I am Joshua Fletcher owner of the Anxiety counselling practice The Panic Room and have recently joined Health Unlocked. I will be posting anxiety, panic disorder and mental health tips and information from here on in!
Hello from The Panic Room: I am Joshua... - Anxiety Support
Hello from The Panic Room
Oh thank god please will you help me I'm desperate I just can't handle this anxiety any more the feelings are to strong I'm struggling to get through the hour, how am I going to get throughl life IIm TERRIFED PLEASE. HELP ME
Our book, Anxiety: Panicking About Panic may be able to help you with some self help information. The ebook version is free on our website.
Then first thing we can recommend though is to not be terrified you aren't the only one to be in this position, you can also find real life stories on our website of people that have come through anxiety.
I wish you could help me while I'm waiting counciling. I hv terrible sensations. Of not being able to breath and feeling of chocking. On phlegm
I have asked for confirmation on the above contributor Panic Room from Anxiety Support
Hello Bob
I have actually pressed " Report "
This seems totally against HU guidelines as there is a profit to be made as well
This is a quote that the Community Moderator has put on another community I feel it may be relevant to these kinds of posts but could be wrong x
Sometimes genuine users start repeatedly sharing external and don't realise they are actually spamming the community.
As a rule of thumb it is spam if more than 1 out of every 10 contributions (post or comments) contain a specific link.
Content (post or comments) will be edited/removed to protect the community and users that insist on spamming will be restricted or banned.
How to avoid that? Vary your reading sources, try sharing the knowledge with your own words and/or include non-hyperlinked references.
How to report? support.healthunlocked.com/...
Last edited by CommunityModerator
Hi Joshua, what a brilliant idea I for one will be most grateful of any advice information on (server) anxiety which I have started suffering with since January this year, it wakes me up of a morning ( I'm terrified, heart racing, etc ) I wonder would you have any idea ? I have been total off depakote tablets for 3/4 weeks now, I weaned myself off 500mg ( doctor was aware and advice me how to do it ) but I feel the anxiety has come back really badly again and can this be with withdrawing from depakote and will the Anxitey pass once depakote is completely out my system ????? Please send me any information at all I would be really very grateful, hope you don't mind me asking
Unfortunately it seems that the Health Unlocked team don't want us to share anything with you to help. Our book is free and all of our self help tips and articles are free but for some reason that goes against guidelines so we won't be sharing them on here with you. We had planned to share relevant articles and stories with people questions to make them aware that help is readily available, yet again for free.
As for profit to be made, we actually don't make any profit, money taken from private one to one sessions is used to cover expenses only and as expenses become lower so does the price.
We have asked for our account to be deleted by Health Unlocked.
You can delete your own account
All you do is go to your user name press on that it takes you to the options and you will see Account
Press on that and scroll to the bottom & it will ask you if you would like to delete your account and if you wish to delete your account then press that option and your account will be removed

Joshua of o give you my email address would you be able to send me it then please I really am interested. ????
I recently haven't been sleeping well i been feeling weak n feel muscle weakness as well. I have been getting anxiety n panic attacks. I start to feel My face hot heavy n fast breathing. I feel my heart racing I start to feel like I'm hona pass out or die. Really scared please help what can I do