New here, and right now I'm pretty sure something is wrong
I know it's my anxiety I keep telling myself that. I know it's just me and if I was ACTUALLY dying I'd be a lot worse off.
I'm pacing and whimpering and I feel so horrible, it started off as a burning pain behind my shoulder blade as I breathed out, I sat up and it sort of faded. I then had frontal neck pain like someone hurt my windpipe and I started crying, I don't know why my body does this to me, I'm only 18 I don't want to die yet, I just got engaged.
I went to the ER thinking I had a blood clot and tests came back negative, they gave me a 2 week supply of paxil until I switched doctors
The doctor I was trying to go with kept putting me off for 2 weeks only to tell me he won't accept me and now I'm out of medicine and it's back to the old anxiety routine.
I always think I'm dying and paxil literally was the only way I could function
Zoloft made me angry all the time so I quit that.
I'm sorry for the long rant I just am so tired it's 8:54 am and I haven't slept yet and it's Christmas day.
Merry Christmas everyone