Does this happen to anyone else does this mean my anxiety and Dr could be from hormone imbalance
When my monthly comes my Derealization and... - Anxiety Support
When my monthly comes my Derealization and anxiety gets worse.

Are you okay? Sorry I'm just making sure I don't know anything about it other than being a girl seems to make things 10 times worse.
Mine has been bad this week and I've got mother nature's gift this week as well. It seems to pop up more around this time of month and maybe it's because we feel our bodies changing things up like they naturally do and we over think those feelings hope you feel better, write if you need
Yeah it does. Idk why. Always near that time it gets worse. I just pass it out. I hope you're okay
In women who do not have anxiety suffer from mood changes etc around that time so for us with mood problems already it's bound to get worse I do think it would be a hormone imbalance but there are a lot of supplements tha help with PMS symptoms. Read up on PMS you will see that symptoms are normal.
My anxiety and physical symptoms sky rocket for 10 days before and every month I freak out about it. Mine has just finished a few days ago and I'm feeling great so this should tell me it's just pms but I still freak out every time.
I have lived this cycle for 20 yrs or more. I know without a doubt it's connected to my menstrual cycle, and yes 10 to 14 days prior to cycle. I try to focus on what will help to minimize anxiety. such as adequate sleep and rest, manage stress as much as possible let, avoid sugar and processed foods,
Thank you guys all for replying !
My anxiety really flares up when its time of the month. I think its because I have health anxiety so am really intune with my body too. Every cramp, twinge and pain sends me into panic overdrive that its something seriously wrong
I don't like taking medication so apart from pain killers I do a lot of deep breathing when having a panic attack
Yes! I have this problem as well. I have PCOS so my periods are very irregular. I usually only have about 4 a year. But when I do my anxiety is through the roof. Its so bad I can barely function. I have always suffered from anxiety but hormones seem to make it much worse.
Yes mine just finished Friday and a week before and the 5 days of it my anxiety was very very high I can either be severely anxious or severely depressed or I either cant control my anger it varies each month I'm already dreading next month i feel alot better now it's gone 8 can my anxiety way better but it's like I loose control when it's here