Has anyone had a burning inside your chest with anxiety I've just been told that's what causing my burning it comes in waves and sometimes leaves acid in my mouth anyone know what I can take to help its very scary
Does anyone get burning inside there chest - Anxiety Support
Does anyone get burning inside there chest

just wrote a reply and lost it ,
in short yes i get it but dont knwo what to do to stop it ,,
i will keep eye out for more replies with answers
Thanx it started last night! But I've had a few weird crawling sensations in the back of my head for a few weeks and when it happened it made my heart race, I've got thyroid and b12 sure all this comes together I thought I had something badly wrong last night, how long does this burning carry on for hope it goes away soon
it can vary in length of time but if its still there tomorrow go see your dr before the weekend ,,
I went today x
I went today x
Hi love i have had them on and off for 2 weeks and getting acid and burning in my throat and my chest pains are horrible been taking gaviscon but not doing much at the moment back at docs tmw so will let you know if he suggests anything different mine is so uncomfortable now xxx
vonnie what did dr say to you ?
She have me tablets to slow my heart rate down and got to have some blood test but she's sure it's down to anxiety x
Hi vonnie how did you do hun i had my bloods and they came back ok and heart monitor and ecg but still worrying these chest pains still here and its terrible keep getting acid and sick in my throat and my mouth i am at docs tmw maybe i will feel better then has yours worn off a bit xxxx
Mine isn't a pain as such it like heat that runs through inside of my chest then I get the acid taste it's rubbish xx hope u do ok at the docs Hun x
mines like stabbing pains my mum says it could be heart burn or indegestion and it can be painful my mum said it could be heart burn or indegestion but not eased much and worried how much longer can it go on for it is worrying for us hun and i hate that burning acid taste it makes me feel worse and thanks hun hope you feel better soon its good to talk xxxx
Hi All
I went to the doctors today too. I had burning in my chest and my left temple. Mine is down to migraines. The doc had a good feel of the breast to eliminate lumps etc. She suggested I start taking evening primrose oil. I have breast pain probably monthly. I bought some today and read the instructions. I am going to give it a go. This is purely for the breast pain. I dont know if it's just something for women but I'm hoping it will help me. The only other thing I suggest is meditation. It really helps to calm and relax the brain and body. If you havent done already give it a go.