probably depersonalization or obsessive thought patterns

stb811 profile image

Hi guys. I HAVE FOUND RELIEF. Now this may not be everyones case, but i believe it to be mine. Last night while meditating, I got much better at learning to accept my thoughts for simply just thoughts, same with my sensations. Today, as I'm typing this, the pressure/fog is about 90% diminished. I believe what some of us are suffering from is called depersonalization. It is an anxiety disorder where your brain will actually protect you from further stress/emotions by kinda shutting off. the head pressure seems to be a common symptom. Anyway, cheers my friends. message me if you would like help. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND CBT. I am doing it all myself, no professional. Its reeally just seeing your thoughts and feelings as simply that..thoughts and feelings, not you as a person. I am not fully recovered but I am getting very close!

vmb2 profile image
vmb2 in reply tostb811

Hi there! I would love to talk to you about how you are doing now and CBT! I am also experiencing what everyone else here is. send me a message when you get a minute and if you would like to!

I have been going through the exact same thing for 5 years but also have joint problems aswell. First they said stress pfft. So antidepressants and antiflammitorys. Which then gave me an ulcer. So i gave up after a uear. Then decided to go back again got diagnosed with sever sinusitis a uear on antibiotics then operation. Still no difference. The a diagnosis of migraines sever so they put me epilepsy meds Topamax and upped my antidepressants meanwhile i was jist getting worse my eyes were foggier and also pins and needles in my arms and legs my ears and hearing have gotten so bad they just kept upping my meds telling me i was stressed. It wasnt right. I went to another doctor. Told them and straight away ordered mri sent me to optometrist where they discovered my retina's are thinning just been to neurologist who also wants to send me to rheumatologist they thinking brain arthritis mayb. But its a start. Just want to b pain free jist a day. Im a single mum with 3 kids

Jamiespencr profile image

So i have This pain to im pretty young And i have these things already for half a year but i got to know From doctors that its not a tumor or infection but there is e strange thing my pain sometimes Goes away or comes back when in do Some movements like it Goes away when im sleeping And keep my head down And i think it gets Triggerd by Some sounds. I am not that worried cause i can deal with the pain + thinking about This shit pain get me that pain xD

Sorry i This comment was a little messy

Carra42 profile image

Hi Thera I have read your post & I a, going through the same feeling which only started 2 months ago. I have been told several different things that it could be belpolsy, then a stroke & now anxiety which does not help me as I just want to get to the bottom of the problem. I am glad that there are other people that I can talk to about this because if you are not going through it they don't understand. I'm waiting for appointments with specialists to see if I get a confirmed diagnosis so that I can move forward with this.

kaylexi77 profile image

I get these weird feelings in my head/brain that is an empty sort of feeling, it just feels weird and I do not know what to do about it, it happens more and more lately.

Dizzykitty profile image

All the people with dizziness, head pressure, pain, vision problems, etc, please look into fluoroquinolone toxicity. There is an excellent site for it:

anyone who has taken a Fluoroquinolone antibiotic is at risk (ie Cipro, Avelox, Levaquin, etc) the FDA just recently announced finally how dangerous these drugs are, and they are commonly prescribed. Onset of symptoms can be delayed, so you don't associate your symptoms with a drug you may have taken for bronchitis months ago, for example. Certain other drugs, such as NSAIDS, can trigger the toxicity.

If you have strange symptoms, please look at, or google Fluoroquinolone toxicity

stb811 profile image

so what I would recommend doing guys is looking into central nervous system restoration. at this point, I dont think the how matters, its more so the what do I do about it right? much of it is related to muscle tension which cuts off oxygen and blood supply to the brain. when it becomes extreme (from old injuries, anxiety, repressed stress etc) then we can feel all sorts of weird things. I would recommend getting massages of the back and scalp/neck. when the neck is very tight and the CNS is malfunctioning from other conditions mentioned, the neck muscles can pull the scalp down over the head. stretch daily and get plenty of sleep and light exercise. im starting to feel a lot better even though it comes and goes. just be lucky we live in a modern society with solutions to problems!

Rella4 profile image
Rella4 in reply tostb811

Stb811 great post as I'm thinking a lot of my symptoms are from my neck.I went to my chiropractor last week and it was almost a instinct release of pressure in my ears and head.Thinking I will arrange for a message to see if that would also help.Thx! Sounds like you have some great knowledge to share with others

salsagirl20 profile image

Omg sounds like i am reading my own story. I have everything you have and it scares me to death everyday. I keep thinking something horrible is going to happen to me. It's just dreadfull.

Blu7 profile image

I had all of that and at times the head pain made me feel slow even when I spoke. My speech seemed slurred and like I was drugged up. The dizziness too sucked. I was told it's all effects of migrains, which only added to my anxiety. It isn't all that bad these days, but I hated when it lasted so long that even when I woke up the next morning it would tart up again just as I opened my eyes. I'm not gonna lie a few times I drank just to numb it, but these days I've mostly kep myself occupied enough I don't notice it anymore, or I'm just so used to it I don't feel it as bas anymore.

adamjeffcoat profile image

Hey guys, I have been suffering from these exact symptoms described by Thera above since Xmas day. It has been hell and has taken me 6 months to start to get well again. Like all of you i didn't know what was wrong and was wrongly prescribed as having labyrinthitus which i was initially told would go within 3 weeks.

After trying literally everything - acupuncture, bloodtests, cranial sacral, cardiovascular specialists, physio, osteo, reiki, therapy, grounding etc. Nothing really changed and i thought i was losing it and due to the depression was even considering suicide plus the dizziness, anxiety and heart palpitations were scaring the crap out of me. Then i got told by someone to go see a top Naturopath in London as she suspected what i had was more diet based...

After completing a detailed questionnaire and discussing my symptoms he told me i clearly had REACTIVE HYPOGLYCEMIA

If you look at all the listed symptoms i would say many of you actually have this too as it is one of the most misdiagnosed conditions in healthcare. This list also exactly matches everything Thera was describing its no wonder we are all struggling so much.

The diet is simple - cut out ALL sugar, carbohydrates, white flour and processed food and avoid alcohol. Eat high protein meals, vegetables, grains & nuts and only hard fruits such as apples and pears. Also eat or snack about every 3 hour to keep your blood sugar level regulated.

After just 2 weeks i literally felt much better, all the anxiety went, the dizziness is almost totally non-existent and a month later i feel like i am 95% back to my normal self and even just went on holiday as i finally felt well enough to fly :)

If this rings true with any of you and you want to know more about the diet or suggested supplements just shoot me a message. No matter what you have to stay positive as life will test you until you learn what it is trying to teach you and the prize is freedom & wellbeing :)


Riptide profile image

Hi Thera ~ how are you feeling? I am currently experiencing these same sensations/symptoms..I work out regularly and am very careful what to eat.. Went to ENT , Lyme test, vertigo diagnosed, head MRI ..all negative. I see a neurologist this week..any suggestions much appreciated ! ❤️

Amyk34 profile image

Omg Thera you are me! On top

Of all of that do you feel like your in a Different world when u are walking around or in a store?? I feel like I am in a dream like I'm so light headed feel faint but still can function sadly cause I am so used to feeling like crap and having the constant feeling my head will explode cause there is SO much pressure! I seriously can't take it anymore no doctors have helped me I had a brain MRI came up normal ct of head normal x-ray font neck was normal but showed that I have straightened neck which means I have no curve that the neck is supposed to have for its shape but they said that's due to neck muscle spasm from my constant distress from headaches and the pressure that I am getting muscle tension from worrying about why I feel so sick my ear ms I was told I have Eustachian tube dysfunction but there is "nothing to do about it" so I am running out of ideas and my dr's are so confused I am upset I am not enjoying life cause of it every day is a struggle I have had so many blood tests got everything possible checked out and still nothing! I need help they claimed my sinus x-Ray was clear too I was like no it doesn't feel clear I can't breathe thru my nose so I have no idea what to try for this pressure and light headedness :(

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toAmyk34

Please let us know if you find any relief.... I've seen every specialist I can imagine & get told its probably from cervical discs. Now they identified a vestibular weakness, but can't figure out what's the cause :-(.

