Hiya all, I'm completly new to this page, and this site. I suffer with Anxiety and depression, since I gave birth in 2008. I have been hospitlised while my son was a baby, but I have had full custody since he was 18months old - he is now nealy 8!! I take Venaflaxine 175mg nightly. When I have a bad anxiety day, I can function to the point where I get my son to school but then I come home, head down, and lock myself indoors until I have to pick him up. I avoid all contact with the outside world. I still provide everything my son needs, but deprive myself of everything I need. I dont get many bad days now, but when I do, they last upto 5 days at any one time. I struggle to talk to my friends bout how im feeling as I dont want to be a burden (they have their own issues - tho I do jump if they are struggling regardless of how im feeling) So thats me, im hoping to lose weight and to feel better so I hopefully dont get to anxious whilst out and about x
Newbie: Hiya all, I'm completly new to this... - Anxiety Support
Hi im lauren and im 23 I also have been struggling with anxiety and depression since baby no2 the doc wont give me anything for it tho he just reccomended counselling im not very good with talking face2face
Shame he wont give you anything, tho im not good at talking face to face, but in the earlier stages I did go to a mother counselling thing, that was ok, I wasnt pressured into anything, and the lady became more of a non judgemental friend. Ive not been anywhere since, I think as time as gone on of me not talking to anyone im kinda used to dealing with it by myself or as my mum puts it 'crack on' If you feel you need the help of medication tho, you should try to explain to him that counselling isnt right for you, and you feel that short term medication may help until you feel abit more human and strong enough to talk to someone. worth trying xx
I have tried explaining to him that I really need propranolol to help me because I have heard such good things about it he said he didnt want to start giving me them because I have tried citalopram and fluxotine and they didnt work just made me worse I love talking to the people on here they make me feel alot better but I dont actually think I could talk to someone face2face I get very embarrased and im shy.
Citalopram made me really ill, I had such bad side effects from it, thats when I got admitted into hospital. I take Venaflaxine, does wonders for me
How are you feeling in yourself?
Im ok in myself generally, Ive suffered for 7 years so I know when im having bad days and how to cope with day to day living
Have you ever suffered post natal drepression
Yes, this is what I got diagnosed with, but giving birth has changed me drastically, Im no longer a confident person, im very weary of new people, got no confidence in myself at all. Even my care career has suffered - I cant hold down a job, as I get to anxious all the time so keep calling in sick, then I stress myself out and end up quiting. But the doctors wont sign me off long term, so I have to keep trying to get back into work
Same here I think thats what I got pnd i just wanna curl up in a ball and cry when the kids are sleeping sometimes I will sit there and have a little cry I cant really speak to nobody about it because no one I know understands