I get pretty much all the symptoms of anxiety however these sensations are so strange, its like a tingly crawling sensation in my legs only, i get twitching in my legs aswell it really is a pesky symptom also it seems to tingle more when i sit on the toilet seat. I know that does sound odd but whats not odd when it comes to anxiety! Does anyone else have this and worse so when pressure is applied?
Pins and needles and twitching legs.. - Anxiety Support
Pins and needles and twitching legs..

I get tingling and crawling sensations at times too. It’s a common anxiety symptom. When you have anxiety the brain can send out false signals so you feel symptoms even though there is no underlying physiological reason for this to happen. When your anxiety improves it will go away. I know it’s unsettling but it’s not dangerous. It’s best not to react to the symptoms because this just makes you more anxious which can prolong the time it takes for the symptom to go away.
Thank you for your reply. I really havent been feeling so anxious lately ive been trying so much to overcome these sensations but they plague me and dont stop even when im feeling like im having a good day theyre all still there. What does it take to make it all stop im saying to my self now im bored of feeling this way the symptoma dont even scare me anymore because its went on for months.. at first i was terrified i thought i had ms or something seriously wrong with me turns out my 2 mri scans were FINE! im worn out today x
I know how you feel. The truth is that anxiety causes these sensations. Even if you don’t always feel anxious the body has become hyper stimulated and automatically causes sensations. It takes time for the body to be convinced that there is nothing to fear. Miniwheats is right. The way to eliminate the symptoms is to not react to them. Just tell yourself it’s just your anxiety and nothing to fear. In time the symptoms will diminish and disappear. It can take time so remain patient. The more you worry the longer the symptoms will persist. You already know there is nothing physically wrong. So just do your best not to react. I know it’s not easy but the more you practice the easier it gets.
Yup. Had them and finally went away once I started to ignore them. Just don't give them any attention and they'll disappear.
Its absoloutly horrible. What other symptoms did you have if u dont mind me asking x
Body jerks...those were super scary. Shakiness when bending over. Crawling sensation on my forehead. Bouncing feeling whenever I walked. Ugh it was horrible....so glad I'm out of that downward spiral. You can get out of it too just don't give them any attention whatsoever. Forget it. Just live your life and do/think about whatever you would normally be doing/thinking about if you didn't have these symptoms. Focus outward and forget about your noisey inside ☺️
I must tell you though that I got a clean bill of health after a royal workup. Have you done your due diligence in seeing a doctor and then a second doctor for a second opinion? You must do that first otherwise you will be in constant doubt.
Ive honestly seen my gp probably around 30 times this year regarding all of this.. the bouncy feeling when walking was one of my first symptoms makkng me feel off balance, i also get and started off getting short of breath, visiual disturbances which im still having now and then. So ive seen my gp like i said and he reffered me to an ent specialist who then tests evrrything for my balance system and even got me an mri scan on my inner ear everything as you know it was fine which was hard to beleive.. then i kept on getting these symptoms .. ivr had my full blood count done like 5 times this year never anything wrong at all. So he then sent me to get an brain mri scan which i really thought waa going to come back with ms or a brain tumer of wot have u but again NORMAL! then i felt so poorly one day so light sensitive cuddnt get my breath i got kept in hospital where they done a brain ct scan! normal and a chest x ray! All normal. Optician appointment NORMAL! yet im left like this at a loose end. I need to stop googling. I will have a good day and feel pretty much normal which can i admit isnt often at all but the following days after are horrendous it gets me back for feeling good for a while. The good feeling is great when it comes but its stole away so quickly again x
I also had dizziness, visual disturbances, SOB, and I had panic attacks too. Went to all the same docs you mentioned with the addition of physiatrist (a colleague at work) and neurologist. Tests above and beyond what you mentioned were sleep study, lung function test, and Holter monitor plus ultrasound for heart. All pretty much normal other than some mild sleep apnea and benign heart palpitations I've had for for years which didn't explain the symptoms I was having. The pinnacle of my fear was I thought I had early stages of MS(to which physiatrist replied "no freaking way") and Parkinson's which my GP said "You don't have Parkinson's!! It's anxiety! I can see it!" Neurologist thought maybe I have mild essential tremor to explain my shakiness and that it becomes more pronounced with anxiety. Have you read any self help books on CBT? Are you aware of how the autonomic nervous system and HPA axis are involved in anxiety and physical symptoms? If not, you have to do some reading to understand all of this and give you peace of mind. Docs don't have time to explain all this which is why we're left feeling doubtful of their diagnosis of anxiety. Google "Anxiety BC" for a start, and then try to get your hands on Stress Proof by Mithu Storoni or Overcoming Anxiety (can't remember the author). "Fear Cure" by Rankin is another great read...you only need the first few chapters. You can overcome this trust me. You don't have MS. You have anxiety that is producing the very symptoms you are most terrified of. Oh, also give "Nothingworks.weebly.com" a read.
