Hi , does any one else get what feels like an adrenaline rush up through their stomach into the head? I get this most mornings as soon as I wake up ,which is pretty early. Then when I do get up I feel out of it? Thanks
Adrenaline rush?: Hi , does any one else get... - Anxiety Support
Adrenaline rush?

You know kato, I do feel this adrenaline rush every morning upon waking up. It starts in my stomach. Even having it everyday doesn't make it any easier. I'm scared to death as if it were the first time. Afraid of getting up because of that "out of it" feeling
which lasts for a while. Only after dinner do I enjoy the feeling of calm for a few hours.
The feeling of peace comes over me as well as tiredness. If only I could feel like that
throughout the day.
I've been getting this feeling too for the past few weeks. Been under a bit of stress recently so was thinking that was the cause. The stress is over now but still getting that awful feeling every morning. The instant I open my eyes that rush starts in my stomach, it slowly fades only for it to come rushing back a few seconds later. Its pretty intense and frightening when it happens.
Yes it's a horrible feeling happens when I wake up so I get up and try and concentrate on something else .its like my stomachs churning.
To Kato, Agora, mazzy and Beryl - sounds like it's something to do with your Endocrine/digestive system, both are probably working hard during your sleeping hours, especially if your biggest meal of the day is in the evening and/or you don't stop for breakfast in the morning!
The body and brain need nourishing in smaller quantities, with better nutrients from your food spread over the whole day. Have any of you ever had a blood test done for Vitamin B12, Ferritib and Folate, if not get these checked out.
I have a thyroid condition and have learnt a lot from Thyroid Uk, as well as my own research, so I'm not medically qualified in any way. If you have the blood tests, make sure you are given a written copy, and check the result against the 'normal' values.,about center would be correct,,if they are not start checking out things again - also are you currently taking or on other prescribed or OTC meds? Too many meds can do nasty things to the liver, especially if your endocrine system is not working properly!
Check out meds on drugs.com and results using Labtestsonline.
Thankyou for your reply. I have had my thyroid tested and that was fine. Its as soon as I wake up ,feels like my skin is burning and surges all through me. Its just horrid
Thanks Kato, then I have no particularly useful ideas on that front so just looked on Wikipedia and found an article on MD-health.com ...home...dermatology......skin burning sensations. It seems to be linked mainly to Diabetes! Are you diabetic? The rushing feeling could be connected to sugar intake.
I am not diabetic, but do have thyroid condition.,I used to get lightheaded sensations when shopping in a brightly lit supermarket,,all stopped by eating a couple of mouthfuls of either carbohydrate, bread, cake, or a sweet!
So check out Wiki just by typing burning sensations into their search box. Hope it helps you and others, who I think also said it was as they got up in the mornings!
I know this thread is two years old but I'm hoping that you read this. Did you ever get an answer to your adrenaline rushes? I had exactly the same thing as you, only I've been suffering from this for the past 6 months. please email me at mom4sale@cox.net (yes thats my real email) Thank you.