I've looked up these sensations before, and the only thing Doctor Google comes up with is restless leg syndrome, but that's not what it is. I get these sensations in my legs, like when you're sitting on a lounge floating chair in the pool and the leg portion is slightly deflated so your legs sorta bob slightly unevenly with the water; and the sensations themselves come in 'waves' maybe once a minute or so. When I move then does the sensation go away? Yeah. When I pull my legs up so my feet are on my bed and my knees are bent does that help? yeah- but it's uncomfortable to fall asleep like that. But the difference between the sensations and RLS is that mine only happens once or twice a month, if even.
Has anyone had this feeling just as they're dozing off?
If it helps to note: I'm not on any medication, or drugs, I don't smoke or drink alcohol nor do I drink soda, but I do have severe anxiety.