The fogginess is the worst!!

Angel_ways profile image

I don't know if anyone on here has mentioned Pseudotumor Cerebri , but my sis had a lot of the symptoms mentioned on here about the pressure headaches, 15 years ago and that's what they diagnosed her with. I've started having the same symptoms this past few months and the doctors are in the process of diagnosing me with it. I'll post the Mayo Clinics link about it. A good test to do at home is go on OT diuretics and eat as least amount of salt as you can, and see if you notice a difference. It may be possible that this is what you have.... I'm not a doctor, but it's worth a try. I notice a huge difference. I have recently gone LoSo (low sodium) and taking a lot of over the counter water pills. The pressure, dizziness neck pain, eye issues, ear pressure, feeling high, etc completely went away. I didn't take the water pills for one day and ate Chinese food, the next day I woke up and all the pressure was back.

With pseudotumor cerebri they recommend low sodium and prescribe diuretics.... My next doctors appointment is in 2 weeks. I do believe I found the answer to my problem. My MRI came back clear. I need the to do a lumbar puncture to test me.

I pray you all find your answers and are in better health!

Agora1 profile image

Angel_ways, I have heard of that but didn't know about diuretics and low sodium.

It makes sense though. I which you well with the lumbar puncture, let us know how you do. Is your sister okay now? Or is it a chronic condition? My best to you. x

beans000 profile image

I too have many these symptoms and 3 years ago, I visited countless doctors and had all the blood tests, scans, etc. with everything coming out normal. Finally, a good neurologist recommended that I try a cervical pillow. I would recommend for everyone on this thread to try a cervical pillow or cervical roll. They helped alleviate all my symptoms and now my symptoms are back because my pillow is no longer firm. I ordered a replacement. I wish myself and everyone here a speedy recovery from these miserable symptoms!!

Liv_ profile image

I think I am feeling the same symptoms as you but I can't really describe what my head feels like when people ask me because a lot o the time there is a weird rushing sensation around my head and behind my ears which no body understands. I haven't been to the doctors yet as I fear they will turn me away and just say it is anxiety as I suffer with that anyway but this time it is much worse and the feeling in my head is not something I wish to live with. I've not long been on holiday and I'm too scared to even fly again as the feeling and pressure behind my eyes and in my head was so bad. I am just confused and scared as I don't even know whether the symptoms are the same as the feeling is indescribable.

heather80 profile image

Hello, I am 36, female and I have been stuffing head pressure, fog, dizziness, and pain in the right and left side of brian, my face pops and my left sidfe and right side of my brian pops,

I get pins and neeldes in the right and left side of my brian, and down my legs, and arms and hands,I have stabbing pains in the necks and head left and right,I gey blood from my ears and nose. I have pressure from eyes and ears and pain. I get ramdonlu stabbing pain in my head

And down my left side of my body, my ears are pain, same time I go duff, I live in fog same times and I forget who iam and the days goes bye, I get Pressure and feels like to building

Ivehad 6 falls in the last year, I get dizzness and light head,lower back is beging to hurt and a

hurt and iam having trouble walking, I don’t drink alcohol consumption, I don’t smoke,

iam happy within my life, I do what I want iam content, I have lived with this all my life,

iam happy but I feel that I havent lived. I have no mamoeries under the age of 28 years it blank.

I want answers. I have had test, scan, MRI this test makes me vomit for three days after having it, eggs. I have gone blind for 3o mintues once.

Please can anyone have answers I have no anxity iam happy person ive learnt to live with

My whole life. But I do want answers.

Thequeenbee30 profile image
Thequeenbee30 in reply toheather80

Hi there I'm having some of the same things goin on I'm 30 yr old mum of three and recently been having headaches and earfullness also with brain fog it makes me feel very anxious also head pressure in one part of my head on the right bk side of my head with sometimes thinging feelings and some times feel dizzy or sick my face some times feel numb I'm worryed my self I've had some bloods done and awaiting results and due to are the doctors tomro I've seen a lot of posts with people experiencing the same things anyone no why is this happens it's scary I jus wanna feel normal again I worryed somethin is wrong with my brain

jackbo30 profile image

Hi. I am just now seeing your post. Sorry for the late response. I wanted to know if you have had your thyroid checked. An overactive thyroid can cause these kinds of symptoms. I have underactive thyroid, but when I take too much meds, I slip into overactive mode, and I begin to have pressure in my head, like there is a tight band extending from my temples thru my forehead. My head tingles, I have pain in my neck, I have brain fog, and headaches. If you haven't already figured out what is wrong, it wouldn't hurt to have a TSH level test.

jackbo30 profile image
jackbo30 in reply tojackbo30

And I forgot to mention that I, too, have dizziness, sometimes it is so bad I feel like I'm gonna fall over. And body trembling. When your hormones are out of whack, which is what your thyroid produces, they can wreak all kinds of havoc throughout your body.

dakotax profile image

I bought a cervical collar at the drug store and it offers immediate relief, but read the cautions on the label. I also take a heavy scarf with me to wrap around my neck when I am out. Been using the collar for 3 years, only when on computer or doing dishes, etc..

dakotax profile image
dakotax in reply todakotax

My started with Vertigo, when that subsided, when I walk or lay down or sometimes sit I am fine. I get head pressure when on the computer, doing dishes, cooking...generally moving my head. The cervical collar works for me. I am going to the Dr to try to figure out what it is. I did PT for a while, I've had this for 3 years. I have no pain, just pressure.

kristykracker profile image

Did anyone ever figure out what this was? I have the same symptoms. Going on 9 months now. Constant headaches. Kind of like a full pressure feeling more than a headache. Stiff neck. Fatigue. Anger. I have had many many tests. MRI, CT, blood. Been given may medications, all of which made things worse. Pulled out 3 teeth thinking they were the problem. Stopped eating beef, pork and dairy. I have no idea what is wrong with me. I try to take herbs to help, ALL PILLS give me headaches. Pain killers like aleve, ibuprfen, aspirin no longer help. I have no idea what to do. This makes me hate life. I can't stand this constant pain. HELP! if anyone has any suggestions as to what it might be, PLEASE let me know. I'm to the point where I'll try anything for relief. Thank!

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply tokristykracker

Have you tried Physical Therapy? I found that helps some neck treatments work for awhile. The problem, according to my neurologist, is that you need anti inflammatory meds or PT can just cause more issues. Since those are off the table, it's ice and heat.

I hear acupuncture can help, but I didn't get relief.

John147 profile image

Hi Thera hope your better...I have the same condition for three and a half years...done all things possible...just praying Jesus to heal me...

Eponawomyn1 profile image

I really think you may have what was super hard for my docs to figure out. Mine was similiar Symptoms. It's called a Vasovagal issue, the Vagal nerve which is along sides of neck Is what regulates your blood pressure. For most people, when u stand up their bp goes way up very quickly for a bit 2 get blood from legs back up to brain for Oxygen. If nerve runnin slow, this is not fast enough & brain get starved some for oxygen, hence dizzyness. It puts a lot of stress on the body/braun, even when sitting. The ONLY way 2 diagnose this is something called a "tilt table test". It is sometimes called Neurocardiac Syncopy (kinda means fainting). Good luck!

em8811b profile image

Hello, a possible cause for some people could be chronic hyperventilation. It seems to be real, but not known by all doctors. It is more subtle then the more known hyperventilation `episodes`. It can be caused by anxiety or stress and causes whole bunch of problems. Numbness, brain fog, dizzyness, stool problems.

Also be cautious with looking up stuff on the internet. It will feed anxiety because you will always find some similarities and a lot of stuff is not scientifically proven.

I was wondering is your group still active Thera ?

