Hi.. don't know where to start..I'm suffering from really bad health anxiety it started off few months ago when I was worried about something.. and now I'm dealing with body burning pain, Upper back pain.. numbness in hands and fingers.. pins and needles.. due to all this myear arms and legs feel soo weak. I just don't know what to do. I'm currently having thearpy CBT but it's not helping. Is anyone else dealing with these kind of symptoms.. it's affecting my whole life.... Please please share your experiences with me sooo I know I'm not alone and this is to do with anxiety and nothing else.....thank you ....ππππ
Health anxiety ..physical symptoms making ... - Anxiety Support
Health anxiety ..physical symptoms making me CRAZY...!!!!
Hi lillyparveen, I have upper back pain with some chest pain, fast heart rate, dizziness, numbness and tingling in hands etc. I've consulted my doctor and I'm currently having xrays, blood tests etc., in order to rule out anything that may need treatment. If you haven't already done so, it might be a good idea to get checked out. If nothing shows up then it could help to alleviate the symptoms. Anxiety can cause a wide range of physical symptoms but a good gp should always arrange for tests to eliminate others causes.
Hi thanks for reply.. I've had all bloods checked ecg.. my doctorson don't think I need anything further, I've seen about 4 different doctors they all have put it down ton anxiety..I just can't accept that anxiety is causing all these horrible symptoms. It's draining me out in just feel weak.. π©

I really do know how you feel. It is totally exhausting. I understand the way to deal with it is to acknowledge the feelings and try to accept them so that eventually the anxiety wains and symptons will not be as strong and eventually ease off. I think this takes a lot of practice but many people on this forum have said they've had success with alleviating their anxiety symptoms by practising this.

I hear you. I am in the 2nd year of this unbelievable situation. It started after I went off a long time medication A year of nausea, every test you could think of....then I started waking up with FEAR every morning in the pit of my stomach...I also went to CBT classes, and am on medications, NOTHING has helped. I feel very desperate and hopeless. If I get chest pains (which I do....its a heart attack), a severe headache is a brain tumor, the nausea was stomach cancer, my breathlessness is lung disease.....no I do not go to the dr. for each of these crazy things, I worry, fret and shake, live in fear. I just want to be able to control my brain and thoughts
I hope it does eventually disappear. It's hard living like this. My arms and legs feel really weak. I want to feel normal again. ...
Hello lillyparveen, im currently feeling the exact same way i was only diagnosed with anxiety disorder a few weeks ago as it came on strong a month ago, under went a chest xray blood tests and several ekg and awaiting heart ultrasound and talked to 3 different doctor's whom all think im suffering from anxiety you are right it is very hard to come to terms with this condition and until you can it gets worse i experience mild chest pain tingly hands fast heart beat and weak feeling non stop also worrying myself that its somethings else causing all of these symptoms, today i woke up took propanol for the anxiety and toldmyself that i was no longer going to worry about what this could be and just accept what is and I've felt pretty good today so far being worry free havnt had as much chest pain or fast heart beating .hope this helps you
Thanks for reply.. I've tried to tell myself that it is what it is and accept it. It's the symptoms that are making me feel like this.. do you get twiches??? It's hard to think that all this is due to anxiety xx

I dont but everyones symptoms are different sometimes like i dont get sweety palms like most people i get tingly hands
I get the aches and pains too and pins and needles in my hands and sometimes face it goes after a while but comes wen I least expect it!!
Hi, i get all of these and plenty more, my upper back, neck and shoulder pain is due to constantly tight muscles which can affect my chest causing pain, it also causes the pin and needles down my arms and hands, i get so much tightness in my neck it feels like there is a golf ball in my throat and my face and tongue can go tingly and numb. I was told the burning pain is also my muscles. I have trouble sleeping and get twitchy/ jolting feelings, tension headaches, weak arms & legs so bad i cant hold myself up, hot & sweaty, sicky feeling, numbness, dizzy spells thats a few of symptoms i get, ive had blood tests, scans, mri, all saying im fine but i feel anything but fine!
It's awful. I get all the same symptoms. I sometimes wake up with numb fingers too, thatso the moment my anxiety starts. I can't relax my muscles are constantly tensed which cause burning and pain. I want too feel normal again.
Hey, I think we can all relate to the same symptoms, it's hard but we need to push through it ππ»
I get some of the symptoms above especially back aches, numbness in my legs and arms but the thing that bothers me most is bowel and stomach problems, is this usual with anxiety?
Hiiii. . I got stomach problems with my Meds. My main problem is weakness in arms legs and twitches. Anxiety causes many many symptoms not everyone has the same. X
Same for me for over a month but now it's gradually improving . I'm sure you have good days and bad ones. Always think of the good days.....and try to ride out the bad ones knowing that all the weird symptoms are likely "fake".....and just let time pass.