I applied on Dec 22nd 2015. I did a ph interview, then they sent 2 brown envelopes asking questions. I spoke with a lawyer today who said. that I need to get a letter typed up stating I am unable to work at all with the worsening symptoms of the ulcers in mouth , vaginal, chronic muscle pain, fevers , chills, ect... I had faxed the papers to disability, and I had already had a letter typed from my psyciatrist stating I at this time due to the Behcets Disease also affecting her mental state that i am treating as I get to know her this affects her with depression, anxiety, relationships, friends, and the pain she has been ,and still going through. My patient shld recieve disability. I will ask my doctor tues. if she will type letter seeing what i have ,and been excrutiating, entolerable pain. I pray she will type letter for me to help get the disability I dont want but need! i appreciate anyones advice? I stopped working on Dec.27th 2015 Sun. Mon. Dec 28th I was in hosp E.K.G ,and IV. My doctor did say I shldnt go back to waitressing. I am taking a leap of faith, leaving it to God. he knows what ive been going through on a daily basis. Sincerely, Ann Marie Gonzalez
disability benefits for behcets disease - Anxiety Support
disability benefits for behcets disease

🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 for you! 😘
Thank you for your prayers! I'm held by God your right! God Bless You!!!
God is good he will help you. I also pray you heal soon..💐🙏
God be with you, and I hope you get the right outcome xx
Thank you as I pray too. Again. Thank you, & God Bless You!
You're doing all the right things. If they turn you down for benefits, please know that it isn't personal. They're giving everyone a hard time because this is the government's policy. If they turn you down, that isn't the end of the road. You must ask for a Mandatory Reconsideration and get advice from someone who knows about welfare, detailing why you think the decision is wrong. After that you can appeal. Don't give up. Many people win on appeal - the government saves money when people don't appeal. Hopefully it won't come to that and you will be awarded ESA (I'm assuming). Don't forget you can also apply for PIP (Personal Independent Payment)
Best wishes
Thank you so much for your advice, & positive support! I have a lawyer. I'm going to take your advice! Do not give up, do not get discouraged! Take the leap of faith, & leave it in God's hands. I do my part,& God willing. I will get the disability I dnt want but truly need. Sincerely, Thank you!, & God Bless You! Please keep in touch! =)
Yes it uk only sorry
No worries thank you though. My doctor called. Left message telling me the disability papers are Lengthy, & very detailed. Then went ,& said. She was looking up interent jobs ,but not steady income. She doesn't knw anything about behcets syndrome / disease! She told me at last appt. That she was going to educate herself on this rare disease that I had a biopsy in 2010 was diagnosed having! Erie 2 doctors Gynecologist Seen all my symptoms, & wanted me to see a dermatologist again even though I already seen one 2010! Now I've been going to hartland clinic because no Psychologist At Erie anymore ,& erie has all my paperwork on how I looked, felt, everything they freaked ,& seen! Now I'm going to go again to hosp. Appt for Dermatologist, then go to her the same day appt. My new doctor didn't want to see my ulcers, & inflamed ulcers that I have right now again! Because she said. She wldnt know what to do. This is why she wants me to go again to Dermatologist I called hosp to make appt. They asked if I was diagnosed already in 2010, & erie has the paper work from this then why does your doctor want you to see a Dermatologist Again??? I said. I dnt knw?