Looking4hope profile image

I tried to read as many of the replies sorry my post will probably be quite long. For the last two years now (I am a 26 yr old male) It almost seemed like it set in I don't really feel like I've gotten worse but I haven't gotten better either. My eyes started to bug me like i feel like a constant state of shock hard to focus on things., my tongue will feel dry in the center and wants to be stuck to the roof of my mouth (Not like cotton mouth) and Tinnitus from time to time.

So far what I have tried and i see some went the same route.

Blood test- All levels are fine, no thyroid issues, healthy kidney and liver also no cancer etc.

MRI- They also used that dye to make sure the blood was following right.

Eye doctor- No retina issues they put air and dye in my eyes plus i had 20/20 vision

ENT Doctor- I had my tonsils removed in 2013 I went in and followed up two months ago explaining my issues i am having now couldn't find anything wrong.

Lyme Disease test- Negative

Also had my testosterone levels checked they was all normal as well.

I also switch psychiatrist, seen 3 different Certified nurse practitioners, now I am at a neurologist doctor which started the amitriptyline was on Depakote before that.

I have been on multiple medication for depression anxiety, and insomnia.

Wellbutrin , prozac, zoloft , klonazopam, ambien, cymbaltya , trazodone, venlafaxine. I am probably missing some but you get where i am coming from.

The meds some felt like they helped a little bit some made me worse.

Now recalling when this set in I went through a lot of stress I was working at a jail (did that for 3 years) I hated my job and all the overtime I did start drinking too much caffeine between energy drinks and coffee. My roommate at the time hooked up with my ex also when i was at work he was on his meds and drinking he took my shotgun and put his vest on and shot himself in the ribs a little after i got home that day I was on the phone with his ex she told me what he did next thing I had two state troopers and paramedics at my door to see what was going on they couldn't commit him to the hospital but needless to say he was gone within two weeks.

I started thinking all that was the cause, because around all that happening i started feeling this way. I started thinking i need a job change found a new job it was better still wasn't feeling the better I just recently started a job i look forward too but on nights i don't have to work the next day I can sleep like 8-10 hours no problems when i know i gotta get up in the morning like my internal clock wakes me up way before i need to be up.

As strange as this may sound I feel like half the time I can't feel my brain like something isn't wired right I do feel like emotionless / mixed in with like depersonalization disorder.

As far as antibiotics i was usually given zithormax/azithromycin as I am allergic to penicillin. I looked at the list of toxic antibiotics that someone posted up there the only one i think i was given was cipro but i am calling my pharmacy tomorrow to ask them to check if i was i don't recall being on it any near the time this started happening. Now granted i also read about them putting it in our food or the fact animals were treated with it.

The last thing I will add to this post is back in 2012 I was jumped by 3 guys no major injuries or broke bones xray catscan was fine. But my left armpit would sweat profusely if i got nervous or worried about anything .. but it stopped when my head started to feel funny.

Currently I am on the amitriptyline 150mg it seems to do some help but i know how I used to feel I have like no motivation to do much of anything.

Agora1 profile image

Hi Looking4hope, talk about a stressful job, wow... And the incident with your roommate would certainly cause your symptoms to surface. Add to that the fact that you were jumped by 3 guys, you were lucky not to have major injuries or worse.

What I do admire about you is that you became your own advocate, switched jobs and more importantly got medically checked for any physical issues that may be prompting your anxiety. Now that you medically check out you seem to be pursuing the avenue of reversing emotional issues. You are correct in saying that you think it was a combination of things that brought on the anxiety and I believe also depression which is giving you no motivation to do much. You seem to be doing everything right. I would check on the antibiotic you took which may in some way be behind these symptoms. If not, I'm wondering if you have started therapy while on medication. They kind of go hand in hand. Keep the group informed of any updates and how we may be able to help. I wish you my best.

Looking4hope profile image
Looking4hope in reply toAgora1

I did get a hold of my pharmacy and from they can said I was never provided any of the Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics listed. With it being the weekend I am hoping to go to one of the three acupuncture places listed to see if that can help I really feel like something in my head just got rewired wrong as much as it sounds weird.

Cause i can remember how what it was like to be happy I also describe it as my senses are no long the same like taste smell vision that would trigger certain memories or emotions doesn't happen.

It just gets stressful I am glad but at the same time i am not to see others going through the same thing as i was having tests done there would be times i prayed something would show to give me a indication of what is wrong.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toLooking4hope

Looking4hope, I know it's a slow process chipping away at the different things that me be causing your symptoms as well as trying to find some relief. I know what you mean about sometimes wishing the tests would show something tangible that could be addressed instead of being in this limbo. I have used acupuncture before but it was for migraines and did work. Where you ever diagnosed with PTSD. With all that happened to you, it may need to be addressed with a different kind of therapy. I wish you well with the acupuncture. Let me know how that goes. Keeping an open and positive mind in anything you try is half the win. Good Luck.

Looking4hope profile image
Looking4hope in reply toAgora1

The PTSD I did bring up a few times with the doctors and they did agree that it could be playing a part and that is the thing I will take my medication but i don't like to cause i know the side effects can be bad. Like when they had me on the Ambien and Klonozpam it kinda helped but i started building up a tolerance to it rather quickly that wasn't healthy and I would only sleep 2-3 hours and wake up.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toLooking4hope

I understand. It is a trial and error thing with meds until the right combination is found as well as the right dosage. It's only meant for a short time so that you can try therapy or other methods to control or alleviate your anxiety symptoms.

Looking4hope profile image
Looking4hope in reply toAgora1

Well I am not 100% better but today was my first day at the acupuncture doctor. She was really nice and informative I felt really relaxed while I was there didn't even really feel the needles go in or out. Set up another appointment for next Monday going to give it a few more goes and hope it keeps getting better.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toLooking4hope

Good for you Looking4hope. Needles don't bother me either. It's worth giving it a try. I wish you well and let us know how you do with acupuncture. xx

stb811 profile image

hey guys im back! I just wanted to share some updates with you guys with ANSWERS. I found a few forums online discussing these exact symptoms and it sure as hell can be caused by anxiety. I know it may not be everyones case but I finally found some confirmed recovery stories. now I do not condone drug use whatsoever, but i found a few people who recovered from being put on anti-depressants, as this can be caused by a chemical imbalance, which then fuels all the other weird symptoms. its important to have a balanced brain. again I do not condone any drug use whatsoever, but if it need be, and they cant find anything else wrong, why not give it a go. If anything this should ease your mind knowing that it is simply just that...a chemical imbalance. you will not die, and no long term damage is being done. There are many ways to heal that, but stressing over it will never get you better. stay healthy, and stay focused on things you love. oh, and stay positive. Time is your best friend in this situation. as for me, i am doing a little better which each month. I have setbacks of course, but overall the pressure isnt as bad and the fog as well, but def still there. stay strong my friends. I'll try and keep coming back with more info and findings but I dont want to focus on this too much. have a good one!

best - S

hi there,has your gp actually said its anxiety?ive had scans which are allegedly normal but symptoms progressively worse .good luck with your appointments

i have headpain for the last couple of years which one gp described as "just a headache".it is persistent and my skull is feels like pressure at the front of m y skull.i dont think mine is anxiety as also have facial bone changes,b ut my vision is sometimes blurry and my ears feel swollen.-just been given hearing aids,

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply to

Have you found any relief @dolphin33?

in reply tologlegmomma


not really/i dont take pain meds as they do nothing.just use heat pads/ice packs.hopefully the gp i see next friday will take me seriously and send me for tests/refer me on

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply to

Good luck & please keep us posted. Ice, heat, and salon pas or lidocaine patches are all I use, with limited relief. I can't help but think we are missing something 😕

in reply tologlegmomma

ive struggled today to walk my dog,its like she knows as she doesnt want to walk far only around local streets.all ive done lately is walk her and sleep as only way to rid of pain.phoned surgery this evening in hope of an appt tomorrow and told i would have to call at 8am for those released on the day.dont think ill be awake at 8am unless Annie wakes me.

