Hello. This is a follow up to an earlier post. Since then, I’ve been prescribed Paxil. I’ve been on Paxil for about 2 weeks but no luck so far. So, recently I’ve gotten this new thing with my anxiety and basically it’s where I fear that God is telling me that I’m dying. I’ll see something about death or a certain number and my head will make it out to seem as if I am dying. I don’t know what to do anymore about it. Sometimes I’ll be playing a video game to seeing a movie title to watching something on YouTube and my head will perceive it as a sign. My head will also give me these certain days I’m supposed to “die” (such as seeing a certain number on something). I saw this one ad on Facebook saying “You will face your fears in June” for a horror video game and since then I’ve been scared and noticing a lot of sixes (June is the 6th month of the year). Would God do anything to induce fear let alone tell anybody when they die? I read stories online about people knowing others that knew when they died and stuff like that scares me. I can’t enjoy any activities anymore besides things with my girlfriend because it’s a small escape but she’s not available all the time. Is this God or is all of it just anxiety? I don’t know what to really do and I feel very helpless because I’ve felt this way for about two months now. Anybody else experiencing this? Tell me about it and tell me what you think would help. I’ve tried skateboarding and getting out but it doesn’t cut it. I am 16 years old by the way.
I still fear God is telling me I’m dying. - Anxiety Support
I still fear God is telling me I’m dying.

This is health anxiety. Are you getting any professional help with it? If not I think you need to. God has far too many things to think about and do so he isn't sending you any signs that you dying, so chill.
God loves us more than we can possibly imagine, I don't see why he would do anything to encourage fear.
The Bible warns us to avoid divination (Deuteronomy 18:10) probably because of the risk of being misled. Based on that, I would say that you're unlikely to find out anything useful by looking for the number six, or by any other numerology. God doesn't work like that.
Many people do have experiences of God, but they are always uplifting and positive, and of course they don't rely on anything like divination which the Bible warns against. If you like I will pray for you to have an experience like this, where you will know that God is by your side supporting you.
Hello, I appreciate it a lot! I have a question though. So, this morning, I had a dream that I had passed and woke up in heaven. So the way I can describe the scenery is cartoony. There were three doors, one is heaven, one was be a ghost on earth, and the last was hell. I went to the heaven portion and god was a cartoony figure that had a grey beard and was in a purple robe. The whole dream, I felt uncomfortable. Do you think this is meant to be a sign or only something I dreamt about as I worry about it often?
Dreams are manifestations of our subconscious and our subconscious mind is just like a big memory bank that stores our memories, our beliefs and also our experiences in life.
You are witnessing (the things you view online for example), hearing (things told to you by your parents, teachers and others) and perhaps smell and touch are added into your life’s experiences, thoughts, etc.
It seems you are looking for signs, I’m not sure why or what signs you are looking for.
You are way too young to be experiencing fear. How is it that you’ve come to think God and fear and control is how you should be living?
Yourre so young, your brain is many years from full development, I hate your are not you living in the moment, enjoying the fruits of your youth, you shouldn’t be restrained by so much you described. Anxiety of this type needs coping strategies and ways to combat ruminating, intrusive thoughts such as what you are having. Meds can help, but combination of medication and non medicated therapy I think will be very useful. Best of luck.
I think most dreams are just dreams. For a while I kept a dream journal out of curiosity, and I dreamt about some really strange things. If they were supposed to be signs about something, I've no idea what!
As I said I think something sent by God would make you feel happy rather than uncomfortable or worried. It sounds as though the dream wasn't just about dying, but also about whether you would go to Heaven. Is that something that bothers you?
Ugh, you are way too young to be worried about what a 'god' may or may not be telling you. You will get a lot of different answers, and probably not too many will agree with me, but there is most likely no gods, no devils, no demons, no angels, no signs or anything else 'supernatural'. There is zero evidence for any of it other than stories and superstitions. It pisses me off that kids are taught this stuff (including myself) from the time they are young as just the thought of it can cause fear and anxiety.
All of that to say, it's all in your head (which is ok, but it's good to be aware).
Hey I experience something similar. As if I don’t do something or do something I will die. Like I have a retainer I’m supposed to wear and avoided wearing it for months cause I thought I’d die if I did? Honestly typing it out makes me feel a bit crazy haha but so many people experience similar things. I’ve suffered health anxiety for years. There are times when it’s better and times when it’s worse. Talk yourself through it, focus on sensations in your body. Are you feeling any pain of anything that should worry you? If so How severe ect? Hopefully that should help. You’re young, you’re healthy, you will be ok😊
Thank you so much! Are you better now?
Like I said, times it’s better, times it’s worse!! You’re not crazy. Anxiety can play such weird tricks on your body and your mind. I used to think I was losing my mind and now when These thoughts come into my head I just try talk myself out of them. If you ever need someone to speak to (especially as I can relate) feel free to give me a message
I would try to get off the paxil
.that may not be helping you. Maybe alering your thinking .just my opinion.
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I was on the thyroid forum searching for info on heart palpitations and came across your post.
Sometimes dreams can mean something but can't usually be taken for face value (my opinion anyway based on historical events of peoples dreams).
It seems like your are a believer of god, pray to god sincerely and ask for relief for your problems, ask for protection against anything that wants to harm you before you sleep, can't hurt right ?
I'm a believer in natural remedies, i think people take should try natural remedies before taking drugs that have sideffects, it seems doctors these days hand out drugs like sweets.
Try changing up your diet, introducing healthy foods and some supplements that help anxiety. In the winter just about everybody should be taking vitamin d supplements as most are deficient in the u.k.
If you have sleeping issues - Magnesium helps you sleep, i take it every night due to RLS but its generally relaxing and i read it can help anxiety.
For those who don't believe in god - search on youtube 'Muhammad ali glass of water' and you'll see a brilliant logical explanation on why u should believe God exists.
Hope your doing better.