So it's been a while since my last post but lately I have been experiencing loads of lightheadedness accompanied by this weird feeling in my head like something very bad is going to happen to me along with this blocked ear feeling like there is something in my ear even though there isn't. It's hard to explain with a feeling of pressure on my head like I'm wearing a tight hat. Ok I probably sound crazy but it's the only way I can evoking the feeling at this moment. Has anyone had anything similar? I'm going for an MRI on the weekend and hope to get some results.
Weird feeling in my head and blocked feeli... - Anxiety Support
Weird feeling in my head and blocked feeling in my ears?

This could be a type of panic attack, my dad suffers from a very dizzy feeling when he is anxious, whereas I feel it in my stomach and chest. Everyone feels anxiety differently so this could be that. Hopefully you will feel more reassured when you have had a scan x
Hi , I get the same symptoms, like something is in my ear... for me its anxiety and so far my anti depressant isnt geting rid of it... I am also on pregablin which really helps...
Im experiencing head issues at this point the feeling of a tight band around your head it just feels so off fuzziness and fullness its anxiety it can bring on so much weird sensations.
Did you ever find out? I have this
How r u feeling now...I too have the same symptoms as urs. .pressure in ears...n a weird feeling of heaviness in head...hope it's jst anxiety