Jf86 profile image

Hello everyone, Im a 30 year old male and have been experiencing alot of similar symptoms that all of you have been experiencing for almost 4 months now. I have chronic tension that starts in my shoulders and neck, goes into my skull and goes to the sides of my head. When it gets really bad it goes into my jaw and behind my nose. I am also experiencing vision issues. I feel like my eyes are always tired occasional dry eye and its difficult to focus on objects that are a short distance away. After seeing the eye doctor, I was told that I don't have perfect vision but I'm not far off and don't require glasses. At the begining I was experiencing alot of stomach pain and frequent visits to the bathroom (I will spare you all the details). After changing my diet I solved that issue and lost 20lbs. All the doctors were convinced that something was wrong with my G.I track and told me it was causing my head and neck pressure. After taking amoxi and having a colanoscapy nothing was found and everything was normal. I've seen a naturopath doctor that tested me for candida and food sensitivities. I don't have candida and the foods that I'm sensitive to I avoid %95 of the time. This dose not help. After one morning I thought I was having a heart attack (my first anxiety attack), I went to the emergency room and various tests were done that came back normal. The emergency doctor gave me a referal to a clinc to see a cardiologist and neurologist. After a few tests with the cardiologist everything was good. Neurologist diagnosed me as of now with chronic tension headache with migrane tendencies. She put me on 25 mg nortriptyline and I've been taking it for almost 3 weeks and no improvement yet other than somewhat improved sleep which I desperately needed. I'm going for a mri this Sunday. Also I spoke with a counselor who is also a M.D at the clinc and he thinks I may have GAD. We both agreed to wait until I get the mri results than we can start therapy (CBT) and meds. I have been off work fighting whatever this is but I can't get better! It's pretty sad cus I have nevery dreamed of being off work this long and i feel like I have changed. I use to be very active and positive but I find it very hard now with this headache and neck tension! My anxiety is out of control and all I do is worry about my health, my family my job and the list goes on.I really hope that I just have anxiety and I can do therapy and meds and get back to normal! I'm glad that there people out there that can relate and understand what I'm going threw. I will keep all you posted and thank you in advance.

NotBill profile image
NotBill in reply toJf86

I am experiencing a lot of the same issues. I didn't see any benefit from Nortriptyline until they put me at 150mg it helped me sleep and dulled the pain. They started giving me Lyrica also and it really helped for a while. Then the panic attacks started... I hope you find a solution I am also still looking.

loglegmomma profile image

you just described me to a T! Please share if you find answers. My doctor thinks I'm nuts when I explain how I drink to take away the drunk feeling.... but one drink usually does help some.

stb811 profile image
stb811 in reply tologlegmomma

drinking to take away the feeling should say something. drinking suppresses the nervous system..oveersensitized nerves can cause this feeling of detachment. and viola. getting rid of it is no easy task, though

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply tostb811

Have you found other solutions?

stb811 profile image
stb811 in reply tologlegmomma

ive tried accepting it myself and staying distracteed which seems to have helped my obsession with it so ive been able to live normally, and im slowwwwly getting better, but im still going to go see a therapist and/or doctor. ive heard success from anti depressants as well

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply tostb811

I won't take anything that will become a forever med, so mostly I just talk myself down by reminding myself that no matter how unsettling the sensations get, I've lived through it before. I just wish I could get a doctor to help without thinking it's all psychosomatic 😕

Jf86 profile image

I'm seeing a new GP now, really good guy, he seems to be genuinely concerned and wants to help. My Mri came back clear and he's starting me on .5mg escitalopram for the first week to help with the anxiety then up to 10mg. He wants to ween me off the nortriptyline but I'm kind of nervous about it cus it seems to slowly be working on the tension headache. I feel fatigued all the time and spaced out, I really hope I don't get a bad reaction to the escitalopram and it works for me. I still need to see my neurologist so I will see what she thinks about it all. I will keep you guys posted.

Agora1 profile image

Hi Jf86, If it any consolation, I am on 15mg of Lexapro and for me it has been a good drug with no side effects. As for the Nortriptyline, yes it is a good med for tension headaches, but see what the neurologist says. What I like about Lexapro is that it Doesn't make me spacey or tired. What works for one doesn't necessarily work for another. Just try to keep an open mind when trying new medication. Best of luck.

Jayde_96 profile image

This is exactly what I have been getting for the last couple of years! I'm starting to think it's been a brain tumour all along! I've seen my doctors about it plenty of times they've never sent me for any tests, they just say it's nothing, I don't know what to do anymore, I don't want to go to the doctors anymore but I can't help but think they have missed it and I'll be one of these cases you see on the TV who was Miss diagnosed 😭 I've literally just turned 20 this started when I was 18, I just want to live my life without the suffering and worrying that I'm going to die.

asteiner profile image

I am in the same boat as you all for almost 2 years. Wooziness and pressure/tightness in head and forehead. The one thing that I do have that seems to be different is an intense and frequent scalp burning sensation My nerves in my legs seem to also go crazy at times, especially after walking or exercising they will vibrate all over! Doctors call it a headache even though it doesn't feel like a headache since it feels like it is on the exterior of my skull. I have seen all the docs. 3 Neurologists, 2 ENTs, 3GPs, 1 Rheumatologist...they can all seem to tell me what I don't have but non of them can seem to tell me what I do have or to what is causing this!!! I have had an MRI, multiple blood tests, and tried many different drugs with no relief. I guess I am a medical mystery. The most recent Neuro has diagnosed me with NDPH (New Daily Persistent Headache) and I am scheduled for an "infusion" soon so we will see if that does anything... Lately my scalp burning and tightness have been worse which seems to make the other symptoms worse.....All I know is that I cant go on like this forever! I SHALL PREVAIL!

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toasteiner

me too!!! I tell them it's a scalp ache, which is not the same thing. The tightness & buzzy sensations happen in my head and sometimes arms & legs. I've seen so many specialists & they shrug.

Have you been tested for Lyme or similar diseases? I had Tick Borne Relapsing Fever do they have decided it must be related since they can't find anything else.

Jagger88 profile image

My fiance is having the exact same symptoms. He doesn't really have anxiet very stressed tho. He's been to neurologist and ent and all normal besides a little bit of ischaemic brain changes that they aren't concerned with. He says he feels like he's slowly dying it's so scary. He has head pain he describes it as burning and pressure. Dizziness when standing and sometimes constantly. Ear ringing and a stabbing pain in his head near his ear, brain fog and other symptoms also. Have you figured anything out?

TorreTorre profile image
TorreTorre in reply toJagger88

Please read my reply below. I feel as though I am dying sometimes too. Have your husband checked.

Carlabush profile image

I have had the same thing happen all day all night for several months . I can't seem to get any doctors to do what is like. I have had a c t and blood work, X-rays and all, and it's normal. They say its anxiety, no... It's not. I know what anxiety feels like, and this isn't it. I got a prescription set of glasses, and this had helped tremendously. I recommend getting your eyes checked. And also I was told this could simply have to do with nerves. I have not done any tests on that yet, but as soon as I do I'll let you know! It's good to know I'm not the only one experiencing these symptoms. I am as I write. I wish how I used to feel😞

TorreTorre profile image

Did you ever find a solution to your problem? I have the same issue. I have been diagnosed with a Chiari Malformation, a Psudo Tumor & multiple back/neck issues, sciatica, etc... (To say the least, im broken)... The Neurosurgeon did not want to do surgery unless my symptoms got worse. Im not quite sure how much worse things could possibly get as I constantly fall due to the dizziness upon standing. The pressure in my head is maddening and at times it feels as though my right eye is going to eject straight out of its socket. Im not trying to be graphic but I feel I am in real trouble and my doctors are not listening to me.

Does this sound familiar? The onset of pressure can occur by standing, lifting, bending or by doing the slightest of movements - OR just by sitting perfectly still?