Another way to think of anxiety is that it's the exact opposite of the placebo effect. Placebo effect is your mind curing your illness and anxiety is your mind causing your illness.
I have a neurologist that I see and have had an mri done two years ago for my fears of brain tumor and ms. I started working out recently after not doing it for years and noticed pins and needles in my hands and feet and called my GP and she had me come in examined me and told me she thinks it’s from working out and I asked her if she thought it may be MS she said no. I can’t stop thinking about MS. I went to see my neurologist weeks back because I felt like I had a weird twitch sensation in my head he says it’s all anxiety I second guessed him and said how do you know he said he sees MS and has been practicing for 25 years but I am so worried about MS again
I have the tingling, crawling, itching sensations and first noticed them when I attempted to quit taking klonopin (a benzo). I've since tapered off of it and two other meds and have been med free for three months and still have it. I'm also hypothyroid which can also cause it. I'm changing my thyroid med and hoping that it reduces or eliminates the tingling, etc.. I also have minimum anxiety in my life right now. So your symptoms could be due to something else like thyroid, adrenal fatigue or diabetes.
How often do you get this ive been getting strange sensations in my legs like there waking up after being dead n my left foot keeps feeling weird its freaking me out 😫
It was only every other day before but now its becoming a regular every day thing for me. Some days a lot worse than other though. Its scary but i really do think its anxiety as ive done my research x
Yh its becoming more and more now i shouldnt of googled it because its scared me even more now how exactly does yours feel isit like a tickling sensation inside your legs
Its hard to describe it sometimes changes.. ive had like a feeling tht things are crawling on my legs. Then it can feel tingly, prickly, twitchy, pins and needles. Im sick of it. Do you get any othet symptoms other than this?
Yh i get the fast heart beat burning face but i realy don5 think this thing with my legs is anxiety my foot feel wierd aswell but the problem is because i have such bad health anxiety im so scared to go to the doctors because i know there going to tell me its something bad and i just wont be able to cope ill be completely freaking out the fear of going is to overwhelming for me
Yes, I get this too. Whether the toilet seat, chair at work, even in bed sometimes. It’s just the mixed nervous signals caused by anxiety.

You know even if i dont feel anxious about things all of these symptoms are still there? i feel so tired its one symptom after another on seperate days. I have an off balance sensation 24/7. Its awful.
Thank you for your reply x
I totally understand. My anxiety has been sky high lately and I feel the exact same way you do. Off balance, tingles, twitches, tired...I hate it.
Hi, I hope you have been feeling better recently. I have been having similar symptoms with numbness and pins and needles in my hands, visual problems, etc. I have always had pretty bad anxiety and of course it got worse when these symptoms started because I was thinking that they could be something terrible. I had some blood tests done initially and it came back that I was vitamin d deficient. Vitamin d deficiency can cause tingling, numbness, aching, cognitive disturbances and more. A lot of people are deficient and it’s a good thing to get checked if you are having any odd sensations. It could be a deficiency causing symptoms which then makes you feel anxious, and can cause more symptoms.
Hey, sometimes you don’t always feel actually anxious but your body still feels the physical symptoms and then you start to believe something is wrong. The pins and needles is so horrible and something I’ve had loads of, it’s feels like prickly heat.