Hello everyone
I have been having some weird and distressing symptoms for the past few months that have been making it difficult for me to function.
It all started with heart palpations that would happen all day and night, I would get them right before falling asleep which would jolt me awake, I also get what feels like adrenaline surging in my chest which again will prevent me from sleeping, it comes in waves.
I am now scared of going to bed as I lay awake all night feeling short of breath and like I cant breathe properly. right as I'm about to fall asleep I feel as if I cant breathe and I am gasping for breath this happens all night until I eventually fall asleep.
I have been to multiple drs, cardiologist, had and echo, holter monitor multiple bloods and everything came back normal.
I am still convinced there is something wrong with me as I only have anxiety because of these symptoms, not anxiety causing these symptoms.
Has anyone else experienced this obsession with breathing? I feel I will never go back to normal. i just want to be normal and beathe normal and not have these surges of panic through my body I constantly cry because I feel so exhausted.
Please help