Personally, I feel, the Pseudo Tumor diagnosis, I received, is nonsense! I am loosing faith in the team of physicians I have and am about to clean house and start fresh! Any suggestions would be helpful...

TorreTorre profile image
TorreTorre in reply toTorreTorre

PS.. On a side note... I have found that I can get a little comfort in a somewhat strange way. I ask my husband to apply a slight bit of pressure to the base of the skull with the palm of his hand and a slight bit of pressure to my forehead with the palm of his other hand. So, Its like he is massaging my whole head. Treating the pressure with pressure. I know it sounds strange but it does give me a little comfort. It's better than nothing. Also, I take a towel and run warm water over it then wrap the back of my head and forehead up. Then I lay in a quiet dark room. This also helps sometimes.

KlKlvt profile image
KlKlvt in reply toTorreTorre

Sounds just like my situation... Any exertion!! The pressure builds throughout the day unless I'm resting. I get an awful squeeze when I first stand up and dizzy. I haven't fallen yet. I feel like I'm going to have a stroke though!

Thera profile image

Hi Guys!! I have been inactive the past year. I honestly had given up the fight and I had just been dealing with "IT". I still don't have a "diagnosis" but what I have found out recently and tested time and time again is I have a very sensitive Gluten Intolerance. Please read up on Gluten Intolerance and Neurological effects. I still deal with some minor symptoms but the main "head pressure" is almost non existent. The intolerance did not show up in test but through personal experiments I have %100 proven that I am gluten intolerant. They say it takes about 6 months for all the gluten to be rid of your system however after just a few days, weeks, months of a gluten free diet I could tell the difference and slowly began losing symptom after symptom. I would relapse and have gluten with each time cutting it from my diet I would start to feel better. Sometimes within days, sometimes weeks. The first time I tried it was for a month. I basically followed a "Paleo Style" diet. I noticed some change but not enough to convince me that this was the culprit. So I went back to a normal diet and carried on. The next time I tried it I went the full 6 months with no gluten. I felt unbelievably better, not cured, but better. This Thanksgiving I relapsed and ate gluten. I felt like I had the flu. I felt like I was drunk, high, disconnected from reality for a few days. I cut it out again over the last couple days/weeks and instantly started feeling normal again. Tonight I ate a hamburger and within an hour I was right back to feeling like I was going to die. The feeling is starting to wear off thankfully but my head is still feeling like its a balloon. My ears are full, my muscles hurt, my vision is blurred, my speech is lagging, my mind is so clouded, its truly terrifying. I had to pass this on. I do not have Celiac I've been tested many times, I also don't have an allergy to gluten/wheat but that's just on paper. I recently took an allergy blood test that showed "sensitivities" not "allergies". My Chiropractor who has been more of a help than any of the 100 doctors I've seen over the years set me up with the test. A lot of my suspicions to food sensitivities that had not shown up on "prick" test before showed up on the blood test. It tested over 200 food items. A common correlation to gluten intolerance is also lactose intolerance. I am sensitive to all casein and animal milk. Dairy only stays in your system for up to 3 weeks so its not so bad if you eat it here and there and it does not have such a hard effect on me as gluten. However if you look up Lactose Intolerance symptoms and neurological effects it does have some of the same symptoms that we are having. Some other random things on my list were, asparagus, cinnamon, vanilla, artichokes, eggs, peanuts, pecans, kale, etc. Now all of these things don't cause what gluten does but I try and stay away from most. When I have them its mostly digestive issues. LOOK INTO FOOD AND NEUROLOGICAL ISSUES! I am not saying that this is what is causing all of our problems but I feel so much better and I am almost back to having a normal life again. Imagine what some environmental allergens are doing to our immune system. I live in Texas and people suffer from "Cedar Fever" here. They are very invasive pollinating trees that are foreign to the US but have crept into Texas and Louisiana. People have all sorts of symptoms, some similar to ours. However its seasonal and manageable. Its known that you could have an allergy/intolerance/sensitivity to certain foods your whole life and never know, no symptoms etc. However as we age our systems cant fight or tolerate as much as they once could so they will present themselves later in life. I am only 29 but I have a very weak immune system probably caused by stress, environmental changes, aging, genetics, etc. I've had shingles for god sake and I'm 29. Please don't give up the fight. I almost did and would have never known I was so close to finding relief. I spent $30k plus some on this. I am going to start a Blog within the next couple weeks about my struggle. There is so much more to tell. I have been at this for 4 years now. I've lost a lot and I just want to help people now. I would always tell my partner that I might as well go to Medical school and cure myself because it would take that long or longer for any doctor out there to cure me or even hear me. Keep looking. Answers are out there. I will post my blog link as soon as its active. Thera

bbabear01 profile image
bbabear01 in reply toThera

Hey Thera. Glad to see you are feeling better. Hope this a complete problem solver for you. Been reading this for over 6 months now, all same issues, but since everyone on here had no resolve, I figured why keep trying with the doctors. But now that I read this, I now have some hope. So a full 6 months gluten free to really start seeing the effects huh. Well being at my ropes end of this I guess it cant hurt changing my diet even though I absolutely love things that have gluten, and the peanuts may be impossible. But worth a try. Thanks to you for having gone through what you have and updating us all with your situation. If this really works out, you may have helped out tons of people out there with the doctors cant find anything wrong issues that we all suffer from. Ill try it and let the forums know as well.

Ayzzie profile image

Hi thera, i know its about a year ago since you post it here, i hope you can still read this, how you doing now? I just get into this health unlocked bcuz i have some symptoms that you had, i have dizziness like waving dizzy spells, pressure in my temples, dull head ache & slight neck pain 24/7 i never had test only blood test which come out my wbc is a little high is it indicate i had ear infection or other? Please can someone tell me if anyone experience like this i need help..

par-53 profile image
par-53 in reply toAyzzie

Hi everyone,

I am 53 .About a month ago I woke up and the whole room was spinning. I couldn't get up for about 30 minutes and finally my son helped me to stand up . I went to my doctor immediately and he diagnosed me with Vertigo. The pill didn't help me at all and ever since I have headache, ear pressure, dizziness and if course anxiety. I have a 15 years old daughter who has a very rare syndrome and she has been through 41 surgeries. I am a single mother as well. This condition has affected me seriously.

So far I had an abscesses tooth that I was told might be the cause . I had root canal and I am taking antibiotics but it doesn't help that much . There are moments that I feel better but it comes back again. I don't know how to go back to work and I can't lose my job. I am going to the dentist tomorrow and my doctor in Tuesday.

I hope all of us feel better .

Ayzzie profile image
Ayzzie in reply topar-53

How's yor dr. appointment? Does all yor symptoms came from yor abscess tooth?

stb811 profile image

I really know no one wants to believe me, but y'all have an anxiety disorder. your head is tight because of muscle spasms in the neck and face. the brain fog is called depersonalization. your ears are full because your jaw muscles are tight. vision is weird also because of tension. now, knowing this simply doesnt make it go away its a DISORDER, meaning you'll need to really retrain your brain to get it to stop responding to every single stressor in weird ways. I've been in therapy which has been slowly helping, but i dont think will be a cure, ill probably try medicine at some point. Simply talking about these symptoms alleviates it. stop with the expensive tests and weird diets and get psychological help if you know what triggered it and when, or if it was a buildup of stress in your life and/or drug and alcohol use. for me, caffeine and doing fun stuff seems to help a bit with the brain fog, but focus on relaxing your mind.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tostb811

I believe you stb811, because I lived through it for many years. It is not a disease but a disorder like you said. Until we realize and accept this is anxiety doing it's number on us, we will continue to feel fear. Once we accept and breathe through that acceptance, it will disappear as it did for me.

stb811 profile image
stb811 in reply toAgora1

yes I agree. I am still learning acceptance. some weeks I will be good with it and my mood will stabilize a lot more, others I'm a wreck lol. accepting this is REALLY hard and I know will take time. my therapist has been helping a lot and I no longer deny my reality. I've been dealt a shitty hand but it hasnt stopped me from living my life how I want. Im glad to hear everything passed for you. did you ever try any meds? I'm considering a very light dose just to help stabilize my mood as I'm heavily depressed a lot of the time. When I'm happy I could care less about my symptoms and I think adding joy into every day and having higher moods will be my key to recovery. I'm glad to see success stories though, I've been with it for a year now and am prepared to handle it for many to come if needed. until then I will try my best!

yvetteh profile image

Does anyone know what this is. I have head pressure no pain on the right side across the top of my head and in the middle of the forehead it also feels as if its vibrating. my ears feel full occ ringing they feel like they need to be popped. My balance is out and slight nausea without it but the main problem is the brain fog that is leaving me feeling liked I'm spaced out and disassociated and cannot absorb what's being said to me and my words sometimes get jumbled up. I feel my speech sounds anxious, not all the time but at times when I'm having to concentrate how due to the uneasy head pressure. I suffer with migraines but its not a migraine. I saw some one is putting together a group I would be happy to join it. Help does anyone not what is causing this.

