So today I've done nothing, nothing at all. And sometimes I love those days of just relaxing and watching films etc. But the past 2 times I've done this I've been in some of the most horrendous moods, irritable, paranoid, looking for an argument. Why is this?! Is it because I haven't had much communication with the outside world!? I must drive my boyfriend mad because it's so obvious to me that I'm looking for some kind of fight with him!
Does anyone else get restless and irritate... - Anxiety Support
Does anyone else get restless and irritated when staying inside?
Yes I hate wen I don't go out! I feel like I'm wasting time or not getting stuff done I shud be getting done! Then I'm pissed off at myself and want to blame the world! Of course it can't be me!!! Lol... We do that sometimes it's ok we get past it too!!!
I could have written that!!!!! Flipping weather is driving me crazy . Have loads I could be doing inside but just don't want to be bothered. had to stay in for a week because of flu, I was climbing the walls with anxiety.
Dont know I sometimes feel the same way its like i irriatable because I think if i stay in longer than 1 day I might end up agrophobic like I dont want to go to the shops or back to work lol. I have been that way before and its not nice.its maybe just anxiety?
I can actually relate to this. Last September I had 2 weeks leave from work, and had nothing planned. It was a total nightmare, I became so anxious and moody, and then became very very depressed and low. I am never taking time out again without planning some things to do.
I hear you Sara. When I first became agoraphobic, I thought this isn't too bad. As long as I have a roof over my head, food in the house and cable I will be okay. Well years later, with a indentation in the couch pillow and my eyes strained from all the movies I watch, it isn't so nice. I'm restless and irritated and just plain anxious when waking up each day and knowing there is nothing to look forward to. No sunshine, no people in my life, I'm just looking for a fight. I have all this pent up energy in me that has been wasting away. Staying indoors is the worst. Looking towards Spring to come.