Clairecol profile image
Clairecol in reply toyvetteh

How are things with you now? I've just joined and struggling with exact same thing...long story..

VMorua44 profile image

Have you been diagnoised ?

VMorua44 profile image

Have you been tested ? diagnosed ?

tyg1 profile image

My problems are similar...

Around a year ago I woke up with this almost hangover feeling which did not go away. Since then I have had 24-7 head pressure/tension which can sometimes be unbearable along with neck and back stiffness that is also 24-7 (although if this was the only issue I would be sooooo happy), I have found that certain things can sometimes cause this horrendous life ruining sensation to get worse...

*Any sort of stress at all can make it unbearable

*How I start my day( depending on how I feel when I wake up can set it up for the whole day, deciding whether its going to be bearable or completely ruin my day and cause me not to be able to complete many tasks.

*Sometimes I can be just walking around a shop or supermarket and I feel almost drunk, which in turn can worsen symptoms.

*Reading can worsen symptoms.

*When I am Hungry

*When I am just out walking somewhere on my own (everyday I walk to the train station my head tension and pressure quickly escalates))

and basically anything that causes any type of stress at all!

I have thought anxiety but I don't get many of the other common symptoms that others do, for example I don't get nervous stomach or feel nervous at all really, I am not bothered about going anywhere in particular or anything like that. I feel comfortable in crowds or unfamiliar places. The only Issue is this awful head pressure that I can just not get rid of.

I have a few other symptoms like blocked ears, funny sensations in my jaw, jaw/ear clicking and generally feeling like I'm about 100 years old, my full body feels like it is falling to bits!

If anyone can help in anyway I would be forever grateful, this problem has got me to the lowest point I could have ever imagined being in. I feel like I am not myself anymore and I am just dragging myself through from day to day.

troseganser profile image

Hello! I've seen it brought up, but I pretty much have the same symptoms. I fought with doctors to understand it. They sent me to a psychiatrist. Thankfully I had to see an ENT for CPAP rhinitis and he tested me for vestibular migraines. Bingo! I get monthly nerve block injections in the occipital nerve. I keep going back and forth on steroid/no steroid in the injection. I also take onzetra xsail. It can be difficult to get it covered by insurance, but it works within 10 minutes and is amazing! Worth the fight and extra hassle. The sumatriptan oral is hit or miss and takes a long time.

My "aura" is extreme nausea and dizziness. So when I feel that way, before the pain even hits, I take it to stop it early.

I can't take it every day so I try to manage pain with Tylenol when I can.

Good luck! I hope you and the headache specialist are able to come up with an effective treatment plan.

asteiner profile image

I have had very similar symptoms for 2.5 years with no end in sight and no relief...I have been trying to accept that I may be this way for the rest of my life. I have had many tests and tried many drugs. I am miserable and feel I am being tortured everyday. I will continue to embrace the suck.

Bettina555 profile image

Hi, did you ever figure out the cause of your symptoms? I have a milder version of exactly what you describe and I'm fairly certain it has to to do with Cerebrospinal fluid stasis (CSF stasis). Possibly a blockage of the fluid or something keeping it from getting reabsorbed so it builds up in your brain. For me simply doing a ton of shoulder rolling and neck rotations and neck massage yesterday relieved the pressure I've been been feeling for months, but now I have to figure out what is causing the stasis or blockage.

Here are my notes:

Symptoms: foggy brain/pressure, vision and memory problems, difficulty concentrating, irritability.

Excessive cerebrospinal fluid build up:

Hydrocephalus caused by?

Blockage of CSF/CSF stasis?

Spinal Motion encourages CSF flow.

Wobbleboard exercises- encourage CSF pumping effect

Cervical traction exercises put motion in occipital region.

Caused/Other possible blockages-

Chiari malformation I?

Pineal gland tumor?

pseudotumor cerebri-pressure around brain increases maybe fcerebrospinal not getting reabsorbed.

Other causes of CSF build up:

Addison s disease?

Primary adrenal insufficiency - immune system attacks adrenal glands. Autoimmune disease

Secondary adrenal insufficiency-

Pituitary gland can't produce ACTH which tells glands when to release hormones.

tgwilliams3 profile image

New to the site.... have you figured out what's wrong with you. Since April 2016 I've been feeling pressure behind my eyes, my vision has gotten worse after last eight months, I have mild dizziness all day long ... whether I'm sitting or standing or lying down or driving. I have double vision really bad about twice s month and fatigue is really bad. By the afternoon I must lie down. I hope you have some answers I've been to many doctors and no one can figure out what's wrong with me

Jiujitsu8081 profile image

Aloha peeps!! Just found this site, I'm a 42 year old male from Hawaii. I also been experiencing symptoms very much to everyone on here. I've been suffering with these problems for a couple of years now. Been to the drs. Ent, did routine blood work, still need MRI etc. I know I suffer from the same things you all are. My symptoms can be bad to not so bad, to I can't sleep laying down. My dizziness been getting more frequent, my head pressure and neck stiffness, as well. Cloudiness and pressure still remain. Anyway just thought I'd share because I feel your pain. So happy to have got on this site so can get more information on what to do next. Aloha to all!!!

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply toJiujitsu8081

Aloha Jiujitsu8081 and Welcome to the Anxiety Forum...I'm glad you found us. It seems like your doctor is being very thorough in finding some answers to your dizziness. The MRI should help immensely with that.. Know that you are never alone. We all support each other through sharing our stories, our symptoms, our anxiety. Keep us updated with your progress. Let us know if you've been diagnosed with anxiety. Whenever you need support and understanding, we are but a message away. Take care.

Jiujitsu8081 profile image
Jiujitsu8081 in reply toAgora1

Mahalo Agora1... thank you for welcoming me with open arms to this site, it totally makes me feel like I'm not alone. Mahaloz again. Fyi! Will keep you updated.

rockinbonesmama profile image

Just stumbled on this thread and I can relate so much. Two weeks ago I fainted for some unknown reason. The next day I felt fine but ended up having a really bad panic attack because I thought I might faint again in public. I ended up in the ER where everything came up normal. When I got home from the ER I started having crazy neck pain, constant head pressure, mental fog, dizziness and a weird floatly feeling. As others have said it gets worse when I go to the store. I almost feels like I'm high (except nothings funny) while wearing someone else's glasses prescription. I'm a writer and can't think and can barely type this out now. I went to the chiro who said it was all due to loss of curve in my neck. I'ts helped with the pain but not the other symptoms. Of course he said the other stuff will clear up as he works on me but I'm not so sure. I'm awaiting results from blood work, MRI. I pretty much feel like crap at all times but when I force myself to do "normal" stuff like cleaning I can almost make myself belief I feel normal again. Uggg I hate this! I have a disabled child to take care of and I'm scared I'm going to be like this forever.

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply torockinbonesmama

The store triggers me too, along with certain conference rooms at work. I also feel like I’m wearing the wrong glasses. Have you found relief?

rockinbonesmama profile image
rockinbonesmama in reply tologlegmomma

yes, I found out I have adrenal fatigue. I've been going to a natural doctor who is treating me with herbs and acupuncture. I'm doing much better.

Firad profile image

Mine started 10 months ago ,unlike most of you guys I was stupid enouhg to use guided meditations on youtube that had created my problem.

I have almost electro-magnetic pressure on top of my head that has ruined my life. I had to shut down my company and my girlfriend left me because of this. It is like curse!

I tried all that was possible and still no relief.I have been to 20 diferent places.

When I read how you suffer for years I pray the God to get brain tumor and end this agony.

Pag56 profile image

I have all similar problems and have occipital neuralgia which is the two nerves in the back of your head that get aggravated and I get a zapping and sharp pain that shoot from the base of my skull into my head along with neck tightness and stiffness along with a tight and foggy head. Recently I have found a chiropractor that treats this and claims that a shift in your skull bones causes all of this, from foggyness to headaches to TMJ to neuralgia to Anxiety. If anyone has the money and lives near Texas I would look into this doctor, Dr McCarty and he has videos on YouTube as well with many success stories for people with head pressure and fogginess. Basically your dura mater surrounding your brain and spinal cord get "kinked" causing less oxygen and blood to your brain causing all these symptoms. He uses CNS restoration to fix this issue which takes 6 months to a year which is a series of four treatments in a row every month. There's tons of information on his site to read about this but I do believe this could help many of us. Read about what he does, watch some videos and let me know if anyone thinks this could be true or if it's a scam along with if anyone has heard of him before.

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toPag56

Did you ever try Dr. McCarty?

DannyC1990 profile image

Hey guys I'm a 27 year old male and have been having these symptoms for nearly 2 years now. It's started to ruin my life. I'll try and keep this as short as I can. Out of nowhere one day at work, I felt dizzy, confused, drunk and hungover all at the same time. After a week I eventually went to the doctors and he sent me straight for a CT brain scan, it came back clear. My symptoms are dizziness( like a rocking motion, like I'm on a boat) confusion, memory loss, neck pain, shooting pains up into my skull.

I've had 2 MRIs of the brain, lumbar puncture, detailed eye tests, ENT tests,blood tests, blood pressure tests and a intercranial probe to measure my brain tissue. Everything has come back clear. I've been to see a sports massage therapist and a chiropractor, they said I have a few tight muscles but nothing to worry about.

My symptoms get worse as soon as I stand up out of bed in the morning, sometimes they last all day, other times it will be an hour or so they come back at any given time I'm awake.

If I get stressed it starts almost immediately. If I even drink 1 alcoholic drink the dizziness goes crazy. If I go to the gym, once I finish up all the symptoms stay for a few hours afterwards.

I bought a cervical pillow and thought I cured it, but the symptoms only stopped for 2 weeks before returning with a vengeance.

This is genuinely ruining my life now, I feel for each and everyone of you that are going through it aswell. I feel the doctors have given up on me as they think because I'm walking, talking and going to work I'm somehow ok.

Please if there is anybody out there that has an idea what this is, please send a reply. Danny

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toDannyC1990

I’m sorry to hear another person going through all this! I actually had a doctor tell me that it’s hard to believe I’m having all those symptoms & still holding down a responsibile job & household 😞. Any answers or relief?

iyaemjay profile image

Hey everyone, I've been experiencing symptoms of lightheadedness, dizziness, brain fog, depersonalisation, spacing out, and occasional head pressure for about 5 months now. I've been to the doctors and they referred me to a cardiologist yet everything came back clear. I'm panicking seeing that people are saying they have had it for years as I don't feel I could live with it for that long. It's recently started to affect my walking, my legs don't go numb but I don't feel as in control of them and feel really off balance and have to stop walking for a few seconds to 'find my feet'. I've seen someone on here saying it can be caused by antibiotic poisoning but not for the type of drug I was on. I was prescribed doxycycline for my acne and a month into taking it I had my first 'I'm about to pass out but I haven't fainted' moment which scared the life out of me. I didn't make a link to the tablets and just assumed it was random. I then was fine for about a month and just had that feeling around twice more. Then suddenly I had 2 weeks of intense symptoms and I literally thought this is it my body is going to fail me. I had a tight chest, head pressure, forgetting to breathe, diarrohea, urinating a lot, shaking, numbness in my hands and legs, lightheadedness and I went to urgent care and they found nothing wrong. Once these symptoms passed I then woke up everyday (until this day) with slightly off vision, as if i'd had a camera flashed in my eye and the white dots you see/the reflection is there constantly (had eyes tested they're fine). I came off doxycycline 4 months today but still have weird vision, zoning out, headaches, rare head pressure, looking down at my hands/myself in the mirror and feeling really out of it like it's a dream, dizziness etc and I thought surely by now if it was the tablets I'd be starting to feel better but my symptoms have plateaued! Anyone know much about the doxycycline drug/ drug group and if it is this or if I need to consider something else? Just really want to feel normal again I'm a first year at university and literally avoid nights out clubbing in fear of getting dizzier from alcohol, my hangovers are 10X worse and leave me weak and unable to walk for days, and I get scared that I'll faint in the club so it is affecting my social life. I'm fine when I can ignore the symptoms but when I focus on them/they intensify it makes me feel really panicky and I hate it so much, glad I'm not struggling alone here!!

loglegmomma profile image
loglegmomma in reply toiyaemjay

Are you feeling any better or any answers?

Mariapalmer profile image

I get all this too. Is this deffo down to anxiety? X

Rhaegar14 profile image

Have you checked your vitamin D level?

Mine was related to vitamin D deficiency. Same symptoms like you but bcoz of my age no one thought that I had that issue after almost 12 months I was diagnosed with this problem. Do you work at night or night shift maybe?

jessmarie8497 profile image

I know this is an old post, but have you figured it out? I have the exact symptoms... although I had an abnormal MRI last year, and the neurologist seems to think I had a small stroke...

Terryp61 profile image

Has anyone had any relief from the head pressure or found out what is causing it? I've had it for over 3 years with the floating feeling also and it has begun to get the best of me. Fighting this has wore me out.

jessmarie8497 profile image

my neurologist has put me on topiramate and told me I may be suffering from migraines. I am on my 4th week and feeling better. not 100 %, but still!

KlKlvt profile image
KlKlvt in reply tojessmarie8497

Topirimate helped me for about 6 months. I hope it helps you for longer.... Enjoy it while you can! I'm on 6 topirimate a day and it's come back full force (even worse be than before) :-(

I have the same thing essentially... My MRI showed I have an 11mm pineal cyst, but doctors tell me it's asymptomatic and benign. I really feel it when I lean forward.

KlKlvt profile image

I Can't believe it, I have the same thing!!!! The only diff is that I don't have the 'pins and needles'. My constant pressure is mostly right-sided though (face-temple). I can't exercise anymore. I can hardly work!!!

KlKlvt profile image
KlKlvt in reply toKlKlvt

CT scan was clear. MRI they said was fine. I requested a copy and it said something a little weird (minor lesions typically associated with migraine patients but could be attributed to something else). My kidney GFR just came back as low- 53- (I'm 37) so now they are telling me to cut back from pain meds (scary, but not like they really helped anyway). I am hoping that maybe my kidney issue it s causing my head issue .. I would LOVE to find some answers!! I can't live like this. I'm going to have to be quit my job. Physical exertion is killing me. I can't bend down and am sad I can't have a garden this year... :-(

I can across this on google. I have had the same symptoms for about a year and a half. Constant pressure, strange pains in my head, headache almost everyday, pins and needles and numbness in my face, dizziness, feeling out of it, some tremors and vision problems ( seeing black spots and sometimes flashes of light). I saw my doctor she said that it was nothing saw my ent he said it could be the onset of migraines also saw a neurologist she said it could be migraine did an MRI no tumor but I know something is wrong somewhere. Doctor also told me I have fibromyalgia but then took it back I have been losing my mind trying to figure out what it is!! Does anyone have any updates?

Taigirl profile image

Look into Chianti malformation also mold can cause these things too more than anyone realizes.

Taigirl profile image
Taigirl in reply toTaigirl

Sorry. Chiari malformation

chiara789 profile image

I’m sorry you’re struggling with this chronic pain. It’s so frustrating when it’s a mystery illness. :(

I’m about to start an online program called DNRS ( It’s meant for people with chronic pain. If you want to stay in touch, I can let you know how it goes. All the testimonials are glowing and the podcast, Bliss and Grit, has spoken positively about it. The stuff you described reminds me of a particular testimonial video I watched on the program site, so I figured I would mention all this! Apologies if this is unwanted advice!

Just some context: I get migraines and I seem to be overly sensitive to a lot of things in my environment. My head pain is not as severe as the symptoms you described. I’m hoping for the program to help with my anxiety, depression, PTSD symptoms, migraines and overall sensitivities to my environment. It’s a lot to expect but there is a money back guarantee, so it’s worth a try.

KRPriyanka profile image


I am not sure if this is still an active community, but I have googled my symptoms and landed here. I am a 32year old Female working as an IT professional and I have been experiencing dizziness, everything around me moving, blocked sinuses, brain fog, stiff neck, head palpitations from 52 days now. I went to my general physician in 2nd week she said it is a virus and asked me to stay home I did but it did not help. I went to ENT everything is clear, I went to neuro and he asked me to get MRT done and I am waiting for this to be done. I get so scared. I cannot concentrate on my work. I have been healthy all my life, eat healthy no alcohol, no smoking, excercise but this just came out of the blue.

IamhealedAmen profile image
IamhealedAmen in reply toKRPriyanka

Hello KRPriyanka,

I hope you're doing well!

How are you feeling now?

I am 26yrs and also experiencing everything you have mentioned. I am also an IT consultant and all of these also started out of the blues.

I have also posted on this platform about the same thing. And people have been really helpful with advices.

For me, the symptoms are still there. However, some days are surely better than the others.

Hope your MRI came back okay and have the doctors been able to figure out what's going on? I hope you're feeling much better now?

YoUz profile image

please mail me.on

Have you got the diagnosis of your problem ? how are you feeling now ?

mdknows profile image

I’m having constant head pressure though it’s only on the right side of my head. I wake up with it and fall asleep with it. So far this is my main symptom. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder in April. I had a traumatic experience on May 3rd and the head feeling has been there since. The only time it went away was when I was on a strong antibiotic. Now, I just have it 24/7, sometimes it hurts and others it just feels like a weird sensation at my temple or back of my head. It sort of feels like burning or swelling in my head. It feels different degrees of pressure when I sit or stand certain ways. I’ve tried every medicine possible for allergies and sinuses and I’m getting 0 relief. Please add me to the group.

JABAsurvivor39 profile image

I am a SURVIVOR. I have every symptom you speak of. I wrote a book, hoping to help others understand life aft Brain Injury. “Just A Breath Away” Kathleen Newhouse.

Who I became... An Artist, oil on canvass. Author

Andrew6619 profile image

I get these symptoms of light-headedness also head rush feeling that gives me an instant headache feels like my brain is shaking and floating, defiantly not a great feeling but then the rest of my usually symptom start which I have been told its panic disorder, I have had trouble believing this for a long time and still do, the first 10 yrs was on and off, but not one wk went by I would get these symptoms, but the last 3 yrs has been the worse and I am now house bound had to give up my job with non stop physical symptoms so 13yrs is a long time to suffer, but I'm always told to keep saying its only Anxiety but a lot easier said than done.But defiantly with my experience suffering with Panic and Anxiety Disorder as well Agoraphobia the lightheaded-ness and headrush's just any sensation within the head is scary, heart goes out to who ever suffers with it.


maxim333 profile image

Has there been any substantial diagnosis over the many years? I’ve had these symptoms that came suddenly and diagnosed with vestibular migraines- started in topiramate and uptitrating the dose- on 50mg daily but still have symptoms- stress makes it so worse and I have a very stressful job so very challenging. Just wondering if there were any other diagnosis besides migraine or anxiety. I feel like there has to be more to the story?

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomaxim333

maxim, what kind of symptoms are you experiencing?

maxim333 profile image
maxim333 in reply toAgora1

Headaches, head pressure, ear pressure/fullness worse when laying down/flat better when standing. The brain fog, drunk like feeling all the time. All exacerbated by stress including normal daily stress. Ear popping/clicking, jaw pain, gum tingling. Neck/ upper back pain. Stacked vision, dx with convergence insufficiency told I need reading glasses. MRI brain showed optic nerve sheath enlarged but told it was over read and otherwise normal. Mostly everything on the right side but that’s it in a nutshell. 34 yo no medical history came on suddenly. Some days better than others. It’s insane to think I had nothing and now having to type all of that out… so much

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomaxim333

Hi maxim, I just wanted to make sure I fully understood what you are experiencing.Minus the eye issue, I could just type out "ditto" to the rest of your symptoms including having got an MRI/CT Scan.

I couldn't believe that stress could cause so much havoc to my body. Actually, I wouldn't believe it at first which just allowed the symptoms to continue.

Because of this, I got together what I called my team of Specialists. Together the

word "Anxiety" was used each and every time. I finally got the answers I was looking

for from a physical therapist who was kind enough to explain the physiology of my


It all made sense finally. Tightened muscles, ligaments, connective tissue hmmm

My neck jutted forward carrying myself in the "fight or flight" position put undo strain

on the back of the neck and shoulders. This in turn put tension in the lower part of

the back of my head causing spasms/trigger points which in turn caused the lymphatic fluid not to flow freely. That in turn caused that full dizzyheaded feeling

in my head. In times when the stress was high there would be head pressure, ear pressure.

Worse when lying down because the fluids didn't drain as easily from my head as when standing. I was taught how to help myself at home with head fullness and ear fullness. I literally could hear the fluid draining from my head when using pressure points on the lower back of the head as well as pulling up at the top of the ear lobes

releasing the fullness. Where ever there were muscles (even behind the eyes) where

affected when I was anxious. (which was most of the time)

I write this from my own experiences. I write this to let you know that I overcame these issues as well as my anxiety and agoraphobia. It can be done with some help

but mostly in believing and accepting you are okay and will not die from this.

I am happy you are here on this forum. It's going to be okay :) xx

maxim333 profile image
maxim333 in reply toAgora1

What did you find most affective to overcome it? I actually have been doing PT with myofascial release and the neck exercises at home seem to help so this makes sense to me. Maybe I need to also learn some trigger point locations as well and work on that

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply tomaxim333

Sorry for the delay maxim, busy day..Most affective was my myofascial release for sure as well as OT teaching me how

to break up those spasms in the shoulder, neck and lower head regions.

I was under the care of my Rheumatologist who I have for my Fibromyalgia.

He also recommended water therapy. I started 2 days a week, increased to 4 and

then to 6 days. The water felt good and the buoyancy helped stretch those tightened

muscles throughout my body. As well as it being fun, exercising to music.

I reached out over time for many additional tools such as Self Hypnosis, Reiki, Meditation and Breathing. My mind change was towards living in the moment, no

longer procrastinating in what may happen.

I also got into Tai Chi, like it so much advanced to Defensive Tai Chi.

Biofeedback was another helpful tool. Never give up maxim.. in time everything

will fall into place. It's not all about popping pills but changing the way we think

since what we think is what we get.

We have the power within us to release those spasms and trigger points by

meditating and breathing it away through a relaxing and calming thought.

I'm always here to help support you. I've made a lot of progress over the years

and am happy to share and pay it forward . My Best to you :) xx

Yas27 profile image

How are ypu feeling now ?? Please reply because I've been suffering from the same. Please please it's a request. I feel like I'll pass out soon. I'm only 20

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